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Dumbing Us Down
John Taylor Gatto
Subtitled: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling. If anyone needs a good reason to homeschool their children, this book provides it. John Taylor Gatto, the New York State Teacher of the Year in 1991, begins this book by describing the seven-lesson school teacher (and reading, writing, and arithmetic are not included among them): confusion, class position, indifference, emotional dependency, intellectual dependency, provisional self-esteem, and the final lesson: the knowledge that one cannot hide. This is a brilliant analysis that every parent with children needs to read.
The Right Choice: Home Schooling
Christopher Klicka
Christopher Klicka is Senior Counsel of the Home School Legal Defense Association with scores of court cases and over 3,000 legal conflicts resolved on behalf of homeschooling families to his credit. In this book he describes the incredible failure of public education; the hope of homeschooling, inlcuding the Biblical principles for parent-directed education; the history and advantages of homeschooling; the homeschooling hall of fame; attacks of social workers, school officals, and teachers unions against homeschooling families (this contains one of the most helpful chapters in the book: the Myth of Teacher Qualifications); the legal arguments for a parents right to homeschool under the Constitution; conserving the freedom to homeschool; and an excellent resources and appendices section (the difference between Christian and Humanistic education, colleges that accept homeschoolers, homeschooling organizations, fifteen reasons to homeschool teenagers, and more). Additional chapters by Christian homeschooling expert Gregg Harris include applying Biblical principles, and how to start a home school. An excellent resource for new homeschoolers.
The Future of Home Schooling
Michael Farris
As homeschooling comes of age, take advantage of what other homeschoolers have learned: why homeschooling offers a better education in less time than public education; how a new extensive national study shows homeschoolers scoring in standardized achievement tests compared to publically-educated students (its far above the national average); the strengths and weaknesses of existing homeschool curricula; why we should revive the classical curriculum for modern American children (with a few thoughts on what needs to happen to make it a viable alternative for homeschoolers); answers to the ten most frequently asked questions about homeschooling, and more. Chapters include: Overview of the Homeschooling Phenomenon, Classical Education Comes Home; Broadening Our Political Horizons; Support Groups of the Future; High-Tech Learning; Home School Friendly Churches; Equal Access to Public School Activities (is it a good thing or not?); Apprenticeship Becomes a Real Choice; Ten Most Commonly Asked Questions; Homeschooling Reference Guide; Homeschool Organizations; and Homeschool Laws of the United States.
How to Homeschool: a Practical Approach
Gayle Graham
Okay, so now you have ample reason to homeschool, and you believe it is what God wants for your family. How do people homeschool, anyway? This practical guide provides essential help for new homeschoolers, or inspired ideas for veterans. Contains suggestions for planning and organizing your homeschool day, evaluating and selecting curriculum, the all-important record- keeping question, detailed suggestions for teaching the three Rs (some of which conflict with classical theory), and more.
For the Childrens Sake
Susan Schaeffer Macaulay
Every parent and teacher wants to give their children the best education possible. Everyone would like education to be a joyous adventure and celebration of life, as well as a solid preparation for living. ... For the Childrens Sake is a book about what education can be ... based first on a Christian understanding of what it means to be human ... and on the Christian meaning of life. At the same time it is deeply practical. Many of the central ideas have been tried and proven true over a century in almost every kind of educational situation. ... It is a book which can help every parent and teacher awaken the young minds of their children and give them a new richness, stability, and joy for living. --Publisher. Susan Schaeffer Macaulay discusses Charlotte Masons philosophy, treating children with respect, a childs need for: both real education and real play, living ideas (or truth), living books with literary power, Biblical authority, boundaries, and freedom, and the development of right habits; a philosophy of education (a small part of which is not consistent with classical education, but the great majority is) concerned with giving each child the knowledge of God, of man, and of the universe; and more. A unique book whose ideas you will not find duplicated anywhere else.
The Three Rs
Dr. Ruth Beechick
I love Dr. Beechicks books, because she is a Christian educator who has accumulated scads of both practical experience and common sense in the business of teaching children, and is dedicated to the idea of parents teaching their children at home. She tears the veil in two between parents and the mystery of teaching, sifts through all the educational fads and its secret language, throwing out the junk and preserving the nuggets of truth found here and there, and explains it all in simple, no-nonsense fashion. The Three Rs gives guidance for teaching reading, writing, and artihmetic in Kindergarten through third grade, explaining the stages of reading through fluency (which goes beyond just learning the phonics--and her book contains instructions for a simple but effective method of teaching phonics for reading to children); the natural method of using literature to teach spelling and writing mechanics (on which the program Learning Language Arts Through Literature is based); and the modes of thinking in arithmetic (upon which Rays Arithmetic is based) and what a child should learn about arithmetic through third grade. The set also includes a wall chart you can put up and use at home. This little set is not a complete K-3 curriculum, but rather aims to give the parent the confidence and tools needed to teach K-3 effectively.
You Can Teach Your Child Successfully
Dr. Ruth Beechick
More excellent help and common sense from Dr. Beechick, this time geared for children in grades 4-8 (although from the trivium standpoint, the material is more suitable for the grammar stage in general.) She tackles the three Rs in depth: reading, writing, and arithmetic, and also adds some thoughts on history and social studies, science and health, music and art, and teaching the Bible. She includes numerous charts in the text you can use in your own homeschool: spelling charts, spelling lists, the hundred chart, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts, and percentile ranks. Her short Letter to Teaching Parents in the introduction is like finding gold!
The Language Wars
Dr. Ruth Beechick
Subtitled: And Other Writings for Homeschoolers. The common sense and priceless wisdom of Dr. Beechick strikes again, this time as a collection of essays and articles previously published separately. She discusses the topics of choosing curriculum, using curriculum as a servant, buying encyclopedias, the insider secrets of publishers (to help homeschoolers and book buyers get the most from their book budget), a delightful article relating the story of her first year of teaching and the wisdom learned as a result, the importance of Biblical knowledge, the neglected period of history (Genesis and ancient ancient history, covering almost half of mans existence on the earth, and includes a thought-provoking article on the need to revise our traditional ancient history timelines), phonics, the language wars, creative writing, teaching arithmetic, math and music, achievement testing, memory, creativity, thinking skills, the high road to learning (contrasting behaviorist learning theory with Biblical learning theory), what is happening in early childhood education, and what is crucial about the crucial early years. New and old homeschoolers alike will benefit.
Dr. Beechicks Homeschool Answer Book
Dr. Ruth Beechick; Debbie Strayer, editor
Dr. Beechick has been asked many questions of homeschoolers throughout her career as a writer on homeschool topics, a homeschool magazine columnist, and as a homeschool seminar and workshop speaker. She has chosen her most frequently asked questions, and Debbie Strayer has compiled her answers to them from her collected writings and seminars. Dr. Beechick dispenses her usual common sense and gentle wisdom about Preschool, Reading, Spelling, Writing, Math, Bible, High School, Family Life, Testing, and Special Education.
The Quines challenge families to make homeschooling more than just an alternative way to educate. They encourage families to develop a Biblical worldview and to live out vital Christianity in a fallen world through adopting seven resolutions: 1) To build your family upon the biblical world view; 2) To establish your childrens lives upon truth and absolutes; 3) To equip your children to reason; 4) To enter into true spirituality; 5) To be a by faith family; 6) To prepare your children as a Letter of Christ to the culture; and 7) To challenge our culture with the truth of Christianity and the life of Christ. The Quines quote extensively from the Bible and Dr. Francis Schaeffer in this encouraging and thought-provoking book.
Is There Life After Housework?
Don Aslett
If anyone needs to get housework done quickly and efficiently so they have more time for other things, its homeschooling moms. Don Aslett, professional cleaner and owner of a multi-million dollar cleaning business, cuts through all the cleaning gimmicks and so-called magical solutions and shows you how the professionals do it. You can cut the time you spend cleaning by 50% to 75% when you learn to clean like the pros. Youll learn the right kind of tools and equipment to use, the fastest way to clean windows, how to get the dust easily, dozens of ways to prevent housework, how to keep furniture and appliances looking new, the best way to clean every type of floor, carpet, wall, and ceiling, how to keep bathrooms sparkling in just 3-1/2 minutes a day, painting ideas that can save hundreds of hours of cleaning, how to reach high areas safely and easily, and MUCH more. People often ask me how I have time to homeschool, do my housework, and maintain this webpage. This book and Asletts others (Clutters Last Stand, Not for Packrats Only, Don Asletts Stainbusters Bible, and How to Handle 1,000 Things at Once) are a big part of the answer.
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Homeschooling: Classical Education at Home
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