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Dialectic Stage Bible: Grades 7-9
Basic Study
Read through the entire Bible in three years (one chapter per day + one Psalm or chapter of Proverbs), and study the truth of the Bible and of Christianity.Extra Study
Besides doing the basic study listed above, those students that are interested in this topic can use the resources listed here to study the truth of the Bible and of Christianity in greater depth.
More Than a Carpenter (first year)
Josh McDowell
Josh McDowell was an agnostic who set out to prove Christianity false and the resurrection of Jesus a myth. 700 hours of research later, he became convinced that Jesus was a historical figure who actually lived, that the only logical alternative to thinking intellectuals is to believe His claim of diety as fact, and whose resurrection from the dead is a historical event provable by historiocal and legal evidence. In More Than a Carpenter, McDowell discusses Jesus unique claim to diety among historical religious leaders and moral teachers, and the trilemma produced by that claim: that He was either lying, crazy, or who He said He was; the difference between scientific evidence and historical-legal evidence; the reliability of the Biblical records; the changed lives of the apostles and the evidence their lives and martyrdoms adds to the authencity of Jesus, His claims, and His resurrection; the authencity of the resurrection and its implications for Christianity (The resurrection takes the question, Is Christianity valid? out of the realm of philosophy and makes it a question of history.); the fulfillment of prophecy in Jesus life; and the necessity of Jesus being the only way to God the Father.
Many Infallible Proofs (second year)
Henry Morris
Dr. Morris writes, The purpose of this book is to survey in systematic and comprehensive fashion the many infallible proofs of the unique truth and authority of biblical Christianity, together with a refutation of its alleged fallacies and a reconciliation of its alleged discrepancies. It will be seen that, not only is there no mistake or contradiction in the Bible, but also there are innumerable evidences of its divine inspiration and authority. Not only are there no legitimate objections to a true Christian theology, but rather there are overwhelming evidences that Christianity is uniquely and completely true. As a matter of fact, the entire subject of evidences is almost exclusively the domain of Christian evidences. Other religions depend on subjective experience and blind faith, tradition and opinion. Christianity stands or falls upon the objective reality of gigantic supernatural events in history and the evidences that they really happened. This fact in itself is an evidence of its truth. This meaty book deserves a thorough parent-child joint exploration in the dialectic stage to address personal questions as to the veracity of God, the Bible, and Christianity. The books focus is evidence for the Christian faith, as the subtitle suggests, and not how to present that evidence to skeptics.
Mere Christianity (third year)
C. S. Lewis
C. S. Lewis classic work needs to be thoughtfully chewed and digested, and read more than once. He uses impeccable logic, and so his book is a solid example of intellect and logic applied to Christianity. His arguments go beyond many common arguments, and we end up with atheism and Jesus was just a good moral teacher being called boys philosophies, not fit for thinking men, and being convinced of the truth of that statement. Lewis discusses the universal human concept of right and wrong and what that says about the meaning of the universe, what Christians believe (what he calls mere Christianity), centering on the nature of God, the nature of evil, the incarnation of God in Jesus Christ, what is meant by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and why it is central to Christianity, and the nature of a Christians new life in Christ; Christian behavior, as in Christian morality and virtues, and Christian immorality and vices. That is not to say, what Christians do that is good or bad, but what Christianity teaches about what is good and bad that men do; and lastly, the doctrine of the Trinity.
The God Who is There
Francis Schaeffer
This book sets out to answer the question, Is there a God? Schaeffer presents an encyclopedic account of the answers to that question offered by western philosophers and theologians from the time of Plato to the humanism of this century, and then gives us the only logical answer, one which C. S. Lewis touched on in his classic, Mere Christianity. We know that there is a God because He has revealed Himself. We wouldnt be able to ask the question, Is there a God? otherwise. Schaeffer then explores how we can know the real and personal God who is there.
He is There and He is Not Silent
Francis Schaeffer
Schaeffer deals with the fundamental spiritual questions: What do we know? and How do we know what we know? He points to an infinite, personal God whom we can come to know intimately. Schaeffer urges us to know what we believe and why, requiring us to think through our beliefs in the process.
Why and What: A Brief Introduction to Christianity
Douglas JonesThis little booklet available on the internet begins by showing how professing atheists, agnostics, animists, and eastern religionists all assume Biblical truth in living their everyday lives, and then explores the logical ramifactions of that assumption: that truth is absolute, and knowable, and is revealed in the Bible. Jones goes on to discuss the rationality of faith, the Jewishness of Christianity, and the historical events that Christianity is based on: the creation of a perfect world, human rebellion in the Fall of Adam, and the redemptive work of Christ that is the solution to sin and which will restore perfection to the world at some future time.
Know What You Believe
Paul Little
Paul Littles classic uses Scripture to explain what the Bible says about itself, God, Jesus Christ, Christs death, man and sin, the Holy Spirit, the church, angels, Satan, and demons, salvation, and things to come. You have to know what the Bible says about these topics before you can answer questions about them, either to yourself or others. Some controversial points will have to be thoughtfully considered, and either accepted or refuted. This experience is good for whole families to do together; it requires backing ones stand with Scripture and solidifies faith; it teaches how to be Bereans.
Know Why You Believe
Paul Little
A thinking person asks questions, and does not believe something without good reason. Paul Littles classic uses 1 Peter 3:15 (But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear,) to explain why Christians believe what they do. He tackles the questions of Is Christianity rational? Is there a God? Is Christ God? Did Christ rise from the dead? Is the Bible Gods Word? Are the Bible documents reliable? Does archaeology help? Are miracles possible? Do science and Scripture conflict? (This essay, while doing a decent job in explaining some of the limitations of science, doesnt take the logic far enough in saying that theistic evolutionists et al have the same view of the authority of Scripture as literal Creationists. His view and the one held by some of the authors of the Creation Science books used in the dialectic stage would be good material to practice logical discussion.) Why does God allow suffering and evil? Does Christianity differ from other world religions? Is Christian experience valid? Some controversial points will have to be thoughtfully considered, and either accepted or refuted. This experience is good for whole families to do together; it requires backing ones stand with Scripture and solidifies faith; it teaches how to be Bereans.
Reasonable Faith
Dr. Jay Wile
Subtitled: The Scientific Case for Christianity. Reasonable Faith is a concise, easy-to-read book that outlines the scientific evidence which supports the Christian faith, beginning with the physical, chemical and biological evidence for a designed world. On the foundation of the natural sciences, it proceeds to the social and historical sciences to show that this Designer is in fact the God of the Bible. Dr. Wile argues for the divine nature of the Bible by detailing the extrabiblical evidence for the historicity of the miracles attributed to God, Jesus Christ, and the apostles. The final arguments along this vein rest in the Bibles unparalleled accuracy at predicting the future and its knowledge of scientific principles that were beyond the abilities of its authors. Dr. Wile spends the last chapter discussing his own personal experiences as a scientist who is also a Christian. His frank testimony speaks volumes for the discrimination against religious belief that exists in the scientific community. Dr. Wile is the author of the excellent high school science texts, from a creationist perspective, that CCH recommends in the rhetoric stage. (To get to the shopping cart from the publishers page, modify the internet address appearing in your browser from this: http://www.highschoolscience.com/books/rf/index.html to this: http://www.highschoolscience.com.)
The Reasonableness of Christianity
John Locke
Locke first deals with the need for salvation and the content of the gospel preached by the apostles and Jesus. He then proceeds to a very lengthy analysis of the gospels (as someone said: Locke has no mercy on the patience of his readers.) Locke defends Christian truth with the miracles and the resurrection of Jesus, His indirect declarations of Messiahship and His fulfilment of the messianic prophecies. Locke then answers some general objections (about the salvation of the unevangelized, etc.) In the last part of the book Locke points at some insufficiencies in the general divine revelation in nature (although Locke believed in the truth of such a revelation) and argues for the necessity of special revelation. --Reviewer. Modern apologists draw on the foundations laid by the great apologetics of the past, such as this one.
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