Why Americans Should Vote
for George W. Bush, II
Youre an Idiot, Al Gore
If George W. Bush is a lightweight, Al Gore is a deep lightweight: deep on the surface, profoundly shallow down below. . . . He is the kind of intellect that parrots whatever cyber-sophistry is dressed up in the livery of au courant sophistication by phony futurists, M.I.T.-media-lab-type gurus, Tom Peters-type management theory shills and snake-oil Internet visionaries. . . . Al Gore gives intelligence a bad name.Gore Relatives Back Bush
Clinton so badly wants to be remembered as one of the best, but he cheated and lied and Gore is already stretching the truth and taking credit where he doesnt deserve it, Robert (Gore, cousin of the Vice President) said. Hes duping people. Is this the kind of person to emulate, to be the leader of the free world? No, Robert said. Hes for George W. because he hasnt been in politics all his born life.The Gore Files: Anything to Get Elected
The Gore Files is sponsored by the Republican National Committee. Its a loooong list of the Vice Presidents exaggerations, flip-flops on issues, and failed leadership snippets over the past eight years. Hes been in politics for 24 years, and the cumulative effect of all the questionable sayings and doings of the Democratic candidate for president is overwhelming.Gore Will Say Anything
This fascinating site gives the background, the investigative news, the official agency reports on the promises Gore has made this fall in his campaign. When the Vice President promised free prescription drugs for all seniors under his plan, was he telling the truth? Well, not exactly ... What about tax cuts for the middle class? Well, not exactly ... How about his smaller government proposals? You get the idea. Be sure to check into The Gore Lies while here. The quote from Thomas Jefferson on lying alone is worth the trip.The Gore Lies
Going all the way back to 1984, with the most recent whoppers listed first. This file, maintained by the National Review, includes the exact quote from either Gores campaign speeches, press interviews, or debate responses, followed by the documentation from published sources that illuminate the truth. When taken all together, it begs the question: Is Gore a pathological liar? So many of them are so easily checked and verified that there seems to be no logical explanation for them at all.Al Can Lie, But Can He Lead?
If Al was a leader, he would have resigned as vice president when Bill Clinton told us that he had lied about his adulterous affair with Monica. If Al was smart, he would have never claimed that Bill was the greatest president in the history of America. Al is not a leader. He is a political groupie.40 Reasons to Say No to Gore
Gosh, and the homeschooling issue didnt even make the top forty. Every event that did is documented by the published writings or sayings of Gore himself or of fellow liberals.CIA Official: Gore Compromised by Secret Past
Sounds like a tabloid headline. But the authors of this breaking report are the former and current producer of 20/20 and 60 Minutes, and an award-winning journalist of the Tennessee Press Association. If you need another reason to do everything you can to make sure that Al Gore never makes it to the presidency of the United States, this shocking report will provide it.Experts: Russia Can Blackmail Gore
The Vice President owes his personal fortune to a fully recruited Soviet agent. The next chapter in the unfolding and shocking secret past of the Gore family and Al Gores concessions to the Russian government while a senator and Vice President, and vulnerability to an increasingly hard-line Soviet government in the future.Gores Deep China Ties
The above newspaper story broke the facts of Gores ties to a communist Russia regime, and his questionable relationship with Russia has come under the scrutiny of the Senate lately. The same thread that connects him with communist Russia also connects him with communist China, as it turns out upon further digging.Gore Book Author Withdraws Support
A former FBI agent who specialized in Tennessee political corruption and wrote one of the earliest and most positive biographies of Vice President Al Gore has taken out ads in the Nashville Tennessean newspaper publicly withdrawing his support from Gore. I no longer admire the VP, no longer trust his character or integrity. Al, I mistook your ambition for leadership. Your struggle with the truth is depressing.The Communist Party USA
The Communist Party USA endorses Al Gore for president: The Republican convention charade of inclusion and racist demagogy was a deep insult. The Republican program of militarism, privatization and further concentration of wealth in the hands of a few is a threat ... The working class is in motion. A victory by George W. Bush and Dick Cheney will set back that motion. A victory by the Democrats in the race for the presidency, the House and the Senate will allow the space to move to new heights of struggle and new forms of political independence. Scary.Rolling Stone
Just scroll down the home page of this magazines website to see why an endorsement of Gore by these people means we need Bush in the White House.San Francisco Chronicle
He appeals to the best of American values in advocating basic civil rights for gays and lesbians and affirmative-action programs that help provide economic opportunity for women and minorities. ... Gore also insists, rightly and unequivocally, that an abortion decision belongs to a woman and her doctor -- not the government.Planned Parenthood
Planned Parenthood is hysterical about the prospect of a Bush presidency.The Washington Post
The Washington Post endorsement of Al Gore is apologetic, and almost reads like a Bush campaign ad. On education, Mr. Gores thralldom to the teachers unions strikes us as an impediment to innovative thinking. Mr. Bush is at least willing to tolerate new ideas ... We are by no means blind to the risks of a Gore presidency. His political clumsiness and know-it-all manner raise questions about his ability to inspire the country and work with Congress. And it gets worse. Remember, this is the Posts endorsement of the Vice President. The Washington Times didnt have to go through such contortions to endorse George W. Bush.Party of Fear, Politics of Hate
Beyond this problem lies a much larger one. Hate crimes, in fact, are thought crimes, and thought crimes are the defining transgressions of anti-democratic, totalitarian regimes. The very essence of a totalitarian regime is, in some sense, its determination to punish the thought crimes of those who disagree with its rule. For much of the left, this may not be a problem. After all, during the Cold War, many who now call themselves liberal were able to view the democratic West and the totalitarian East as morally equivalent. But for anyone concerned about the future of American democracy, it is a very real concern. It is dangerous to make individual conscience the target of prosecution by the state, however distasteful that conscience may be. The Christian cross or the Jewish star are hateful symbols to some. A gay activist group in Chicago has already protested a proposal to hold the Southern Baptist Convention in that city as a hate crime.