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Homeschooling Online Catalog: 2nd Grade History: The Classical World
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August 2003
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Grammar Stage History for 2nd Grade: The Classical World
Last Page: Ancient Greece
This Page: Ancient Rome
Many of Romes institutions were incorporated part and parcel into those of Western Civilization, including representative government, federal government, and Roman law.
The Classical World for Older Students
If you are beginning classical education or homeschooling with older grammar stage students, or need resources to fill in the facts of history with dialectic and rhetoric stage students, these will do that at a higher reading level.
Classical World Teachers Resources
The classical world blended with the foundation of the ancient world and the advent of Christianity to give us Western Civilization. These essential resources will help the homeschool parent grasp the big picture.
Ancient Rome
The Story of the Romans is your narrative history spine for this section of the history study. In 102 brief chapters (most one to two pages in length), The Story of the Romans covers Roman history from Italy's first settlers to the fall of the Roman Empire of the West in 476 AD. The Story of the Romans is intended to be a childs first introduction to classical history in the grammar stage, and the chapters can be either read outloud by the teacher, or read silently by the child. Since The Story of the Romans was written over 100 years ago before the dumbing down of American education, the rich vocabulary and literary style is also readily enjoyed by children of all ages, even into the higher stages of the trivium.
At the proper places in the narrative, set aside The Story of the Romans for a day or two and read the following books to your children. (The proper place is indicated in each books description.) They elaborate on the events described in the narrative history, and were chosen specifically to provide a fuller picture of pivotal persons and events encountered in the narrative history study.
Not every additional book listed here is necessary to give children a complete knowledge of Roman history. Using only The Story of the Romans will do that. Use these additional books as desired, some, all, or none.
The Story of the Romans
H. A. Guerber
Far and above all other narrative histories of Rome for children, Guerbers The Story of the Romans is an excellent introduction to Ancient Rome. Rich in detail, effortlessly weaving the Biblical worldview throughout, Guerbers history covers the complete scope of Roman history from the early inhabitants of Italy through the fall of the Roman Empire in 102 lessons. Best of all, the narrative reads like a story, nothing like the dry textbook histories we might remember from our own childhoods. We learn of Aeneas, Romulus and Remus, the seven kings of Rome, the rise of the Republic, the Punic Wars, Marius and Sulla, Pompey, Cicero, Julius Caesar, Mark Antony and Cleopatra, the rise of the Empire, Caesar Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, Nero, Trajan, Marcus Aurelius and the other Roman emperors, the persecutions of the Christians and the Christianization of the empire, and the fall of Rome. We meet the Roman army, ancient naval warfare, Roman triumphs, Roman amusements, Roman society, barbarians, and Romes great generals, statesmen, and citizens. This captivating history has been recently reprinted from the 1896 edition of the text, is illustrated, and includes helpful maps and a comprehensive timeline harmonized with Rome's own history as she herself has recorded it, and with biblical chronology.
Peter Connollys Roman World series
Peter Connolly
Peter Connolly is the foremost painter and illustrator of the ancient world today. His Roman World series, another great offering published by Oxford University Press, begins with The Legionary, which follows the career of Tiberius Claudius Maximus as he serves as a soldier in the famed Roman legions. This book is packed with detailed information about the Roman military and warfare of the period in 32 beautifully illustrated pages. Other books in this series include: The Cavalryman, continuing the career of Tiberius until he retires as a cavalry officer in Mesopotamia 30 years after he first entered the Seventh Legion on the Danube River; Roman Fort, clear, detailed descriptions and the history of Roman forts in Britain; The Holy Land, part of the sister series The Ancient World, with trademark accuracy and detail in descriptions and illustrations of the Holy Land under Roman rule; and Pompeii, extremely detailed archaeological descriptions of the ruins of Pompeii with drawings, photographs, plans, and reconstructions of life in this Roman city.
Introduce The Legionary and The Cavalryman following chapter XIV: The Roman Youths, in Story of the Romans (note that the setting of the career of Tiberius is during the late first century AD; Mesopotamia was added to the Roman Empire during the reign of Trajan; however, as Rome's military plays the central role in the story of the rise of Rome, it would not be good to wait until Trajan's rule to introduce this information on Roman warfare). Introduce Roman Fort following chapter LXII: Caesar's Conquests. Introduce The Holy Land following chapter LXXIV: Tiberius Smothered. Introduce Pompeii following chapter LXXXII: The Buried Cities.
David Macaulay
In City, Macaulay, through his detailed, award-winning illustrations, shows us step-by-step how the Romans came into a new area and laid out and built a city from scratch. It includes such fascinating information as planning and design, engineering technology, and tools and materials used. It shows us how the famous Roman roads and aqueducts were built, as well as fascinating looks at plumbing in Roman baths, and more. City is a valuable and fascinating reference for students of all ages.
Introduce this book following chapter XIV: The Roman Youths, in Story of the Romans.
Lays of Ancient Rome
Thomas Babington Macaulay
The early ballad poetry of the Roman people was lost to the later Romans, as lamented by Cicero. Thomas Babington Macaulay sought to recreate ballad poetry about the greatest events of Rome's early history, except in English. This volume contains four of Macaulay's Lays of Ancient Rome. An excerpt from Horatius will give a feel for the Lays: "Just then a scout came flying / All wild with haste and fear / To arms! To arms! Sir Consul / Lars Porsena is here / On the low hills westward / The Consul fixed his eye / And saw the swarthy storm of dust / Rise fast along the sky. And nearer fast and nearer / Doth the red whirlwind come / And louder still and still more loud / from underneath that rolling cloud / Is heard the trumpet's war-note proud / The trampling, and the hum / And plainly and more plainly / Now through the gloom appears / Far to left and far to right / In broken gleams of dark blue light / The long array of helmets bright / The long array of spears."
Introduce the Lay of Horatius following chapter XXV: The Defense of the Bridge, in Story of the Romans. The Lay of Horatius is the best of the four to introduce to children. If your children enjoy Horatius, however, you can also read the other Lays. The Lay of the Prophecy of Capys would follow chapter VI: Romulus Builds Rome; The Lay of the Battle of Lake Regillus would follow chapter XXVII: The Twin Gods; and The Lay of Virginia would follow chapter XXXIII: The Death of Virginia. The Lay of Horatius, especially, is often included in poetry anthologies, so check there first before trying to find this book. The Lays of Ancient Rome can also be found on the Internet.
Out of Print. Search AddAll.com or BookFinder.com via an author search using macaulay and a title search using lays of ancient rome; see locating out of print books.
Robert Green
Clearly written and concise, this book conveys the nature of the times in which Hannibal lived, and also gives a good sense of his personality as well. Hannibal's early years are mentioned, but the concentration is on his political and military contributions and actions. Hannibal was ruthless with his enemies, and was a brilliant and bold military strategist who suffered a violent death. Full-color and black-and-white photos, maps, and reproductions dramatize the history-making moments in hsi life, and especially helpful are the pictures depicting the elephants crossing the Alps and employed in battle. A time line, index, and suggestions for further reading rounds out the text. Older children (or younger children as a read-aloud) will also enjoy the adventurous tale of historical fiction, The Young Carthaginian: A Tale of the Times of Hannibal by G. A. Henty.
Introduce this book following chapter XLV: The Romans Defeated, in Story of the Romans.
Archimedes and the Door of Science
Jeanne Bendick
Jeanne Bendick has written a biography of Archimedes, which weaves in the explanations of his scientific discoveries in a very entertaining and enjoyable way, and also unfolds the history of the times he was living in. Archimedes lived in the Greek colony city of Syracuse on the island of Sicily at the unfortunate time when Syracuse made an alliance with Carthage, when Carthage found itself on the losing side of a war with Rome. Elizabeth Wilson in Books Children Love says of this book, "Good literary quality and a lively, humorous style characterize this well-told biography."
Introduce this book following chapter XLVI: The Inventor Archimedes, in Story of the Romans.
Roman Fort follows chapter LXII: Caesar's Conquests, if you are including the additional Connolly books in your history study.
Julius Caesar
John Gunther
John Gunther wrote several exceptional biographies for children for the Random House Landmark series in the 50s. This is one of them (Alexander the Great is the other.) Gunther tells the story of Caesars life with excitement and high-level interest, and does not neglect commenting on the moral undertones. Its out of print, but again, worth the effort to find. (Several editions of this book were eventually printed; the cover art on other editions is different.)
Introduce this book following chapter LXV: The Death of Caesar, in Story of the Romans.
Out of Print. Search AddAll.com or BookFinder.com via an author search using john gunther and a title search using julius casear; see locating out of print books.
Diane Stanley and Peter Vennema
The authors have succeeded brilliantly in bringing the power and magnificence of Cleopatra and her world to life. Her compelling story is told in a simple, straightforward text, often focusing on episodes and details of interest to young readers, and carefully pointing out still-unresolved ambiguities in the source materials. The dazzling illustrations, complete with rich mosaic designs, give life and excitement to the dramatic story. - Horn Book Review.
Introduce this book following chapter LXIX: The Poisonous Snake, in Story of the Romans.
Augustus Caesars World
Genevieve Foster
Each part of Genevieve Fosters interesting histories tell about the world, the events, and the persons important during each stage of her subjects life. Thus, when Octavius was a boy and young man, we learn of the murder of Julius Caesar, the influence and death of Cicero; we meet Cleopatra, Mark Antony, Brutus, Livy, Maecenas, and even learn of the Roman celebration of Saturnalia. When Octavius was a general, we not only learn of the battles Octavius and Antony fought against each other, but we meet Horace, Herod, Virgil, and the future players in the Roman empire when they were children. When Octavius became Caesar Augustus, we not only learn of the events of his life, but we learn of the Roman temples, the Gallic farmers, soldiers, chieftans, and druids; German warriors and priestesses; Herods temple in Jerusalem, and we meet Hillel, Agrippa, and Drusus (Germanicus). After Augustus was decreed a god and his worship began between 12 B.C. and 1 A.D., we meet Strabo the geographer, we learn of the building of the famous lighthouse of Pharos, we discover what is happening in Central America and China, and of course, learn of the birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem of Judea. The book covers the events from 44 B.C. to 14 A.D., the span of Augustus life. Fascinating reading.
Introduce this book following chapter LXX: The Augustan Age, in Story of the Romans.
The Holy Land follows chapter LXXIV: Tiberius Smothered, if you are including the additional Connolly books in your history study. The books of Luke and Acts would follow The Holy Land, if you use it.
New Testament
The history books of the New Testament are the Gospels and Acts, with Luke as the historian among the gospel writers. Read the stories outloud to your children from the Holy Bible, using Family References as desired; the Reese Chronological Bible is highly recommended.
Introduce Luke and Acts following chapter LXXIV: Tiberius Smothered, in Story of the Romans.
Roman Colosseum
Elizabeth Mann
Roman Colosseum is a colorful and imformative introduction to the structure of Rome's famous Colosseum and the history of gladiatorial games. The many architectural and building innovations utilized in the construction of the arena are explored, including an explanation of the ingenious ticketing and numbered entrances that were designed to control the flow of 50,000 spectators. Details about gladiator training, styles of fighting, and the use of wild animals in the games reinforce the author's contention that the Colosseum is both a symbol of Rome's greatness and its brutality. The clear, well-written text and full-color drawings and paintings graphically depict the events held there. Photographs of mosaics, relief carvings, and of the site itself are also included.
Introduce this book following chapter LXXXI: The Siege of Jerusalem, in Story of the Romans.
Pompeii follows chapter LXXXII: The Buried Cities, if you are including the additional Connolly books in your history study.
Christian Rome
Philippe Pergola
This new book in the popular Past and Present series explores historic sites in Christian Rome. Important monuments and districts are illustrated as they appear today, while overlays indicate how these sites probably looked when first built. The volume begins with a comprehensive tour of the Roman subterranean city known as the catacombs, and includes several labyrinthine burial grounds and underground places of worship. The second portion of the book focuses on churches and basilicas, and includes a detailed look at the architecture and art objects of Saint Peter's, among others.
Introduce this book following chapter LXXXIX: Antoninus Pius, in Story of the Romans.
Science in Ancient Rome
Jacqueline Harris
Like the other books in the Science of the Past series, Science in Ancient Rome is well-researched and easy to understand. In addition to being packed with useful information about, and insight into, ancient Roman civilization, the book also includes a helpful glossary and a final chapter that summarizes the Romans achievements and discusses their legacy to modern science and technology. Harris details how the ancient Romans absorbed, redefined, and used the ideas and scientific information gathered from other cultures to develop new techniques and materials to improve their own lives.
Introduce this book following the conclusion of Story of the Romans, by looking at the contributions Roman civilization has made to mankinds knowledge of science and technology.
Cultural Atlas for Young People: Ancient Rome
Mike Corbishley
Beginning with a timeline that stretches from 800 B.C. through the empires of West and the East (500 A.D.), this book, like the others in the Cultural Atlas for Young People series, is lavishly illustrated with National Geographic- quality photos and full-page maps. Part One covers the history of Roman civilization, including the Etruscans, the foundation of Rome, the Punic Wars, the Legions, the Republic, Julius Caesar, men and women of the Empire, Pompeii, Augustus, Trajan, the provinces and conquests of Rome, the emperors, religion, Roman baths, imperial Rome, arenas and stadiums, Diocletians reforms, and the Roman ship. Part Two covers the geography, culture and society of the different regions of the Empire, including Africa, Spain, Gaul and Germany, Britain, Greece, Asia Minor, the East, and Egypt; and touching on topics such as the Roman villa, buildings and technology, and more. An excellent resource.
Use this book during the entire Ancient Rome study as a supplement for the helpful full-page maps, beautiful photographs of artifacts, historical sites, and art and architecture, and when the topics covered are mentioned in The Story of the Romans or any of the other books used (for example, use the illustrated two-page spread on the Barbarian Frontiers on the Danube when reading of the barbarian invasions in The Story of the Romans).
Out of Print. Search AddAll.com or BookFinder.com via an author search using mike corbishley and a title search using ancient rome; see locating out of print books.
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Locating Out of Print Books
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If all else fails, and you cannot find a book you need, check it out from the library, or request it from your library through interlibrary loan. Once you have the book home, take it to a copy store and copy it. You can even have color copies done of key maps or photographs. Copy stores can now do nice bindings on your copy projects. The U.S. Copyright Law contains a fair use provision which allows an educator to make a single copy of out of print (not in print) works if needed for use in teaching (not for profit or publication). Then return the book to the library, and you have your own book to keep, usually for less than it would be from a collectors book shop.
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