1492: An Ongoing Voyage
An online Library of Congress exhibit which examines the rich mixture of societies coexisting in five areas of the Western hemisphere before European arrival, and then surveys the Mediterranean world at a the same point. Finally, the contact between the two is explored.
History of Cartography
This link is an outline of a book on the same subject, but is valuable as a chronological guide of the development of map-making.
Map History & the History of Cartography
Odden’s Bookmarks: the Fascinating World of Maps;
Everything you ever wanted to know about maps of all kinds, with great links to ancient and historical maps.
The sites on the left are pages with excellent historical content. The sites below are links pages, specifically chosen for the quality of pointers to other sites for further research.
Age of Discovery
This site is another great Modern European History AP site, via the Links to the Past page.
Creative Impulse: Exploration
This award-winning site is the place to begin searching for web resources pertaining to every aspect of history and culture.
Discoverer’s Web
Find here all things having to do with the discovery and exploration of the world on the web, and includes information and links not only about the great Age of Discovery, but explorations in the ancient world also.
Exploration & Historical Geography
A Mining Co. site, and a good place to begin the study of a topic, because they are geared for the general reader rather than the historian.