Click here to view “Art and Literature” by William-Adolph Bouguereau

“Art and Literature” by William-Adolph Bouguereau (French 1825-1905). On display at the Arnot Art Museum in Elmira, NY. Courtesy of Carol Gerten’s Fine Art Museum.

About the CE Support Loop

The CE Support Loop was formed in April of 1997 to provide help, fellowship, and support for homeschooling mothers who were seeking to implement Classical Christian Educational theory in their homeschools.

For this reason, the loop seeks to not only be a source of information on Classical Christian Education and homeschooling, but also a place of fellowship where women can discuss issues, and find support, prayer, and encouragement relevant to our roles as Christians, wives, and mothers seeking to obey God in service to our husbands and children, as well as teachers implementing classical theory in our homeschools.

Currently the loop has a membership limit, and is full. However, there are many other classical education loops available to provide support for classical educators which are accepting members.

CE Support Loop Resources

CE Support Loop Setup Information
As a service to other moms educating classically who may want to join a CE Support Loop, this page is the story of our Loop, which includes our experiences in setting up a loop and our guidelines; and a Meeting Place for those desiring to contact other CE Support Loops that are still taking members.

Reading and Literature
Our Loop discussions on Reading and Literature and how we approach these subjects in the various stages; John Senior’s 1000 good books - 100 great books theory; why we include fantasy, fairy tales, and mythology in our children’s literature; why the classics are not too hard for our children; and other issues that we have discussed.

Plundering the Egyptians
This article is by Wes Callihan of Schola Classical Tutorials, whose wife is a loop member. He graciously sent us the text when we asked him why he feels it is important to include secular great books in a classical Christian education.

The 1000 Good Books List
As a loop we came up with a list of 1000 good books following the parameters of John Senior’s theory. We have divided it by reading level, picture books through high school level, and have it posted here.

The 100 Great Books List
We have had so many requests for a list of 100 Great Books to accompany the 1000 Good Books, that we have posted this list. It is incomplete and under construction as we ourselves are still learning to discern between book and book, but includes the books we feel must belong on such a list.

Learning Latin New!
Our experiences and preferences with learning Latin as homeschoolers and non-Latin scholars ourselves. This section includes articles about Latin, reviews of Latin Curriculums that we have used, and an extensive set of links to Latin and Greek language resources. Every page, and all the links in this section have been newly updated (February 2003).

100 Pivotal Events of Western History New!
Memorizing every date encountered in history class is not feasible in the grammar stage. We have narrowed Western History down to its 100 most pivotal dates, which every child should know.

Homeschooling Helps
Out of all the homeschooling books that the mothers on the CE Loop have bought over the years, these are the ones that have stood out; that have most helped in learning and encouragment in homeschooling; in learning and encouragement in classical education; in motivation and inspiration; and provided resources to enable us to do our jobs better.

CE Loop Members' Pages
Many of the CE Loop members have webpages of their own, offering further help to homeschooling families through various ways and means. These links to all our members’ pages will be sure to bless and enlighten you.

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Classical Christian Education Support Loop
Webmaster: Christine Miller
This page last revised February 2003
Copyright © 1998-2003