George W. Bush on Homeschooling
This is the text of a letter written by George W. Bush to a Florida homeschooling mom, who forwarded it to a friend, who forwarded it to a friend, who forwarded it to me. The Texas Home School Coalition has the letter on file, if you would like confirmation.
“Dear Cheryl,
“Thank you for your letter about home schooling. I value your perspective. Educating our children is the most important thing we, as a nation, will ever do, and we must get it right. We will never be the nation we should be until every child is educated, and no child is left behind. And that is why, as Governor of Texas, I have fought for and won bold education reforms that have restored local control of schools to parents and educators; implemented a back-to-basics curriculum that emphasizes phonics; ended automatic social promotion; and increased funding for early reading programs.
“Education, in every form, must be concerned primarily about results. Home-schooling has shown those results. Research shows that children taught at home consistently score higher on national standardized tests of reading, math and language skills.
“In Texas, we view home schooling as something to be respected and protected - respected for the energy and commitment of parents; protected from the interference of government. Texas does not index or monitor home school programs. We encourage parents who choose to home school, and, each year I urge my fellow Texans to recognize the dedication of home-school parents and the hard work of their children by declaring “Home Education Week.”
“If I am fortunate to be elected President, I will fight for parents everywhere to have more choice and to be able to play a larger role in the education of their children. I have proposed expanding education savings accounts so parents who choose to teach their children at home will have more resources to do so. Specifically, my proposal will increase to $5000 the amount parents can save tax-free each year to cover educational expenses for their children. I have also proposed doubling the child tax credit to $1000 per child annually to provide additional resources for parents and their children.
“Although some have called home-schooling a “non-traditional” approach to education, the idea goes way back - and is mentioned in the Book of Proverbs: “Hear, my son, your father’s instruction. And do not forsake your mother’s teaching.” That's about as traditional as it gets. As President, I will work to protect and preserve this noble tradition in America.
“As the campaign moves forward, your thoughts and ideas are always welcome. I appreciate your taking the time to write.
George W. Bush”