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CCHs Online Catalog: Rhetoric Stage Math: Grades 10-12
This page last revised:
June 2001
Copyright © 1997-2001
Option 1: Advanced Mathematics - Paul A. Foerster
For 10th-12th grades and up, or
after completion of a complete course in Alegbra and Geometry as described in Dialectic Stage Math. Advanced mathematics is not for
everyone, but is a good choice for those students planning on studying math or sciences in
Option 2: Advanced Mathematics - Saxon texts
For 10th-12th grades and up, or
after completion of a complete course in Alegbra and Geometry as described in Dialectic Stage Math. Advanced mathematics is not for
everyone, but is a good choice for those students planning on studying math or sciences in
Option 3: Applied Mathematics
For 10th-12th grades and up, or
after completion of a complete course in Alegbra and Geometry as described in Dialectic Stage Math. Applied mathematics includes
mathematics used in the real world, or the mathematics of music, art, or other fields.
Paul A. Foerster is a high school mathematics instructor with over 30
years experience teaching advanced mathematics and calculus. His texts are written in an
easily readable and almost entertaining style, and because they are so well-written, can
be used by motivated rhetoric stage students in self-study of the course material. The
exercises include many problems with applications to the real world, which continues an
important aspect of what is appealing in Harold
Jacobs dialectic stage texts in Algebra and Geometry. Foersters texts
integrate use of a graphing calculator (TI-83) in many of its exercises.
Algebra and
Paul A. Foerster
For 10th-12th grades and up, or after the completion of Algebra I
and Geometry in the dialectic stage. This text covers
elementary functions as required for the calculus prerequisite. The chapters cover
Functions and Relations, Linear Functions, Systems of Linear Inequations and Inequalities,
Quadratic Functions and Complex Numbers, Exponential and Logarithmic Functions, Rational
Algebraic Funtions, Irrational Algebraic Functions, Quadratic Relations and Systems,
Higher Degree Functions and Complex Numbers, Sequences and Series, Probability, Data
Analysis, and Functions of a Random Variable, Trigonometric and Circular Functions,
Properties of Trigonometric and Circular Functions, and Triangle Problems.
The student text can be ordered directly from the publisher, Prentice Hall. The teachers helps must be
ordered from Prentice Hall. Teachers helps include: (1) the Teachers
Edition which contains the text of the students edition with exercise answers;
(2) the Teaching
Guide, which includes lesson plans and teaching strategies for each lesson in the
text; (3) the Solutions
Manual, which includes step by step solutions for each of the student exercises in the
text; (4) Tests;
(5) Graphing
Calculator Lab Manual (for teaching the use of the graphing calculator used in the
text); (6) Graphing
Calculator Lab Teaching Guide (to help the teacher in teaching the use of the graphing
calculator). The Solutions Manual is necessary for any homeschooling family; the graphing
calculator materials are useful for those new to this technology, as the graphing
calculator is used throughout the text; the other materials are not necessary to complete
the course but may be helpful depending on the parents familiarity with elementary
Prentice Hall welcomes
orders from individuals, but to order teaching materials, a copy of a teaching
certificate must be included, OR a typed letter written on (home)school letterhead stating
the following: I am an individual homeschool parent teaching Algebra and
Trigonometry by Paul A. Foerster this year in our homeschool. I take responsibility to see
that no instructor materials fall into the hands of students taking this course.
Sincerely, and so forth, making sure the letter is signed. A check, money order, or
credit card information must accompany your order, and include the cost of the materials
being ordered plus local and/or state taxes along with 8% shipping and handling.
Concepts and Applications
Paul A. Foerster
High school math teacher and author Paul Foerster brings over 30 years of
Advanced Placement calculus teaching experience to this brand-new text. Developed
specifically with the high school student in mind, but with all the content of a
college-level course, Calculus: Concepts and Applications starts right off with
calculus--review of pre-calculus topics is done when it is needed, not all at once at the
beginning of the course. Also, calculus is presented as a study of just four fundamental
concepts--limits, derivatives, and two kinds of integrals. From day one students work on
learning these concepts using a four-pronged approach: numerical, graphical, algebraical,
and verbal. Formal definitions are expected to be mastered, but are not presented until
students are already familiar with the concepts. Algebraic techniques are used to verify
conjectures made on the basis of analysis of graphs and tables. The author makes use of
the graphing calculator to explore concepts and applications that are difficult to derive
algebraically. This makes realistic applications possible, such as fitting the logistic
equation to actual census data. Drawing from diverse fields such as astronomy, anatomy,
ecology, and engineering, the author provides a vast array of problems that reinforce
skills, develop conceptual understanding, and introduce a world of interdisciplinary
connections. Also included is material for cooperative learning, long-term projects, and
journal writing. Known for his student-centered, readable style, which makes the text easy
to use for students that are studying calculus independently, Foerster also brings his
sense of humor to the text.
The teachers helps must be ordered from the publisher,
Key Curriculum Press, who welcome
orders from individuals, no documentation necessary, just a check, money order, or
credit card information. Teachers helps include: (1) the complete Solutions
Manual for every exercise in the student text; (2) the Instructors
Guide, with detailed teaching notes for each section of the text, and lesson plans;
(3) the Instructors
Resource Book, which contains many classroom teaching aids as well as chapter tests
and midterm and final exams. The Solutions Manual is necessary for any homeschooling
family; the other materials are not necessary to complete the course but may be helpful
depending on the parents familiarity with calculus.
John Saxon
For 10th-12th grades and up, or any student that has completed a
complete course in Algebra (I and II) and Geometry in the dialectic stage. This text
contains quite a bit of material on geometry interspersed throughout the advanced
mathematics, so that will be a repeat for students that have had geometry already in the
dialectic stage. The teaching style of the text does not emphasize conceptual development
or understanding of underlying mathematical principles, therefore, the Saxon texts are not
CCHs top choice for advanced mathematics instruction. However, some students have
been extremely satisfied with mathematics instruction from Saxon texts, and this advanced
mathematics course is for them. The Home Study Kit for Advanced Mathematics includes the
student text, the answer key, and tests with answers. The Advanced
Mathematics Solutions Manual for every exercise in the student text is also available.
John Saxon and Frank Wang
For 10th-12th grades and up, or any student that has completed an
Advanced Mathematics or Precalculus course. This text covers the material tested on in the
AP Calculus exam for those students that do well with the Saxon series. The Home Study Kit
for Calculus includes the student text, the answer key, and tests with answers. The Calculus
Solutions Manual for every exercise in the student text is also available.
The following Harold Jacobs student text can be ordered from Amazon.com.
While some teachers helps can be ordered from Amazon, some can not. However, all the
teachers helps are in fact in print as of July 1, 2001. Contact the publisher, W. H. Freeman and Company,
to obtain teachers helps not available through Amazon.com. Be sure to have the ISBN
numbers of the materials you would like to order in front of you when contacting the
Mathematics: A
Human Endeavor
Harold Jacobs
For 10th-12th grades and up. Mathematics: A Human Endeavor (ISBN
071672426X) cannot be classed as a pre-algebra text, nor does it fit well as an advanced
mathematics course. It can be worked by those students with little experience in either
Algebra or Geometry, and also delves into topics traditionally reserved for the higher
maths, such as elementary functions. The author describes it as a text for those who think
they dont like mathematics. Although a quick glance at the table of contents
might suggest a rather sophisticated treatment, the topics chosen are presented in a way
that requires minimal mathematical background and maturity. A strength of this text
is its relating mathematics to other subjects, such as music, and real life, so that it
would make an excellent rhetoric stage text as well. The topics covered include the
universal language of mathematics, mathematical ways of thinking (this has great lessons
on both deductive and inductive logic as applied to mathematics), number sequences
(arithmetic, geometric, binary, squared and cubed sequences as normally taught in advanced
mathematics), functions and their graphs (as normally taught in Algebra, but with some
interesting real-life applications), large numbers and logarithms, informal geometry,
mathematical curves (as normally taught in second-year Algebra, trigonometry, and
analysis), permutations and combinations, probability, statistics, and topology. Teaching
helps include the Teachers
Guide to Mathematics: A Human Endeavor (ISBN 0716724227) which contains lesson plans
and answers to all the exercises in the student text; and a printed book of test masters
(ISBN 071672569X).
From the Birth of Numbers
Jan Gullberg and Peter Hilton
This is not a mathematics exercise textbook, but an elucidation of that
branch of philosophical understanding known as mathematics. It covers virtually every
mathematical concept--from basic addition to differential calculus--in an easy to read and
understand style. More importantly, it also does so elegantly, providing the most
beautiful and elegantly simple examples of mathematics problems to illustrate the
concepts. Not only an explanation of mathematical concepts, but the author also delves
into the history and development of the science of mathematics, which makes the topics so
much more interesting. If you want your teenager to become hooked on mathematics, then
this is the book for them. Browse through to see why mathematics is really the purest,
most profound, most beautiful of all human endeavors. This book is also available in the Teachers Math Resources section.
This online catalog is made possible through an association with Amazon.com.
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