History on the Internet

Please click on the menu to the left to go to a specific historical era.

History’s Important People
Listings of the many excellent biography pages about important individuals throughout history, sorted chronologically by historical era, and alphabetically by name.

“History Of ...” Sites
Listings of many excellent “History Of ...” sites, such as the History of Cartography, Mathematics, Timekeeping, and many others.

History Site Indexes
There are thousands of history sites on the internet. If you can’t find what you need in the hundreds listed at History on the Internet, then these mega-site indexes can point you in the right direction.

Our Favorites
The ones we keep coming back to over and over again, always finding something new and interesting.

Suggest a Site
We gratefully and humbly appreciate your suggestions and comments.

Philosophy of History
This exceptional site, from the electronic journal The Proceedings of the Friesian School, is loaded with meaty, in-depth history essays and detailed, annotated timelines wandering all over the map of history.

Past Featured Sites
The featured site changes every few months, with the exceptional sites we’ve featured in the past archived here.

All Through the Ages
History through Literature teaching guide by the folks that brought you History on the Internet.

Classical Christian Homeschooling
We are a homeschooling family, and this is our homeschooling page.

1000 Good Books
Truly worthy literature, both classic and modern, divided into reading levels for preschoolers through adults.

History on the Internet / Christine Miller / Last revised May 1999
Copyright © 1999