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Kindergarten CurriculumUsing the Online CatalogBible Literature Art Other Academics BibleFirst studies in the Bible center around learning the Bible stories in their historical context and as part of the plan of God as outlined in Bible in the Grammar Stage. Read through the Holy Bible itself in chronological order, or read through a Bible storybook in chronological order. The chronological presentation drives home the historicity of the Word of God, and Gods perfect plan.
There are many benefits to reading through the Bible chronologically with
your children. Besides learning the Bible as true history rather than a collection of
stories or fairy tales, Davids Psalms are interspersed with the narrative of his
life; Chronicles and Kings can be read simultaneously; Isaiahs prophecies are
encountered as they were delivered to Hezekiah. The message of the minor prophets is
enhanced when read in the context of the events of their times from Kings, Chronicles, and
after. The Gospels are harmonized to present a beautiful, full picture of the life of
Jesus our Lord, and the epistles are read along with the history of the early church in
Acts. Not one word of Scripture is omitted. The further beauty and accuracy of the King
James Version makes this a truly valuable addition to any familys devotional
library. Read the Holy Bible aloud to your child in chronological order; plan to take two years -- kindergarten and first grades -- for the Old Testament, and one year -- second grade -- for the New Testament, if you want the Bible reading to follow the history studies for first and second grades (of the ancient and Roman worlds). Other options for reading through the Bible chronologically include the One Year Chronological Bible for the New International Version. Of course, one of these Bibles may be used for reference and the readings done in your familys favorite version of the Bible.
Another option instead of reading from the Holy Bible itself, is to read
aloud from a Bible storybook, again, in chronological order. Usually Bible storybooks take
less time to read through than the Holy Bible itself, so plan on reading the storybook
more than once. An accurate and graceful retelling of Scripture which is our familys
favorite Bible storybook is Egermeiers Bible Story Book. There is a reason
that a Bible storybook originially published in 1923 is still in print, 80 years later.
With more stories than most (275), Egermeiers is written in language easy for
children to understand, without dumbing down the events and concepts of the Bible. Other Bible storybooks from the 1000 Good Books List would also be
appropriate for kindergarten. LiteratureOne of the best ways to prepare a child for independent reading on his own, to develop all the reading readiness skills necessary to begin phonics and reading instruction in first grade, is to read aloud to that child, lots and lots of quality books and poetry, every day. The dozen suggestions recommended here from the 1000 Good Books List are certainly not all that a child should have read aloud to them in the course of the kindergarten year, but are rather those selections which should not be missed. These books were chosen for their cultural relevance, their literary value, their gentle instruction in virtue, their humor, and the beloved place they have had in the hearts of children for several generations. ArtBarry Stebbings biblically based art curriculum provides a basic foundation and practice in fine motor development while avoiding the twaddle of just making crafts. The art books suitable for kindergarten-aged children are:
More than just a coloring or craft book, this art book for preschoolers
teaches beginning drawing, color theory, lettering, addition, subtraction, and writing. It
also includes cut and paste practice for fine motor development and coordination, and
other fun and educational projects for preschoolers. For ages 3 to 5.
Learn the social graces with Scripture, along with simple art assignments.
The etiquette lessons include dinner etiquette, being a good listener, saying
please and thank you, obeying your parents, writing thank you
cards, refinement, spending quality time away from the television, and much more. Little
Annies intertwines the etiquette lessons with the art lessons; all lessons can be
done in the text; the sketch book and cut and paste sections are included in the back of
the text. Includes over 45 lessons. This text can be used independently of the other
Stebbing art books. For ages 4 to 8.
More than just a coloring or craft book, this art book for kindergarteners
and first graders is a complete sequential art curriculum: an art text and sketchbook in
one. With the help of I Can Do All Things, a child can learn to draw, paint, use
colored pencils and markers, plus learn beginning color theory, all while practicing his
fine motor skills. The text includes art appreciation lessons, a glossary, examinations,
and paint cards. This text can be used independently of the other Stebbing art books. For
ages 5 and up. Other AcademicsNo other academics are necessary for kindergarten aged children. However, if a child shows all the signs of readiness to read, then these academics may be undertaken.
I love Dr. Beechicks books, because she is a Christian educator who
has accumulated scads of both practical experience and common sense in the business of
teaching children, and is dedicated to the idea of parents teaching their children at
home. She tears the veil in two between parents and the mystery of teaching, sifts through
all the educational fads and its secret language, throwing out the junk and preserving the
nuggets of truth found here and there, and explains it all in simple, no-nonsense fashion.
The Three Rs gives guidance for teaching reading, writing, and artihmetic in
Kindergarten through third grade, explaining the stages of reading through fluency (which
goes beyond just learning the phonics--and her book contains instructions for a simple but
effective method of teaching phonics for reading to children); the natural method of using
literature to teach spelling and writing mechanics (on which the program Learning
Language Arts Through Literature is based); and the modes of thinking in arithmetic
(upon which Rays Arithmetic is based) and what a child should learn about
arithmetic through third grade. The set also includes a wall chart you can put up and use
at home. This little set is not a complete K-3 curriculum, but rather aims to give the
parent the confidence and tools needed to teach K-3 effectively.
For children ages 4-8. Family Math for Young Children is a book of math
activities designed for a childs first exposure to mathematical concepts before
formal schooling begins. The activities are designed so that families, with children of
varying ages and abilities, can do the activites together. The activitites are clearly
explained, and use common items found around the house (buttons, beans, strips of colored
paper, money, string, etc.) The games and activities are arranged in sections that teach:
comparing, counting, measuring, estimating, sorting, observing, and describing. Families
explore geometry, number sense, and graphs as they create love notes, collect stamps,
produce puzzles, build mobiles, play with shadows, discuss patterns, observe the moon and
stars, and more. Parents will find the activities easy to use for short and long play
periods. Using the Online Catalog
Sometimes books go out of print, or the publisher runs out of stock. Any book not available from Barnes&Noble.com for any reason can be searched using AddAll.com, a book shopping site which will scan Barnes&Noble.com as well as Amazon.com, Powells Books, Book Close Outs and many other new and used book sites. Be sure to also check BookFinder.com for out of print book searches. Still have questions? Ask me! Return to CCH FAQ: Teaching KindergartenReturn to the CCH Online Catalog
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