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Favorite Poems Old and New
Helen Ferris
Thomas Bailey Aldrich, Rosemary and Stephen Vincent Benet, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Padraic Colum, Lewis Carroll, Emily Dickinson, T. S. Eliot, Eleanor Farjeon, Kate Greenaway, Langston Hughes, Charles Kingsley, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, George MacDonald, Ogden Nash, Christina Rossetti, Sir Walter Scott, William Shakespeare, J. R. R. Tolkein, and John Greenleaf Whittier are just a few of the classic and contemporary poets represented in this comprehensive collection of over 700 poems. Divided into 18 diverse categories to make both browsing and more specific reading easy and fun.
Aesop for Children
Milo Winter, illustrator
According to Herodotus, Aesop was a slave who lived in Samos in the 6th century B.C. His moral animal fables have delighted young and old for over two millenia. This fabulous full-color edition of the classic Aesop features the original illustrations of Milo Winter, and includes 126 of the best-loved fables, including such favorites as The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse, The Ants and the Grasshopper, The Goose and the Golden Egg, The Wolf in Sheeps Clothing, and The Hare and the Tortoise.
Fairy Tales
Hans Christian Anderson; Reginald Spink, translator
The previous edition of Andersons Fairy Tales listed here is unfortunately out of print. This edition is from the Everymans Library of Childrens Classics, a book series known for its heirloom qualities and enduring production. It features 47 of Andersons best and most popular tales, such as The Princess and the Pea, The Little Mermaid, The Emperors New Clothes, The Steadfast Tin Soldier, The Ugly Duckling, The Snow Queen, The Little Match Girl and more, all translated by Reginald Spink, considered to be the finest translation of Andersons fairy tales into English. Furthermore, this beautiful volume is illustrated by the pictures that graced an 1899 British edition of the tales, done by three of Britains most celebrated illustrators, including Charles Thomas and W. Heath Robinson.
The Childrens Book of Virtues
William Bennett; Michael Hague, illustrator
With beautiful illustrations by award-winning Christian illustrator Michael Hague, The Childrens Book of Virtues contains excellent selections arranged thematically as in The Book of Virtues, illustrating Courage, Perserverance, Responsibility, Work, Self-Discipline, Compassion, Faith, Honesty, Loyalty, and Friendship. My favorite tale in the book is The Little Hero of Holland, the true story of the brave Dutch boy who kept his finger in a hole in the dike as long as it took for help to arrive, and so saved his whole community. Other equally endearing collaborations by William Bennett and Michael Hague include The Childrens Book of Heroes, and The Childrens Book of America.
A Lion to Guard Us
Clyde Robert Bulla
Clyde Robert Bulla books are good bridges between easy readers and full-fledged chapter books for children. He often writes stories in which children find themselves in difficult situations or with obstacles to overcome; and the way they solve their problems is the trademark of his heart-warming style. In A Lion to Guard Us, Amanda must take her younger brother and sister on a perilous ocean voyage to find her father in Jamestown colony after her mother dies. In Chalk Box Kid, a boy for whom everything is going wrong comes to terms with his disappointment in an unusual but beautiful way. In Daniels Duck, young Daniel spends a long winter painstakingly carving a duck which is then rejected by the villagers. He must decide if their rejection really sums up his ducks value. In Pirates Promise, Tom is sold as an indentured servant bound for America when his ship is captured by pirates. In Shoeshine Girl, hostile and uncooperative Sarah-Ida is changed by a summer at her aunts with love, common sense, and hard work. In Three-Dollar Mule, Don saves a mule from a cruel master, only to encounter his fathers dislike of the beast on the family ranch. Can he do whats best for the mule while still honoring his fathers wishes?
Old Mother West Wind
Thornton W. Burgess
Favorites with children several generations ago, Thornton W. Burgess stories are back in print. The adventures of Old Mother West Wind, the Merry Little Breezes, the Green Meadow, and all its inhabitants have a Wind in the Willows quality, but with stories short enough for young readers to read on their own while introducing delightful situations and rich characterizations. Other Thronton W. Burgess reprints include Mother West Winds Children, Mother West Winds Neighbors, and the adventures of Bobby Raccoon, Buster Bear, Chatterer the Red Squirrel, Danny Meadow Mouse, Grandfather Frog, Jerry Muskrat, Jimmy Skunk, Johnny Chuck, Old Man Coyote, Old Mister Toad, Peter Cottontail, Poor Mrs. Quack, Prickly Porky, Reddy Fox, Blacky the Crow, Lightfoot the Deer, Grandfather Frog, and Mrs. Peter Rabbit.
dAulaires Book of Greek Myths
Ingri and Edgar Parin dAulaire
Ingri and Edgar Parin dAulaire, winners of the Caldecott Medal, are author-artists of rare distinction. The folktale quality of their text--relaxed, humorous, earthy--is reflected in the handsome design and glowing color of their illustrations. Here they freshly describe the immortals of Olympus--mighty Zeus with his fistful of thunderbolts; mischievous Hermes; gray-eyed Athena, goddess of wisdom; Helios the sun; and the mortals that figure in the old tales: Asclepius, the first physician; Orpheus and his beloved Euridice; Helen of Troy--as they parade across the pages, their heroic deeds and petty squabbles illuminated in full dimension. --The Publisher. Other dAulaire favorites and award-winners for this reading level include Columbus, Benjamin Franklin, and Abraham Lincoln.
Where Do You Think Youre Going, Christopher Columbus?
Jean Fritz
Yes, these are history books, and American history, at that. But by the time children study American history in 5th grade, they will be too old for these wonderful books. The text is just right for young readers, and these stories serve as an introduction to our history until they are ready for an in-depth study later on. Jean Fritz tells the story of the heroes of America with a large dose of humor and a knack for uncovering the interesting details that so often are sacrificed in history books, all the while keeping a diligent eye to historical fact. These are cherished family favorites, modern classics. Others include Whos That Stepping on Plymouth Rock?, Cant You Make Them Behave, King George?, Why Dont You Get a Horse, Sam Adams?, And Then What Happened, Paul Revere?, Where Was Patrick Henry on the 29th of May?, Will You Sign Here, John Hancock?, George Washingtons Breakfast, George Washingtons Mother (a real treat!), Whats the Big Idea, Ben Franklin?, Shh! Were Writing the Constitution, and Just a Few Words, Mr. Lincoln.
James Herriots Treasury for Children
James Herriot
The beloved Yorkshire Dales country vet, James Herriot, author of the All Creatures Great and Small series, has taken his most heart-warming and engaging true stories of the Yorkshire Dalesmen and their animals from his practice and his books, and created a beautiful anthology for children. This volume includes all of his previously published picture books: Moses the Kitten, Only One Woof, The Christmas Day Kitten, Bonnys Big Day, Blossom Comes Home, The Market Square Dog, Oscar, Cat-About-Town, and Smudge, the Little Lost Lamb, with all of their original full-color illustrations by Peter Barrett and Ruth Brown. Discover why James Herriot is the favorite author of so many.
Just So Stories
Rudyard Kipling
The Dover editions of the Just So Stories are unabridged, and each volume contains six of the twelve Just So Stories. Both volumes together will give you all twelve of Kiplings original animal Hows: the hilarious explanations of How the Camel Got His Hump, How the Rhinoceros Got His Skin, How the Armadillo Happened, How the Leopard Got His Spots, How the Elephant Got His Trunk, How the Alphabet Was Invented, and others. He began inventing these stories in his American wifes hometown of Brattleboro, Vermont, to amuse his eldest daughter--and they have served ever since as a source of delight and laughter for children everywhere. A beautifully-bound hardcover edition containing all twelve stories in one volume, illustrated with Kiplings own drawings -- including his long, funny captions -- is also available.
The Boxcar Children
Gertrude Chandler Warner
Henry, Jessie, Violet and Benny are orphans. Determined to make it on their own, they set out to find a safe place to live. They discover an old, red boxcar that provides shelter from a storm. Against all odds, they make it into their home--and become the Boxcar Children. It teaches self-reliance, the sense of family, and leaves you with a lingering feeling of inspiration. Only the first nineteen books in the series were written by Gertrude Chandler Warner. The Boxcar Children books 1-4 boxed set; The Boxcar Children books 5-8 boxed set; book 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19.
Charlottes Web
E. B. White; illustrated by Garth Williams
An affectionate, sometimes bashful pig named Wilbur befriends a spider named Charlotte, who lives in the rafters above his pen. A prancing, playful bloke, Wilbur is devastated when he learns of the destiny that befalls all those of porcine persuasion. Determined to save her friend, Charlotte spins a web that reads Some Pig, convincing the farmer and surrounding community that Wilbur is no ordinary animal and should be saved. In this story of friendship, hardship, and the passing on into time, E.B. White reminds us to open our eyes to the wonder and miracle often found in the simplest of things. Newberry Honor book, illustrated by Garth Williams. Also by E. B. White: Stuart Little, The Trumpet of the Swan.
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