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A Childs Garden of Verses
Robert Louis Stevenson, illustrated by Tasha Tudor
Tasha Tudors sweet illustrations accompany the childrens poems of Robert Loius Stevenson, beloved for generations. Favorites such as Bed In Summer (In winter I get up at night / And dress by yellow candle-light / In summer, quite the other way / I have to go to bed by day), Pirate Story, Foreign Lands, My Shadow (I have a little shadow that goes in and out with me / And what can be the use of him is more than I can see / He is very, very like me from the heels up to the head / And I see him jump before me, when I jump into my bed) express the wonder in the everyday of childhood.
A Childs Treasury of Poems
Mark Daniel
Mark Daniel has organized a timeless collection of poems by some of the greatest American and English writers: Tennyson, Kipling, Whitman, Dickinson, Shakespeare, Stevenson, Rossetti, Lear, and more; and has paired them with beautiful paintings and engravings from the Victorian and Edwardian eras, some from private collections seen here for the first time by the general public. The poems are arranged in seven sections, beginning with Daybreak and ending with Sweet Dreams, and are displayed with period full-color paintings and numerous small engravings. His unique presentation is a wonderfully accessible introduction for children to classic poets and artists. Other wonderful Mark Daniel poetry collections for children include: A Childs Treasury of Animal Verse, A Childs Treasury of Seaside Verse, A Childs Christmas Treasury, and A Second Golden Treasury of Childens Verse.
Beatrix Potter: The Complete Tales
Beatrix Potter
This deluxe volume collects all of Beatrix Potters 23 Peter Rabbit tales and verses together--complete and unabridged--in one book. All the original illustrations, both color and black and white, are included. The stories are arranged in the order in which they were first published to enable them to be read in the proper sequence, from A Tale of Peter Rabbit to The Tale of Little Pig Robinson. Beatrix Potters tales were often connected with real places, people, or animals; so each story also includes a brief introductory note about its history. For example, The story of naughty Peter Rabbit in Mr. McGregors garden first appeared in a picture letter Beatrix Potter wrote to Noel Moore, the young son of her former governess, in 1893. In addition to the original 23 tales, this edition contains two early narrative picture sequences, Three Little Mice and The Rabbits Christmas Party. Also, there are two charming little stories, The Sly Old Cat and The Fox and the Stork, which were originally intended to be worked up into books, but remained unpublished. These tales are essential for beginning readers -- the stories are short but full of depth, and the vocabulary is rich and rewarding.
Stone Soup: An Old Tale
Marcia Brown
Three soldiers came marching down the road toward a French village. The peasants seeing them coming, suddenly became very busy, for soldiers are often hungry. So all the food was hidden under mattresses or in barns. There followed a battle of wits, with the soldiers equal to the occasion. Stone soup? Why, of course, they could make a wonderful soup of stones...but, of course, one must add a carrot or two...some meat...so it went. Marcia Brown has made of this old tale a very gay book, a carnival of activity, of dancing and laughter. -- The Publisher. Stone Soup is an ingenious lesson in hospitality. More Marcia Brown fables: Dick Whittington and His Cat; Once a Mouse ...; and The Three Billy Goats Gruff.
The Story of Babar, the Little Elephant
Jean and Laurent de Brunhoff
The Story of Babar is essentially the tale of a country boy who comes to the city and, while there, comes of age. In the end, he returns home to share his knowledge and experiences with family and friends. The beautiful, delightfully detailed illustrations--de Brunhoff was a painter by trade--never fail to amuse. (Although none of the characters seem to notice, the sight of Babar in a suit leaning against the mantel while he regales his audience with tales of the jungle is plainly hilarious.) All of the Babar books are notable for their ability to tell larger stories with simplicity and style, and The Story of Babar is no exception. Potentially troubling moments--the death of Babars mother, for example--are handled with taste, emphasizing Babars unique gift for uncovering a silver lining in the most persistent of clouds. Other Babar adventures include: Babar the King, Babar and His Children, and The Travels of Babar.
Bedtime for Frances
Russell Hoban
Frances is an irrepressible little badger with a knack for delightful childhood innocence and a little mischief, which her parents see right through. (And if you do not go to sleep right now, do you know what will happen to you? I will be out of a job? said Frances. No, said Father. I will get a spanking? said Frances. Right! said Father.) My favorite part is Frances singing herself a little alphabet song to help her go to sleep. (S is for sailboat, T is for tiger, U is for underwear, down in the drier... Frances stopped because drier did not sound like tiger. She started to think about tigers...) Every child will relate to the rituals of bedtime, portrayed with humor and grace. Garth Williams illustrations are a perfect accompaniment to Russell Hobans text. Other Frances books for beginning readers include A Baby Sister for Frances; A Bargain for Frances; Best Friends for Frances; A Birthday for Frances; and Bread and Jam for Frances.
Frog and Toad are Friends
Arnold Lobel
Frog and Toad are friends, and they do all sorts of things that friends do together: they have adventures together, they help each other feel better when they are sick, they share sadness and happiness, they protect each others dignity, and they make sacrifices for each other. Children love these simple, sweet stories of love and friendship (Frog and Toad were my sons favorite book friends when he was learning to read). Other Frog and Toad books for beginning readers include Days With Frog and Toad; Frog and Toad All Year; and Frog and Toad Together.
Arnold Lobel
Short, original fables with fresh, unexpected morals poke subtle fun at human foibles through the antics of animals. . . . The droll illustrations, with tones blended to luminescent shading, are complete and humorous themselves.--Association of Library Service to Children. Caldecott Medal; ALA Notable Childrens Book; full-color illustrations. Other charming Arnold Lobel books for beginning readers include The Book of Pigericks; Mouse Soup; Mouse Tales; Owl at Home; Small Pig; Uncle Elephant; Whiskers & Rhymes.
Little Bear
Elise Minarek
This is the first I Can Read Book ever, and the first of five classic Little Bear books, expressly designed for beginning readers. Elsa Holmelund Minarik and Maurice Sendak teamed up to create these simple stories that are deeply comforting and lovingly playful. In one story, Birthday Soup, Little Bear cannot find his mother and presumes she has forgotten his birthday. With the prospect of guests arriving and no cake in sight, he sets out to make birthday soup (all his friends like soup). Just as the gathering is sitting down for soup, Mother Bear shows up with a big, beautiful birthday cake. I never did forget your birthday, and I never will, she says to her son as he hugs her leg. The gentle, teasing repartee between Little Bear and his mother will delight young readers, and the spacious layout and large type will encourage them to keep on reading! Other Little Bear books for beginning readers include Father Bear Comes Home; A Kiss for Little Bear; Little Bears Friend; and Little Bears Visit.
The Parables of Jesus
Tomie de Paola
Tomie de Paola has written and illustrated dozens and dozens of warm, beautiful, sweet, and fun picture books for children. This one retells seventeen of the Lords parables, including The Good Samaritan, The Lost Sheep, The Laborers in the Vineyard, and The Prodigal Son. Although almost all of de Paolas books for young readers are delightful, the ones we have especially enjoyed include: The Miracles of Jesus; Patrick: Patron Saint of Ireland; Francis: The Poor Man of Assisi; Christopher: The Holy Giant; The Clown of God; The Knight and the Dragon; Nana Upstairs and Nana Downstairs; Oliver Button is a Sissy; Simple Pictures Are Best.
The Cat in the Hat
Dr. Seuss
This wonderful book using beginning phonics needs no introduction from me! However, I will say that when my youngest was having trouble distinguishing between letter sounds; beginning and ending sounds; and rhyming words; a few weeks of daily Dr. Seuss cleared up the problem with no extra effort on my part. Other Dr. Seuss books for beginning readers include: Dr. Seuss' ABC; The Foot Book; Fox in Socks; Green Eggs and Ham; Hop on Pop; Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You?; One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish. And don't miss these Dr. Suess stories not only for a little more advanced reading practice, but for communicating worthwhile lessons in a way that sticks for life: Horton Hatches the Egg; How the Grinch Stole Christmas; I Had Trouble in Getting to Solla Sollew; The Sneetches and Other Stories; Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories.
Mary, Did You Know?
Mark Lowry
Inspired by the hauntingly beautiful lyrics of the contemporary classic Christmas song written by Mark Lowry and recorded by numerous artists, Mary Did You Know? captures uniquely the wonder and mystery of God coming to earth ... and explores a mothers-heart perspective of how His life would forever change the world. Mary, did you know that your baby boy will one day walk on water? / Mary, did you know that your baby boy will save our sons and daughters? / Did you know that your baby boy has come to make you new? / The child that youve delivered will soon deliver you. Reverent and majestic, words and watercolors infused with Gods love, this is a picture book to treasure.
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