young earth or old earth?
young earth or old earth: do answers exist?
young earth or old earth: answers do exist
young earth or old earth revealed
young earth or old earth revealed, part two
young earth or old earth: the testimony of theology
young earth or old earth: the testimony of theology, part two
young earth or old earth: theistic evolution
young earth or old earth: the gap theory
young earth or old earth: the gap theory, part two
young earth or old earth: day age theory
Now, we are approaching the question of the age of the earth from theology first, and then we will look at it from science. For both theology and science are truth disciplines, and they should not contradict each other. This principle of non- contradiction is why so many have worked so hard to explain how Scripture is consistent with an old age of the earth; for, they suppose, science has proved age beyond doubt, therefore theology must be made to support science, in order to remain viable as truth.
This reasoning behind the day age theory contains many underlying assumptions, which at first glance might go unnoticed. As these assumptions, although unspoken, have a great deal to do with the outcome of the question, we should know what they are.
1. In equating the truth disciplines of science and theology, the assumption is that they both carry equal weight in the final outcome of what is considered ‘true.’ In fact, science can only comment on the truth of that which can be observed and repeated in the natural world at the present time. Theology conveys those eternal and absolute truths in all spheres, including the natural world, as revealed by God the Creator. They are not equal in weight or authority.
2. The second assumption is that science has proved age beyond doubt. We will discover that there is evidence which contradicts this ‘fact.’ When new evidence contradicts an established fact, that is your first clue that your truth examination is lacking, therefore, your statements based on that examination are lacking.
Continued in young earth or old earth: underlying assumptions, part two