History on the Internet

Biblical Archaeology
From the Mining Co.’s Israeli Culture page, this site is continually updated regarding the ongoing discoveries in biblical archaeology. Other helpful Biblical Archaeology sites include:
Archaeology of the Bible
Biblical Archaeology Review
Foundation for Biblical

Jerusalem Christian Review

Egypt and Canaan in Ancient Times
A university course site with an excellent series of pages for adults interested in the history of ancient Canaan and its ongoing archaeology.

Internet Jewish History Sourcebook
A companion to the Ancient and Medieval History Sourcebooks, using the same format of providing links and text on the internet to primary source documents, logically arranged around the history of the culture under study.

Jerusalem: Three Religions, One Holy City
A History Channel online exhibit, with maps of Jerusalem in several periods throughout the city’s history, a timeline of events from David’s reign to the present day, short biographies of important persons from King David through Itzhak Rabin (those believing in the inerrancy of the gospels will want to take certain statements in the biography of Jesus Christ with a grain of salt), and an archive of photos of Jerusalem’s beautiful monuments.

Pharoahs & Kings: A Biblical Quest
by David Rohl, who has "proposed a new chronology for ancient Egypt which gave the world a completely fresh understanding of biblical history. His fascinating journey back through time provided the first archaeological confirmation for many of the great events and personalities in the Old Testament." Read the book the British Museum banned and decide for yourself.

Scrolls From the Dead Sea
A Library of Congress online exhibit of images of 12 scroll fragments and 29 other Qumran objects loaned to the Library by the Israel Antiquities Authority, with accompanying text.

Tour of Jewish & World History
“A bold presentation of Jewish and world history, and of Judaism, as portrayed by traditional/Kabalistic Jewish sources.” Includes stories from biblical and extra-canonical sources, organized in timeline sequence.

Virtual Tour of Jerusalem
Take a tour of modern Jerusalem with these beautiful photographs of Jerusalem’s holy sites and city landmarks. An excellent site by Hebrew University.

World Cultures: the Hebrews
Fairly comprehensive coverage of the history, culture, religion, and law of the Hebrews up to the Diaspora, with additional internet links. A secular university site, but one that seems to appreciate the gift God has given Western Civilization through His chosen people.

Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The MFA for the State of Israel maintains multiple helpful resources:
History of Israel from the Patriarchs to the state’s recent 50th anniversary cele- bration;
Internet Exhibits on such topics as Archaeology from the Air, Jerusalem in Old Maps and Views, Biblical Jerusalem, Israel's Archaeological Treasures, and many more.

New Jerusalem Mosaic
“You are about to embark on a different kind of journey to one of the most fascinating cities in the world. You can find here a summary of the history of the city, tour its most remarkable sites, and get acquainted with its most prominent characters. Explore the way people used to dress, obtain their scarce drinking-water, and if you get hungry as you go along, have a taste of the local dishes in the various periods. You may even try one of the recipes yourself!”

Art & Architecture in Ancient Palestine
A university site with nicely annotated links to other sites, such as the Israel Museum of Jerusalem, for further study of the art of ancient Palestine.

Israel Museum, Jerusalem
This world-reknowned art museum contains archaeological discoveries from prehistory through the Greek, Roman, and Byzantine eras, and many other fascinating exhibits.

The sites on the left are pages with excellent historical content. The sites below are links pages, specifically chosen for the quality of pointers to other sites for further research.

Ancient Palestine & the Old Testament
Nicely annotated links to other sites in the subjects of: archaeology, art & architecture, history, Judaism, and the Old Testament. This is a secular university site.

Middle East Network Information Center
A comprehensive resource for the study of the Middle East. Search for links by country such as Israel, or by topic such as history or the arts.

Trip Back in Time: Ancient Syria, Ugarit, & the Middle East
This page has several helpful links for understanding the Canaanites that the Israelites displaced:
Canaanites & the Justice of God
Ugarit & the Bible
Canaanite/Ugaritic Mythology FAQ

World History Compass: History of Israel
Not an annotated list of links, but very comprehensive.

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We gratefully and humbly appreciate your suggestions and comments.

History on the Internet / Christine Miller / Last revised May 1999
Copyright © 1999