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Honey for a Childs Heart
Gladys HuntSubtitled: the imaginative use of books in family life. This is the most important book on this page for parents, homeschooling or not. Mrs. Hunt discusses the topics of the Bequest of Wings, Milk & Honey, What Makes a Good Book, Fantasy and Realism, Poetry, The Pleasure of a Shared Adventure (an important chapter for families), Honey From the Rock, Who Influences Your Children?, and Making Decisions About Books, all from an unashamed Christian perspective. Her graded and annotated bibliography is frosting on the cake. Mrs. Hunt says, That is what a book does. It introduces us to people and places we wouldnt ordinarily know. A good book is a magic gateway into a wider world of wonder, beauty, delight, and adventure. Books are experiences that make us grow, that add something to our inner stature. Children and books go together in a special way. I cant imagine any pleasure greater than bringing to the uncluttered, supple mind of a child the delight of knowing God and the many rich things He has given us to enjoy. This is every parents privilege, and books are his keenest tools. Children dont stumble onto good books by themselves; they must be introduced to the wonder of words put together in such a way that they spin out pure joy and magic. Parents, in this day and age, dont stumble onto good books by themselves either, and Honey for a Childs Heart shows them the way.
Books Children Love
Elizabeth WilsonSubtitled: A Guide to the Best Childrens Literature. This book is one big annotated listing of real, living, twaddle-free books and literature for homeschoolers who like to use real books first and textbooks second in their curriculum. The listings are graded by reading levels. The subjects covered include: animals, art and architecture, Bible & spiritual teaching, biography, crafts, hobbies & domestic arts, dance, drama, geography & history, handicaps, horticulture, humor, language, literature, mathematics, miscellaneous, music, outdoor activities, physical education, reference & research, science & technology, special days & seasons, and concludes with a section on supplemental teaching resources. The majority of the books listed are for the grammar stage.
Read for Your Life
Gladys Hunt & Barbara HamptonSubtitled: Turning teens into readers. This sequel to Honey for a Childs Heart focuses on teen readers and more mature books, and even adults who dont like reading. The authors discuss the topics of: Three Cheers for a Good Book, Is Imagination Going Down the Tube?, How to Read a Book, What Makes a Good Book, What is Happening to Books, Fantasy in a Real World, Read for Your Life, Feed Your Heart, and A Word for the College-Bound. The book again concludes with a rich annotated bibliography for teen and mature readers, divided into the genres of adventure, animals, contemporary, fantasy, historical, mystery, nonfiction, science fiction, and tried and true.
How to Read a Book
Mortimer J. Adler & Charles van DorenSubtitled: the classic guide to intelligent reading. The second absolutely invaluable book on this page, How to Read a Book illuminates the activity and the art of reading the great books: how to read a book that has something to teach us, how to let the great writers of the past reach across the centuries and become our (and our childrens) present teachers. Dr. Adler discusses the activity and art of reading, the four levels of reading: elementary, inspectional, analytical, and syntopical; different kinds of reading matter, from non-fiction to imaginative literature to philosophy to history to poetry; and reading and the growth of the mind. Along the way we learn how to be a demanding reader, how to take notes, how to determine the authors message, how to judge the authors message, and much, much more. Includes a recommended reading list and exercises and tests for each of the four levels of reading. In the dialectic stage our children will be mostly learning to take notes on the books they read, and in the rhetoric stage be more actively involved in analytically reading and judging each book.
How to Read Slowly: Reading for Comprehension
James W. SirePreviously subtitled A Christian Guide to Reading with the Mind, which goes a long way toward explaining the purpose of this book. Sire picks up where Adler leaves off in that he addresses how to read a book from a distinctively Christian perspective. He provides specific help in determining an authors assumptions and worldviews, and goes into detail with the various genres of literature: nonfiction, novels, poetry, and so on. This book is the next logical step for Christian homeschooling parents to take after Adlers How to Read a Book.
An Experiment in Criticism
C. S. LewisWhy do we read literature and how do we judge it? C.S. Lewiss classic analysis springs from the conviction that literature exists for the joy of the reader and that books should be judged by the kind of reading they invite. --Publisher. Dr. Lewis discusses the Few and the Many, Fake Characterisations, How the Few and the Many use Pictures and Music, The Reading of the Unliterary, On Myth, The Meanings of Fantasy, On Realisms, On Misreading by the Literary, Survey, Poetry, and the Experiment.
How to Read a Poem
Burton RaffelBurton Raffel is well-qualified to write this volume, as student, professor, translator and commentator on classic and obscure poems from Old English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Indonesian, Vietnamese (and maybe I have left some out); author of critical editions not only on classic poetry (Beowulf, anyone?) but that guide other professional poetry translators, and author of critically-acclaimed original poetry himself. In this volume he discusses poetic meaning, metaphor, technique, poetic devices, and poetic forms; all illustrated with well-known classic poetry.
Reading Between the Lines
Gene Edward VeithThe previous books teach how to read books and poetry: any book and any poem, without getting so much into specific books and poems. This book and the following one are different in that they do get into specifics. Veith discusses what constitutes good literature, and attacks literary deconstruction: the idea that any book can mean anything, depending on what the reader or literary critic want it to mean. (Another way to look at this problem is: whose intrepretation is the valid one? The authors, or the readers? Literary deconstruction believes the readers interpretation carries more weight. Literary deconstruction has plagued the interpretation of the Constitution for several decades.) Veith explores the history of literature and the effects of prevailing worldviews on literature; the major genres of literature; and how various literary forms have been used to present the Christian worldview throughout history.
Invitation to the Classics
Louise Cowan & Os GuinnessThe third indispensable book on this page. Cowan and Guinness examine 50 of the great classic texts of Western literature from a Christian perspective, using ... essays by a number of respected Christian literary scholars that extend invitations to readers to experience ... the wonder and the beauty of selected classics. Each essay contains a biographical and historical sketch, a summary of the work being considered, suggestions and bibliographies for further study, and questions raised by the text about the interaction of Christian faith and society. The selections range from the Iliad to Machiavellis The Prince, Flauberts Madame Bovary and Rushdies The Satanic Verses. Genres covered range from Shakespeares plays and Miltons epic poetry to Martin Luthers theological writings and Alexis de Tocquevilles travel writings. --Publishers Weekly.
Heroes of the City of Man
Peter LeithartAnyone that has read or used Leitharts work illuminating Shakespeare, Brightest Heaven of Invention, will appreciate this newest book shedding light on the sweeping classics of ancient literature. Discussing The Iliad, The Odyssey, The Aeneid, and more, like Brightest Heaven each chapter contains questions for discussion and further study.
The Discarded Image
C. S. LewisHailed as the final memorial to the work of a great scholar and teacher and a wise and noble mind, this work paints a lucid picture of the medieval world view, as historical and cultural background to the literature of the Middle Ages and Renaissance. --Publisher. Dr. Lewis discusses the Medieval Situation, Reservations, Selected Materials: the Classical Period, Selected Materials: the Seminal Period, the Heavens, the Longaevi, the Earth and her Inhabitants, which includes a discussion on the seven liberal arts (three formed the trivium, four the quadrivium), and concludes with the Influence of the Model.
Studies in Medieval & Renaissance Literature
C. S. LewisAn important collection of essays on the Medieval and Renaissance periods, with special concentration on Dante and Spenser. This present volume is composed of all the studies in medieval and renaissance literature I have been able to find and which Lewis, for various reasons, never published in his lifetime. --Walter Hooper, editor. Dr. Lewis discusses De Audiendis Poetis, the Genesis of a Medieval Book, Imagination and Thought in the Middle Ages, Dante, the Morte dArthur, Tasso, Spenser, On Reading The Faerie Queen, and Comas.
Brightest Heaven of Invention
Peter LeithartSubtitled: A Christian Guide to Six Shakespeare Plays. Shakespeare was a great observer, who was able to see into the patterns of human character. Dare anyone say that these insights are irrelevant to living in the real world? For many in an older generation, the Bible and the Collected Shakespeare were the two indispensable books. Leitharts perceptive walk through these plays (Henry V, Julius Caesar, Hamlet, Macbeth, The Taming of the Shrew, and Much Ado About Nothing) is written especially for a high-school level course, but older students will benefit as well. --Publisher.
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