All of the reviews found below are books, materials, and courses I have read, used, or taken in my own homeschool or in my own continuing education. I have tried to be objective, however, please remember that these are my opinions only. My favorites are so marked. I have not reviewed any curricula that I dont own or havent read--there is good curricula out there that is not reviewed on these pages. A certain curriculums exclusion from these pages, then, does not mean that its not a good curriculum. If you are a supplier of homeschool curricula that you believe works well within the classical model of education, CCH would be happy to review it for inclusion on these pages: contact Christine Miller for more details.
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Homeschooling: Classical Education at Home
Site designed and maintained by Christine
Miller / This page last revised February 2000
Classical Curriculum & Online Catalog: Reviews of Classical Curricula
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