Pottery from the Jericho Excavation
Middle Eastern, 3300-1550 B.C. Clay.
On display with the Ancient Near Eastern Art Collection at the Michael C. Carlos Museum at Emory University in Georgia.Image courtesy of the Michael C. Carlos Museum.
Ancient Israeli Art
Art and Architecture in Ancient Palestine
A university site with nicely annotated links to other sites, such as the Israel Museum of Jerusalem, for further study of the art of ancient Palestine.
Ancient Israeli Culture & History
Biblical Archaeology
From About.coms (formerly the Mining Co.s) Israeli Culture page, this site is continually updated regarding the ongoing discoveries of biblical archaeology. Dont miss the Jerusalem Christian Review page while here.Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs: History of Israel
A well-done overview of the history of Israel from the time of the patriarchs to the states recent 50th anniversary celebration.Pharoahs and Kings: A Biblical Quest
by David Rohl, who has proposed a new chronology for ancient Egypt which gave the world a completely fresh understanding of biblical history. His fascinating journey back through time provided the first archaeological confirmation for many of the great events and personalities in the Old Testament. Read the book the British Museum banned and decide for yourself.
The above pages will get you started on many fascinating hours of research and discovery regarding all aspects of Byzantine culture and history. However, if you need additional site suggestions for further help and more specific research, please visit History on the Internet: Ancient Israel, where you can find many more high quality links.
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Site designed and maintained by Christine Miller / This page last revised February 2000
Art History: Pottery from the Jericho Excavation
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