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CCH’s Online Catalog: Teacher’s History Resources

This page last revised:
May 2002

Copyright © 1997-2002

Teacher’s History Resources

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In addition to the general resources listed below, you will find specific Teacher’s Resources for each era under study with CCH’s History of Western Civilization Units. Moreoever, the teacher’s resources for the grammar stage are equally helpful for the higher stages, to provide an overview and correct misinformation found in modern history resources.

Teacher’s Resources for All Eras
Helpful resources which cover all historical eras, and which are useful for every stage of study, are described here.

Ancient & Classical World Teacher’s Resources
This page includes Teacher’s Resources for the grammar stage 1st grade study of the ancient world, and 2nd grade study of the classical world, as well as for the dialectic stage 7th grade study of the ancient and classical worlds.

Medieval, Renaissance, & Reformed World Teacher’s Resources
This page includes Teacher’s Resources for the grammar stage 3rd grade study of the medieval world, and 4th grade study of the renaissance and reformed world, as well as for the dialectic stage 8th grade study of the medieval, renaissance, and reformed worlds.

American & Modern World Teacher’s Resources
This page includes Teacher’s Resources for the grammar stage 5th grade study of the American world, and 6th grade study of the modern world, as well as for the dialectic stage 9th grade study of the American and modern worlds.

Teacher’s Resources for All Eras

Click to order All Through the AgesAll Through the Ages
Christine Miller

Subtitled: History Through Literature Guide. This book is a teacher’s reference and guide for teaching and learning history using literature rather than textbooks. By using this exhaustive guide to over 5600 of the best in quality “living books”: narrative histories, biographies, non-fiction, historical fiction, literature, and more, and a library card, a parent can effectively teach their children both World and American History regardless of their childrens’ grades or reading levels. Books for every reading level in every historical era are included, from picture books and beginning readers through the great books of Western Civilization. The guide can be used from 1st through 12th grades to teach any historical era, and also includes a geographical section, to teach geographical awareness through literature; history of the sciences, mathematics, and arts section, and a separate section listing the great books of Western Civilization and the Christian tradition, covering the history of the Great Discussion, Literature, Poetry, and Drama.

Click to order the TimeChart History of the WorldThe TimeChart History of the World
Edward Hull, Third Millenium Press

As the Wall Chart of World History is now out of print, this TimeChart is the newly updated revision from that famous and rare Victorian Wall Chart by Edward Hull. History begins at the beginning, with the Creation of the world, and all major Biblical persons are included in the fold-out timeline. The history of all the civilizations of the world can be followed concurrently with Biblical history and the timeline is full of interesting illustrations and details. This edition is revised with a small geologic time chart in the beginning, which can be easily ignored, and the events of the twentieth century added. Along with the extra helps that the Wall Chart contained, even more historical detail has been added for older students. What an invaluable resource!
If comes up empty, try these sources: and God’s World Book Club Educational Catalog.

Click to order The Kingfisher History EncyclopediaThe Kingfisher History Encyclopedia
Larousse Kingfisher Chambers

The beautiful and comprehensive Kingfisher Illustrated History of the World is out of print, but Kingfisher has put out a new resource utilizing some of the same features as the Illustrated History which made it so popular. The progression of history unfolds page by page, rather than alphabetically, thank goodness (over 3500 alphabetical references are indexed in the back for a quick look up of historical information). Each page includes full-color illustrations, and a listing of the most important names, events, and dates, along with the concise articles that provide the teacher with a cursory knowledge of the times. This edition also takes the evolutionary stance of long ages to civilization.

Click to order How Should We Then Live?How Should We Then Live?
Francis Schaeffer

Subtitled: The Rise and Decline of Western Thought and Culture. “This book is a personal analysis of the key moments in history which have formed our present culture, and the thinking of the men who brought those moments to pass. This study is made in the hope that light may be shed upon the major characteristics of our age and that solutions may be found to the myriad of problems which face us as we look toward the end of the twentieth century.” If as a parent you have gaps in your knowledge of the history of Western Civilization, Dr. Schaeffer’s important book will help set you on the road of discovery and understanding, so necessary before beginning to relate the story of Western Civilization to our children.

Click to order Western CivilizationWestern Civilization
Jackson J. Spielvogel

Although this excellent text, commonly used in university survey courses, does provide a comprehensive survey of Western Civilization, it is not as easy to use in the grammar stage as either The Wall Chart of World History, or Kingfisher’s Illustrated History of the World. It does include maps and timelines, and covers the history of Western Civilization from ancient times (taking an evolutionary approach of long ages to civilization) through 1970. And, it is very necessary, after the homeschool parent has gone over the cursory information found in The Kingfisher History Encyclopedia, to provide a deeper and broader understanding of the whys and hows behind the events and people. Be sure to use How Should We Then Live? by Francis Schaeffer with this book to get a balanced view of Western history.

Using the Online Catalog

This online catalog is made possible through an association with Clicking on the book cover will take you to Amazon’s information page about that book. You can look at its price, availability, any discounts currently taken for that title, reviews of the book, and other information, as well as order it if you decide to purchase the book. You can even place books in your shopping cart and save them for purchase at a later time. You can continue to add or delete books from your shopping cart until you are satisfied with your order and ready to purchase. Clicking on your browser’s “Back” button will bring you back to this catalog.

Locating Out of Print Books
Sometimes books go out of print, or the publisher runs out of stock. Any book not available from for any reason can be searched using, a book shopping site which will scan Amazon as well as Barnes and Noble, Powell’s Books, Book Close Outs and many other new and used book sites. Be sure to also check for out of print book searches.

If all else fails, and you cannot find a book you need, check it out from the library, or request it from your library through interlibrary loan. Once you have the book home, take it to a copy store and copy it. You can even have color copies done of key maps or photographs. Copy stores can now do nice bindings on your copy projects. The copyright law allows copying of out of print works to be used for educational purposes. Then return the book to the library, and you have your own book to keep, usually for less than it would be from a collector”s book shop.

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