Homeschooling & Education Links
This page contains links to CCHs current Why We
Homeschool Site of the Month and Past Sites of the Month,
and many other quality links to sites covering all aspects of homeschooling and
educational philosophy, history, and helps.
Why We Homeschool
The Graves of Academe
By Richard Mitchell. Subtitled: Why can't our nation read, write, cipher or THINK? The Underground Grammarian takes on the American Educational Establishment. "Praised by critics across the nation, The Graves of Academe is Richard Mitchell's angry and brilliant tour through America's bloated public school system whose mangled, self-serving language and policies would make Orwell wince. Stamped with vintage Mitchell wit and laced with stinging examples from The Underground Grammarian, The Graves of Academe pinpoints the historic sources of the mind-boggling "educationist" bureaucracy and reveals why today's schools are riddled not only with illiterate students but with illiterate teachers and administrators as well."
From chapter 1, Propositions Three and Seven: "We are a people who imagine that we are weighing important issues when we exchange generalizations and well-known opinions. We decide how to vote or what to buy according to whim or fancied self-interest, either of which is easily engendered in us by the manipulation of language, which we have neither the will nor the ability to analyze. We believe that we can reach conclusions without having the faintest idea of the difference between inferences and statements of fact, often without any suspicions that there are such things and that they are different. We are easily persuaded and repersuaded by what seems authoritative, without any notion of those attributes and abilities that characterize authority. We do not notice elementary fallacies in logic; it doesn t even occur to us to look for them; few of us are even aware that such things exist. We make no regular distinctions between those kinds of things that can be known and objectively verified and those that can only be believed or not. Nor are we likely to examine, when we believe or not, the induced predispositions that may make us do the one or the other. We are easy prey."
The Graves of Academe was a "why we homeschool" link before, but it was several years ago, and bears repeating. Even though The Graves of Academe was written decades ago, it is still relevant today, as the foundational problems described with the public school system and culture have NOT been addressed. This is why we homeschool.
Past Why We Homeschool Links.
About Homeschooling
The homeschooling page of, which used to be the Mining Company. This is a great general resource for information on all aspects of homeschooling, including FAQs, unit studies, internet links to every academic subject, state history guides, homeschooling methods, up to date news concerning homeschooling, and much more. Updated regularly.
Accuracy in Academia
AIA seeks reassertion of traditional academic ethics in our universities. They contend that academic freedom is threatened by a progressive ideological orthodoxy, pervasive in the intellectual community, which degrades professional standards in teaching and scholarship, and inhibits speech and research which contradict orthodox views. AIA wishes to see academia return to its proper mission: the quest for truth. To promote this goal, they document and publicize political bias within academia in three issues: the exploitation of the classroom or university resources to indoctrinate students; discrimination against students, faculty or administrators based on political or academic beliefs; and campus violations of free speech. If you dont want to know how progressive most universities are, dont visit this site.
All Through the Ages
All Through the Ages by Christine Miller is a resource guide for learning and teaching history using real books, narrative histories, biographies, and literature rather than textbooks. This exhaustive guide to over 5600 of the best quality living books and literature enables a homeschooling parent to effectively teach their children both World and American history with nothing more than a library card. All grades and reading levels are included.
Christian Homeschool Fellowship on the Web
Encouragement, practical resources, and support for Christian families through their many forums and discussion boards.
Classical Christian Education Links
CCHs own set of links to all aspects of classical education: what it is, how to do it, why to do it, and more.
Classical Christian Education Support Loop
The CE Support Loop was formed in April of 1997 to provide help, fellowship, and support for homeschooling mothers who were seeking to implement Classical Christian Educational theory in their homeschools. Their webpage includes articles of interest to homeschoolers such as Reading and Literature, the 1000 Good Books List, Learning Latin, and more. Homeschool
The Homeschool Channel produced by Mike Farris, with practical and fun information and kindred spirits to help you continue learning or teaching in the best place home. Guest columnists, links, encouragement of the day, chat rooms, and more help for homeschoolers.
Education Calendar & WWW Sites
Education Calendar is a unique site that changes monthly. It features the important days of the month, such as Election Day, the Anniversary of the Gettysburg Address, Veterans Day, (and more) for November, and includes high quality, annotated links to internet sites useful for learning about that those topics. The Calendar has not been updated since May of 2001. I have left the link hoping it might come back, or the past months links posted.
Education Index
An annotated guide to quality education-related sites on the Web, sorted by subject and lifestage.
Elijah Company
We regularly order school materials from this company. Weve limited our selections to materials we have used with our own children or to items friends rave about that are educationally sound. Were aware of a lot of educational junk food out there that does nothing to nourish young minds and hearts. We are also aware that home schooling has become an industry and many people with no interest in home schoolers are beginning to cash in on this market. We believe home schooling is part of a move of God to restore the family, and we dont want to merchandise what God is doing, we want to service it.
Escondido Tutorial Service
Dedicated to bringing classical Christian education to homeschoolers with tutorials available in your own home through the internet. This site is also the home of many important articles by Fritz Hinrichs on Classical Education, and the site that has been most helpful to me in researching CCE.
Greenleaf Press
Greenleaf Press is a small family-owned and operated publisher and supplier of quality books for children, specializing in history for the thoughtful child. We order from Greenleaf every year.
History of Education
CCHs own page with links to internet articles and on-line books that illuminate aspects of the history of education in Western Civilization, both traditional (classical) and modern.
History on the Internet
My favorite history sites on the internet, sorted by historical era, geographical region, and catagory.
Home School Digest
Home School Digest is a national homeschooling magazine for serious homeschoolers. The magazine has featured classical education many times, and many of their past articles are available at this site.
Home School Easy Records
This full-featured homeschool planner for creating homeschool records and lesson plans is what I use in my own homeschool. This program does much more than just create printed forms--it is a database that uses your lesson plan inputs to automatically create assignment sheets, report cards, transcripts, and more.
Home School Legal Defense Association
Stay abreast of the legal issues important to homeschoolers, access the home schooling laws for all 50 states, listen to Mike Farriss daily radio broadcast, The Homeschool Heartbeat, and more.
Homeschool Christian
Support and information for Christian homeschoolers, including help for beginners, position papers, message boards and chat, homeschooling faqs, and much more.
Homeschool FindIt
This huge database of links to internet information on getting started in homeschooling, support groups, laws, homeschooling styles (including classical education), curriculum suppliers, why homeschool, magazines and newsletters, and more is a great place to begin searching for just about any aspect of homeschooling information imaginable.
Homeschool Portal
The Homeschool Portal is a homeschooling directory, a comprehensive listing of educational resources, websites, and businesses that provide support to the homeschooling community, parents, teachers, educators, and students.
Homeschool Reporting Online
Record keeping solutions featuring report- and transcript-generation for individual families and umbrella organizations. Try it free for 30 days, HSLDA members receive a 15% discount.
Homeschoolers Curriculum Swap
The oldest continuous used curriculum site on the Net, with many built in safeguards to protect website users. Every day, new ads for used books and curriculum are placed, and viewing the ads is always free to those shopping.
The Homeschooling Mommies
Encouragement and biblical wisdom from veteran homeschooling mommies, plus curriculum suggestions.
Homeschooling Today
The national magazine for homeschoolers emphasizing all aspects of home education, but increasingly concerned with classical literature, art, and music; the history of Western Civilization; memorizing; Latin and Greek; and even occasionally prints articles by yours truly!
John Taylor Gatto
His writings on the web - this site preserves the writings of Mr. Gatto, New York State Teacher of the Year in 1991, and provides links to his essays and speeches found on the Interent.
Lost Tools of Learning
This speech presented by Dorothy L. Sayers at Oxford in 1947 is the catalyst behind much of the resurgence of interest in Classical Education.
National, State, & Local Support
If you are new to homeschooling, or have moved to a new area of the country, this page from the excellent Finding Homeschool Support on the Internet site will put you in touch with the state homeschooling organizations of every state in the country, plus Canada and a few international sites, as well as links to other pages that also list local homeschooling information.
Nothing New Press
Nothing New Press is the curriculum publishing arm of Classical Christian Homeschooling. That which has been is that which will be, and that which has been done is that which will be done.
So, there is nothing new under the sun. - Ecclesiastes 1:9. This summarizes the importance Nothing New Press places on the ancient paths (Thus says the Lord: Stand by the roads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is; and walk in it, and find rest for your souls. - Jeremiah 6:16) and the study of history to the education of our children. Here find information on Christine Millers guide for teaching history using real books and literature, All Through the Ages, as well as reprints of H. A. Guerbers Story of series of historical narratives, The Story of the Greeks, The Story of the Romans, The Story of the Middle Ages, and more.
Schola Classical Tutorials
Schola Classical Tutorials offers group tutorials over the internet in the subjects of a classical liberal arts curriculum: classical languages, the great books of literature and history, rhetoric, and logic. These are the subjects that teach students the skills of thinking and learning and that teach them the history of the ideas that have shaped our culture. Someone in our family is enrolled in a class with Schola every year, and we highly recommend it to anyone.
School is Dead-Learn in Freedom!
This site is all about learning in freedom, and taking responsibility for your own learning. Its about using your initiative to seek out learning, and using schools and teachers only if they are helpful to you.
Topics Related to Education
CCHs own page with links that, while not directly concerning either classical or Christian education necessarily, are related in scope and idea, and are of interest to classically educating homeschoolers.
Underground Grammarian
Dedicated to preserving the works of Richard Mitchell, professor of classics at Glassboro State College, and editor and publisher of the Underground Grammarian. The UG is a combination of grammatical critique, educational watchdog and political satire, and is a goldmine of insight into the modern educational establishment. In any case, Mr. Mitchells training in the tools of learning have certainly enabled him to think for himself.
