May 26, 2015September 10, 2016literature LITERATURE INDEX What to teach | When to teach | How to teach Bible | Language | History / Western Civilization | Mathematics | […]
May 26, 2015September 11, 2016book reviews, educational philosophy, literature ON GOOD BOOKS: FANTASY AND THE TEST OF TRUE ON GOOD BOOKS 2015 mar 16 ON GOOD BOOKS: WHATSOEVER THINGS ARE TRUE 2015 mar 23 ON GOOD BOOKS: WHATSOEVER THINGS ARE […]
May 20, 2015September 11, 2016literature MYTHOLOGY, FAIRY TALES, & FANTASY Originally posted at the Classical Christian Education Support Loop, January 2003. Christine’s ongoing research into the biblical principles for choosing worthy literature […]
March 31, 2015September 11, 2016educational philosophy, literature ON GOOD BOOKS: WHATSOEVER THINGS ARE TRUE, PART TWO ON GOOD BOOKS 2015 mar 16 ON GOOD BOOKS: WHATSOEVER THINGS ARE TRUE 2015 mar 23 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, […]
March 23, 2015September 11, 2016educational philosophy, literature ON GOOD BOOKS: WHATSOEVER THINGS ARE TRUE ON GOOD BOOKS 2015 mar 16 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things […]
March 16, 2015September 11, 2016educational philosophy, literature ON GOOD BOOKS I have been on a journey of discovery to learn what principles and parameters define a “good” book. Good, as in that […]