News & Politics Links
This page contains links to quality news sites which conform to the
founders vision of a free press for a free people, as a watchdog on government. Lose
liberal spin and keep up with the events of the day from a conservative perspective.
Conservative Politics
From, which used to be the Mining Company. Well-organized links of every type to
news and politics sites of interest to conservatives.
The American Spectator
The nortorious monthly conservative news magazine is now online.
Capitol Hill Blue
Because nobodys life, liberty, or property is safe while Congress is in
session. Congressional and other government and political news.
C-SPAN is a public service created by the American cable television industry to provide
C-SPANs audience access to the live gavel-to-gavel proceedings of the U.S. House of
Representatives and the U.S. Senate, and to other forums where public policy is discussed,
debated and decided--all without editing, commentary or analysis and with a balanced
presentation of points of view.
Cybercast News Service
From the CNS News Service: jour·nal·ism \'jern-el-iz-em\ n (1833) 2 b: writing
characterized by a direct presentation of facts or descriptions of events without an
attempt at interpretation. -- Websters Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary; the
Cybercast News Service was launched June 16, 1998 as a news source for individuals, news
organizations and broadcasters who put a higher premium on balance than spin. Study after
study by the Media Research Center -- the parent
organization of -- clearly demonstrate both a liberal bias in many news
outlets and a frequent double-standard in editorial decisions on what constitutes
news, which CNS counteracts with balanced reporting.
A Library of Congress site, that lists all branches of federal government -- executive,
legislative, and judicial -- and how to contact them and find information about them.
Fox News
Fair and balanced reporting, from the leader in the 24 hour cable news companies.
Government Directories
Find listings for federal government agencies and officials, state government agencies and
officials, county and local government agencies and officials, and every embassy in
Washington D.C.
Jewish World Review
JWR is a free magazine published five days a week on the World Wide Web of interest to
people of faith and conservative thought. Keep up on current news with columns from
todays leading conservative writers and thinkers.
Media Research Center
Bringing political balance and responsibility to the media.
National Review Online
I dont agree with everything the National Review says, but the wit and insight into
the headlines of the day is just too much for me. Updated daily. Enjoy.
News Max
News Max is active in breaking stories of interest to conservatives and people of faith,
and links to stories from other news agencies of interest to the same. Updated daily.
Politics OnLine
This website is managed by a liberal, but the organization and the links are excellent and
useful to Americans of all political stripes. Find your Congressman, Senators, and state
and local government officials, track issues, follow the guide to Congress (which lists
committees and bills under consideration), write to local editors using the media guide,
and find out how to effectively communicate your concerns.
Real Clear Politics
Links to the best political news stories and editorials of the day, every day.
Reason Magazine Online
Media Week says of Reason Magazine, Reason, unlike most wonky journals of opinion,
does not preach mainly to the converted. Its voice, always clear and unacademic, is
distinguished by rigorous and exhaustive logical argument...Its a rare thing to have
ones mind changed by a magazine (or by anything, as a matter of fact) but I find
this often happens with Reason. Check in for commentary on politics, culture and
ideas; weekly columns on government, politics, science, and technology.
Rush Limbaugh
The website of the popular conservative radio host, with more information on the topics
and Rushs take on them that come up during each days broadcast.
Steel on Steel with John
John Loeffler began his career in my home state, and I listened to him on the radio every
day years ago. He is Christian, conservative, and a homeschooling father, with a sharp
logical take on the issues.
Thomas: Legislative Information on
the Web
By the Library of Congress, track bills, read the Congressional Record, and keep up to
date on all information about Congress.
Conservative news and information on the web.
Wall Street Journal Editorial
Excellent conservative commentary from the leading movers and shakers of the day. I never
miss Peggy Noonans
twice weekly column. Be sure to also visit WSJs Best of the Web, updated daily.
The Weekly Standard
Respected writers William Kristol and Fred Barnes keep America thinking with their
conservative perspective on the weeks news and politics.
Welcome to the White House
Find out about the new president, learn of the history of Americas first house, take
the tour designed for kids, and more.
World Magazine
World is a glossy weekly like Time or Newsweek, but reports the news from a distincly
Christian perspective. The editor is Marvin Olasky, a name familiar to homeschoolers and
an advisor to President Bush.
World Net Daily
World Net Daily is an daily Internet newspaper that still believes in a free press for a
free people, not a press sold out to any political party. WND believes the role of the
press must be as a watchdog on government, and often breaks news that other, liberal or
conservative outlets refuse to touch.
