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Classical Christian WebMaster: CCH’s Online Catalog: Logic - Grades 7-9 This page last revised: Copyright © 1997-2001
Logic: Grades 7-9
Using the Online CatalogOption 1: Traditional Logic Option 2: Mars Hill Logic Option 3: Online Logic Tutorial Option 4: Gordon Clark’s Logic Advanced Logic Resources Traditional Logic
For 7th-9th grades, or any beginning Logic student. This
wonderful new Logic text by Martin Cothran of Memoria Press tackles the subject of logic
methodically and logically, and contains the most clearly written and simplest
explanations I have found. Traditional
Logic Book I: An Introduction to Formal Logic, covers Simple Apprehension and Terms,
Judgment and Propositions, and Deductive Inference and Syllogisms. Traditional Logic Book II:
Advanced Formal Logic, covers Figure, Mood, and Reduction of Simple Syllogisms,
Analyzing Arguments in Ordinary Language, Hypothetical Syllogisms, Complex Syllogisms, and
the Logic of Relations. It also analyzes arguments in ordinary language from Descartes,
Plato, C. S. Lewis, the Bible, Seneca, Shakespeare, Aquinas, Hume, and John Cassian. The
15 to 17 chapters in each book can be completed in one semester, or one year at a bit
slower pace. This text is CCH’s top choice for a Logic program (other than an online
tutorial). CCH’s Review of Traditional LogicMars Hill Logic
For 7th-9th grades, or any beginning Logic student. The Mars Hill
Logic texts have been the only logic accessible to junior high and high school students
for nearly ten years. Introductory
Logic explains statements and their relationships, standard catagorical statements,
the square of opposition, syllogisms and validity, arguments in normal English,
translating arguments into standard form, enthymemes, and informal fallacies. Introductory
Logic can be covered in one semester with an experienced teacher or motivated students, or
one year with all others (recommended). An Introductory
Logic: Teacher’s Key is also available. Intermediate
Logic covers definitions, propositional logic, negation, conjunction and disjunction,
truth tables, formal proofs of validity, rules of inference, developing formal proofs, and
truth trees. It is a challenging course that motivated students can work through in one
semester with diligence and concentration, or in one year taking a little more time to
thoroughly digest the contents (recommended). An Intermediate
Logic: Teacher’s Key is also available. Online Logic Tutorial
For 7th-9th grades, or any beginning Logic student. The online
Logic tutorial uses the Mars Hill Logic texts, and covers Introductory
Logic in the first semester, and Intermediate
Logic in the second semester. The Logic Tutorial includes reading and discussing the
texts in class and working the exercises in the texts, which gives ample opportunity to
practice applying the principles of logic to arguments found in Scripture, newspapers,
advertising, famous speeches, scientific propositions, etc. Dr. Norman Lund is a highly
qualified instructor. Due to the pace of the course and the content, especially in the
second semester, this course is best for motivated students thirteen years old and up, and
it helps greatly to have had, or be taking, Algebra I. Gordon Clark’s Logic
For 8th-9th grades and up. This highly sought after Logic text is
published by The Trinity Foundation.
“Written as a textbook for Christian schools, Logic is another unique book
from Clark’s pen. His presentation of the laws of thought, which must be followed if
Scripture is to be understood correctly, and which are found in Scripture itself, is both
clear and thorough. Logic is an indispensable book for the thinking
Christian.” --The Publisher. The explanations are clear and easily understandable by
beginners. Clark is an expert in both Logic and Philosophy, and his text, replete with
Biblical examples and exercises in logic, is an excellent and meaty introduction. Chapters
include: Why Study Logic; Definition of Logic; Informal Fallacies; Definition; Beginning
of Formal Logic; Immediate Inference; Syllogism-Diagrams; Syllogism-Deductions and Rules;
Historical Remarks; Other Forms of Argument; Truth Tables; The Deduction of the Syllogism;
Postscript: God and Logic. Besides the regular index, there is a glossary and Scripture
index. Trinity has also produced a companion Logic Workbook with
additional exercises for each chapter. Advanced Logic Resources
For any advanced Logic student. This work on logic and reason by
Isaac Watts (known primarily for his genius as a writer of hymns, but unfortunately
unknown for his skills as a theologian) was a standard textbook at both Oxford and
Cambridge, as well as the American colonies, for over 200 years. “In our day, common
sense is not very common and clear thinking is not very clear. This book will help
discipline the mind and train the reader to discern proper thinking and argumentation in
seeking truth.” --The Publisher. The text discusses the nature of ideas, of the
objects of perception, of the several sorts of perception or ideas, of words and their
several divisions, general directions relating to ideas, special rules to direct our
conception of things, of the nature of the proposition, various kinds of propositions, the
springs of false judgment, general directions to assist in judging aright, special rules
to direct in judging particular objects, of the nature of the syllogism, of the various
kinds of syllogisms, the doctrine of syllogisms, general rules to direct our reasoning,
and of disposition and method. The language style is challenging. Isaac Watts wrote a
second text designed to be studied after Logic: The Improvement
of the Mind: A Supplement to Logic.
For any advanced Logic student. Copi and Cohen’s
Introduction to Logic is a complete treatment of introductory logic, both deductive and
inductive, both classical and modern. It is the standard text in logic today used in
colleges--the paradigm of clarity and accuracy. This text enables all students to
understand, recognize, and apply classical syllogistic logic and the more powerful
techniques of modern symbolic logic. Lively argumentative excerpts from politics,
philosophy, science, and contemporary controversies bring substance and life to the study
of logic--demonstrating the application of logical principles by serious writers and
thinkers trying to solve real problems. Arguments excerpted as illustrations and as
exercise material include examples of fallacies to show students how arguments go wrong
when logical principles are ignored or misapplied. A few examples of argumentative
reasoning were constructed for the book to demonstrate principles; however, it is the
wealth of current, up-to-date examples selected from actual texts representing many fields
of interest that set this book apart. Using the Online CatalogThis online catalog is made possible through an association with Amazon.com. Clicking on the book cover will take you to Amazon’s information page about that book. You can look at its price, availability, any discounts currently taken for that title, reviews of the book, and other information, as well as order it if you decide to purchase the book. You can even place books in your shopping cart and save them for purchase at a later time. You can continue to add or delete books from your shopping cart until you are satisfied with your order and ready to purchase. Clicking on your browser’s “Back” button will bring you back to this catalog. Sometimes books go out of print, or the publisher runs out of stock. Any book not available from Amazon.com for any reason can be searched using AddAll.com, a book shopping site which will scan Amazon as well as Barnes and Noble, Powell’s Books, Book Close Outs and many other new and used book sites. Be sure to also check BookFinder.com for out of print book searches. Still have questions? Ask me!
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