We currently have 25 members on the CE Support Loop. Many of our members have webpages of their own, offering further help to families through various ways and means. We pray that you will be blessed as you peruse these helpful, educational, and encouraging pages.
All Through the Ages
All Through the Ages is a guide for teaching history using literature rather than
textbooks. Using this exhaustive guide to over 3000 of the best in quality living
books and literature, and a library card, a homeschool or other parent or educator
can effectively teach their children both World and American History regardless of their
childrens grades or reading levels.
Classical Christian Homeschooling
This site is dedicated to Classical Educational Theory and its practical application in
grades K-12 for homeschooling families.
Classical Christian Schooling Network
Parents are recognizing that the Classical approach to education represented by the
application of the Trivium and coupled with a fully integrated Biblical worldview is
necessary, and they are working diligently, praying unceasingly, and planning untiringly
for Classical Christian Schools in their own back yards. This site has been created to
assist start-up boards in the task God has called them to and to assist homeschooling
parents in the job God has called them to do.
Cornerstone Home Academy
A select list of links organized into a reference source for internet resources, on
subjects such as Home Education, Classical Education, Charlotte Mason, Reformed Faith, and
H. A. Guerber’s Histories for Children
H. A. Guerber wrote wrote histories for grammar school children in the 19th century. Published in 1896 by the American Book Company, and now reprinted for today’s homeschoolers, ‘Guerber’s Historical Readers’ are engaging narratives which provide richly detailed accounts of the lives and times of the most important people and events of the periods under study, arranged chronologically. They also exceptionally enforce the lessons of perserverance, courage, patriotism, and virtue that are taught by the noble lives described.
History on the Internet
Hundreds of high-quality history links, sorted by era, geographical region, and catagory,
carefully and specifically chosen with homeschoolers, educators, and children in mind.
Leolas Good Books
This page is dedicated to the purchase of good or great books for you or your
children's education. I am currently homeschooling using the Classical method, Charlotte
Mason and Ruth Beechick philosophy. But the main ingredient is good books, not
twaddle, as Charlotte Mason would say. I'm hoping to help some of you build
quality home libraries quite inexpensively. If you are looking for inexpensive or fairly
priced good, great books or classics you've come to the right place.
Nothing New Press
“It is with the conviction that the ancient paths
are of paramount importance to the education of our
children that Nothing New Press was begun. Our books
and curriculum materials emphasize the knowledge of the
history of mankind and Western Civilization, beginning with the
first historical act of import, God’s creation of the universe out
of nothing. A complete understanding of where we have been is
the only adequate preparation for facing the uncertainties of the
future, as we head into the twenty-first century.”
Schola Classical Tutorials
Schola Classical Tutorials offers group tutorials, both over the internet and locally, in
the subjects of a classical liberal arts curriculum: classical languages, the great books
of literature and history, rhetoric, and logic. These are the subjects that teach students
the skills of thinking and learning and that teach them the history of the ideas that have
shaped our culture. These skills, and a knowledge of these ideas, are the foundation for
further study in college and for a life of reading, conversation, raising a family, and
intelligent participation as Christians in our culture.
Seven Pillars Book Service
Offering used books that may not have the outward appearance of beauty yet whose
contents have stood the test of time. These are the classics, books containing ideas that
touch both mind and heart, stir the imagination. Most importantly, following close behind
the Bible, the greatest book of all, they echo life-changing truths of the gospel of Jesus
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Webmaster: Christine Miller
This page last revised January 2003
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