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Classical Christian WebMaster: CCHs Online Catalog: Government - Grades 7-9 This page last revised: Copyright © 1997-2001
Government: Grades 7-9
Using the Online CatalogThe Structure of Government The Nature of Government The Structure of Government
For 7th-9th grades. The new second edition of this combination
narrative history of the Constitution and Constitutional workbook covers the colonial and
revolutionary influences on the Constitution, the framing of the new government, the
Articles of Confederation, the need for a change in the government, the story of the
Constitutional Convention and the development of the Constitution, including an account of
the dissensions and compromises, the ratification of the Constitution, a line by line
explanation of the Preamble and all seven Articles, the story of the Bill of Rights, the
history and line by line explanation of all 27 amendments to the Constitution, the
principles and nature of the Constitution, the outline and complete text of the
Constitution, the signers of the Constitution, and recommended materials for further
study. We studied this text in 7th grade.
For 8th grade and up. Dr. Carson, secondary and university
professor, independent researcher, and author of more than 15 books and 500 published
articles, gives an account of the general structure of the government as established by
the Constitution, and of the state governments which preceded or came after it and their
constitutions. Moreover, Dr. Carson details the ancient and modern foundations of our
government, scriptural and secular, on which our state and federal constitutions rested.
The Founders of the United States built on a great foundation, and that story is told in
these pages. Also included is the story of how the Constitution of 1787 became venerated
and accepted as Higher Law in the 19th century. The text ends with a sobering description
of the massive departures from the Constitution in the 20th century, and its out of
control growth on the path toward becoming a Leviathan. We have had the most success
getting the considerable wisdom out of this book in this stage when I have gone through
the book with my children and actively taught from it. (We studied this text in 8th
grade.) Basic American Government may be ordered directly from the publisher by
printing and sending this
order form with your credit card information, or from Bluestocking Press (click on the
Welcome button, then the Catalog of Historical Books ... option,
then the Government option, and scroll down to the final entry). The Nature of GovernmentGod and Government is a three volume series which completely explores the Biblical foundations of government. Each volume contains 10 chapters which conclude with study questions for dialectic stage discussions and essay writing practice. Each volume can be completed in 10-12 weeks, to finish the series in one year; in one semester, to finish the series in a year and a half; or in one year, to finish the series in three years, depending on the pace of the individual home school and students. We studied this series in 9th grade.
For 9th grade and up. Volume I covers self and family government,
ecclesiastical and civil government, the origin and development of civil government, the
purpose and function of civil government, the biblical form of civil government, Jesus and
civil government, the Christian history of the United States, the purpose of the United
States Constitution, the relationship of church and state in the Bible, and the
relationship of church and state in the first amendment.
For 9th grade and up. Volume II covers developing a biblical
world view, world views in conflict, sovereignty and dominion, sovereignty and ownership,
financing the work of Gods Kingdom, financing the responsibilities of the state,
biblical economics, enemies of biblical economics, the causes of poverty, and the conquest
of poverty.
For 9th grade and up. Volume III covers the biblical view of
authority, the enemies of biblical authority, Gods sovereignty over the nations,
establishing Christian leadership, the restoration of the republic, the foundation of law,
the administration of justice, human rights and responsibilities, sovereignty and
education, and the future of government. Using the Online CatalogThis online catalog is made possible through an association with Amazon.com. Clicking on the book cover will take you to Amazons information page about that book. You can look at its price, availability, any discounts currently taken for that title, reviews of the book, and other information, as well as order it if you decide to purchase the book. You can even place books in your shopping cart and save them for purchase at a later time. You can continue to add or delete books from your shopping cart until you are satisfied with your order and ready to purchase. Clicking on your browsers Back button will bring you back to this catalog. Sometimes books go out of print, or the publisher runs out of stock. Any book not available from Amazon.com for any reason can be searched using AddAll.com, a book shopping site which will scan Amazon as well as Barnes and Noble, Powells Books, Book Close Outs and many other new and used book sites. Be sure to also check BookFinder.com for out of print book searches. Still have questions? Ask me! Return to the CatalogGovernment in the Dialectic StageGovernment LinksReturn to Dialectic Stage CurriculumOnline Catalog IndexClassical Curriculum and Online Catalog
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