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Genesis: the Beginning
Begin a study of Western Civilization with the foundation for all of history, the book of Genesis. A proper understanding of our beginning is also vital to build a Biblical worldview in our children.Ancient Egypt
The book of Genesis closes with Joseph and the Israelites soujourning in Egypt, and a study of ancient Egyptian civilization is next in the chronology of Western Civilization.The Ancient Near East
Many curricula overlook this important aspect of history, but the Ancient Near Eastern civilizations were just as powerful and influential as Egypt, and play the major role in the unfolding of Old Testament history.Ancient World Teachers Resources
The true history of the ancient world is misrepresented in many curricula, and many of us were probably not taught it ourselves. Here are the essential materials to help the homeschool parent correct that lack.The Ancient World for Older Students
If you are beginning classical education or homeschooling with older grammar stage students, or need resources to fill in the facts of history with dialectic and rhetoric stage students, these will do that at a higher reading level.
Genesis and Job
Read the stories outloud to your children from the Holy Bible, using Family References as desired. Job is one of the oldest books of the Bible, and probably takes place in the years following Babel, but before Abraham, while ice age conditions precipitated by Noahs Flood were prevalent in the north.
Yellow and Pink
William Steig
A yellow and a pink puppet are laying in the sun on a newspaper. Yellow wakes up, and asks Pink how they got there. Pink doesnt know, but after looking at their obvious workmanship, comes to the conclusion that someone must have made them. Yellow thinks this a preposterous theory, and proceeds to describe a set of hilarious, unbelievable events by which they might have arisen by chance, given enough time. Pink isnt really convinced, and has lots of questions about Yellows theory, some of which Yellow admits are unanswerable. Just when the argument seems over, a man comes out, picks up the puppets, commenting, Nice and dry, and takes them away, humming. Who is this guy? whispers Yellow. This ingenious secular picture book sums up the philosophies behind the origins debate on a level easily understood by five and six year olds, coming down squarely on the side of intelligent design.
A is for Adam
Ken & Mally Ham
This unique book is divided into three sections. The first section is an alphabet rhyme picture book, going through Genesis beginning with A is for Adam ... Along the way children not only learn the alphabet, but the true history of the world beginning in Genesis, and the important foundational truths in Genesis vital for a Biblical worldview and a complete understanding of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, all in easy to remember rhyming verse. The second part of the book contains notes for parents, teachers, and older children that resembles a commentary on Genesis. Many unique concepts are discussed teaching the Gospel from Genesis and showing how foundational it is to the rest of Scripture. At the end of the notes for each illustration, you will find student exercises that can be adapted for different age levels. The third part of the book contains full-page black and white drawings of each of the color illustrations from the first part of the book, that can be photocopied for coloring sheets for home schooled children, Sunday School lessons, etc. A superior resource.
Adam and His Kin
Ruth Beechick
History doesnt have to be drab. This book is entertaining, informative and remarkably easy to read. Though not a novel, it weaves into one continuous story information from many sources--including linguistics, archaeology, astronomy, and other sciences; the Bible and other history; and ancient traditions and religions. [The narrative] is neatly arranged within the timeline as given in the Bible. This excursion through an almost forgotten world provides startling insights on many old questions: Have history textbooks told us the truth? How did mankind learn language? Where did the skills of civilization begin? Why do ancient writings refer to a year of 360 days? What actual events lie behind the mythologies of the world? Who kept alive the memory of the distant past? --The Publisher.
The Great Dinosaur Mystery & the Bible
Paul S. Taylor
This book contains all the information from the famous movie, The Great Dinosaur Mystery, plus much more. Were dragons dinosaurs? Were dragon legends stories of peoples encounters with dinosaurs? Did dinosaurs go on the Ark? What happened to the dinosaurs? This colorful, large-format book is packed with exciting illustrations and information about dinosaurs and their environment, and how dinosaurs do not contradict the Biblical account of creation found in Genesis. This excellent book was chosen specifically to help parents and children discover together the truth about Gods amazing dinosaurs, and to help satisfy the questions and curiosity of little ones concerning these magnificent creatures.
Life in the Great Ice Age
Michael & Beverly Oard
By a dedicated creation scientist specializing in meteorology, and specifically, how the cataclysmic events of Noahs Flood could trigger a great Ice Age. Dr. Michael Oard and his wife Beverly have presented in a narrative story format what life was like during the Ice Age after the Flood. Yes, there was an Ice Age; however, it did not occur millions of years ago. Scientific facts the evolutionists neglect to tell you are interwoven throughout the narrative. This book was chosen specifically to answer childrens questions and curiosity about Ice Age information presented in childrens history books.
Many, many, many more excellent resources and history books for children concerning the 2000+ years of pivotal history covered in Genesis, about such important topics as the reality of Noahs Flood, what the ark really looked like, the Tower of Babel and the dispersion of peoples from there throughout the earth, etc. can be found at the Answers in Genesis Online Bookstore. We highly recommend their superior materials for learning about the true history of the beginning of mankind and civilization, and the relevance of Genesis to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which in turn will help develop a Biblical worldview in our children from an early age.
The civilizations of the Ancient Near East and Ancient Egypt grew up together and flourished over the course of thousands of years of history; sometimes they peacefully co-existed, sometimes the Near East conquered Egypt, and sometimes Egypt conquered the Near East. Abraham came from the Sumerian civilization of the Ancient Near East founded by Nimrod, and at one point visited Egypt, already well-settled in civilization and the dynasties and government of the Pharaohs. (I highly recommend First Civilizations: Cultural Atlas for Young People by Erica C.D. Hunter for those families that want to study a bit of Sumerian civilization when encountering Abraham in Genesis before a study of Egypt.) But children encounter the bulk of Near Eastern civilization after Egyptian civilization in the Bible: the empires of the Hittites, the Assyrians, the Babylonians, and the Persians; therefore well study Egypt first and the Near East second.
Read the stories of Exodus outloud to your children from the Holy Bible, using Family References as desired.
Brian Wildsmith
If your 1st grader enjoys a picture book to look at while you read the powerful story of Exodus from the Bible, there is no better one than Brian Wildsmiths. The paintings are rich, detailed, and stunning, and true to what we know of Egyptian architechtural style and decoration. The text is the most Biblically accurate in a picture book outside of the Bible itself. Long out of print, this book, which is sure to become a family treasure, is newly reprinted. If your children enjoy this book, be sure to also look into Wildsmiths Joseph, also newly back in print.
Cultural Atlas for Young People: Ancient Egypt
Geraldine Harris
The Cultural Atlas series is an excellent introduction to the ancient, classical and medieval worlds. Use this book to provide an overview, including the facts of the important places, names, events, and dates, of Egyptian history. Ancient Egypt begins with an illustrated timeline of events; their dates will need to be harmonized with Biblical dates. The TimeChart History of the World will help greatly with that. (Also check into Pharaohs and Kings: A Biblical Quest by David Rohl for a completely new chronology of ancient Egypt based solely on archaeological evidence that completely harmonizes with the Biblical record.) Part One covers the History of the Pharaohs, illustrated with beautiful National Geographic-quality photographs and large, full-page, full color maps. This section gives an overview of the geography of Egypt, the Two Kingdoms of Upper and Lower Egypt, an overview of the beliefs concerning Pharaoh, the gods of Egypt, heiroglyphs, burial customs, everyday life, then an overview of each of the dynastic periods: pre-dynastic, early dynastic, the old, middle, and new kingdoms and the intermediate periods, Egypt and the Near East, Egyptian warfare, and the decline of pharaonic Egypt under various conquerors. Part Two takes readers on a journey down the Nile, beginning with Nubia and ending at the Delta, visiting the Temple of Abu Simbel, Thebes, Karnak, Giza, and other important landmarks along the way.
Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt
Elizabeth Payne
This Landmark book reprint tells the story of the major Egyptian pharaohs in detail, each chapter being a short narrative of a Pharaohs life and the times in which he lived. It begins with a fascinating chapter on the rediscovery of Ancient Egypt in the 18th century. Following that are chapters on The Unification of the Two Kingdoms & the Gift of the Nile, the first part of which is speculative, taking the evolutionary view of long ages to civilization; Pharaoh Cheops and the Great Pyramid; the First through Second Intermediate Periods; Queen Hatshepsut; Thutmose the Third; Akhnaton and Tutankhamon; Rameses II; and the decline of Pharaonic Egypt. Great for reading outloud to first graders in brief bits while they color in their Coloring Book of Ancient Egypt.
David Macaulay
David Macaulay describes in detail how the Great Pyramid of Cheops (Khufu) might have been built, using the intricate and detailed illustrations he is famous for. Those illustrations allow us to follow the Pyramids progress over the course of the twenty years archaeologists estimate it took to build. Along the way we learn about the tools common in Ancient Egypt and how they were probably used, stone-quarrying, slave labor, and many fascinating details of everyday life. This absorbing book is appropriate for children of all ages, as well as adults.
Growing Up in Ancient Egypt
Rosalie David
Growing Up in Ancient Egypt describes daily life in ancient Egypt from a childs point of view. In 32 nicely illustrated pages, it discusses life in the city, life in the country, different types of work, pets and toys, meals, families, and many other aspects.
Mummies Made in Egypt
Alikis award-winning illustrations decorate this book written for beginning readers to read on their own. And yet, it still manages to contain a great deal of information about the belief system and religious practices of the Egyptians, their gods of life and death, the Egyptian Book of the Dead, how they prepared mummies for burial, and many other interesting topics. A favorite of children, this book has been chosen as a Reading Rainbow selection.
Tuts Mummy Lost ... and Found
Judy Donnelly
A Step 3 Step Into Reading series book for beginning and early readers. Tuts Mummy describes the story of King Tut and his sumptious hidden burial in the Valley of the Kings during the New Kingdom, and how his tomb was lost even though other tombs were systematically broken into and robbed over the centuries. It is also the exciting story of Howard Carter, the archaeologist whose long search finally led to the discovery of Tuts tomb early this century, unopened since the day millenia ago when the priests sealed the entrance after the young kings burial. Carter showed the world the splendor in which ancient Egyptian Pharaohs were buried, being the only untouched Pharaonic tomb found so far.
A Coloring Book of Ancient Egypt
Bellerophon Books
Bellerophon Books produces beautiful coloring books for museum gift shops based on the art of the time, rather than a modern artists rendering of that periods life and times. This book contains over 48 coloring pages inspired by the many wall paintings found in pyramids, tombs, and temples in Ancient Egypt. There are a few pictures of various gods and goddesses, then portraits of pharaohs, plant and animal life along the Nile, and many scenes of everyday life in Ancient Egypt.
Numbers and the Old Testament
Read the stories of Numbers, Joshua, and the rest of the Old Testament outloud to your children from the Holy Bible, and Family References as desired; The Reese Chronological Bible is highly recommended for reading the Old Testament in chronological order.
Cultural Atlas for Young People: the Bible
John Rogerson
A wonderful resource, especially for children, but everyone in the family will benefit. Beginning with a timeline from 7000 B.C. through 100 A.D. that chronicles the events in Israel and Judah with the history of neighboring civilizations, this beautiful Facts on File book first details the history of Bible lands, then their geography. It is lavishly illustrated with National Geographic- quality photographs, archaeological finds, and helpful illustrations (for example, of a Canaanite charioteer next to the walls of Jericho at the time of Joshuas conquest) that give insight into the stories of the Bible, and help children visualize the Egyptian, Canaanite, Phoenician, Philistinian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian, Grecian, and Roman civilizations of Biblical times. The history of Israel between the Testaments fills in the gaps from Ezra and Nehemiahs return to Israel and the birth of Jesus. The full-page maps are easy to read and clearly labeled. This book provides a valuable overview and many helps to teaching and learning.
Out of Print. Search AddAll.com via an author search using john rogerson and a title search using cultural atlas.
Cultural Atlas for Young People: First Civilizations
Erica C.D. Hunter
Another excellent book in the Cultural Atlas for Young People series. Beginning with a table of dates which conforms with evolutionary history rather than Biblical history, the book is divded into two parts. Part One covers the land of the ancient Near East and its people in detail, covering the geography, archaeology, some details of evolutionary history, Mesopotamian sites, cylinder seals, cuniform writing, ziggurats, and religion and ritual. Part Two covers Sumerian civilization, the Mittani, the Kassite Empire, Israel and Judah, the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Persians, and the decline of the Ancient Near East with the conquest of Alexander the Great.
Early Civilization: Usborne Illustrated World History
Jane Chisholm and Anne Millard
Covers ancient Egyptian and Mesopotamian (Near Eastern) history until the time of the Roman conquest. The only caution is that it takes the evolutionary view of long ages to civilization, and some of the earlier dates will have to be harmonized with the Biblical account. But like all the Usborne books in this series, this one is packed with illustrations and lots of detail, while providing a clear historical outline of the time period under study. This book replaces Anne Millards Warriors and Seafarers, which is now out of print.
The Ancient Near East: A Coloring Book
Bellerophon Books
Coloring pages inspired from the artwork of the Ancient Near East, including some illustrations from the legend of Gilgamesh, military and warfare scenes, scenes from everyday life, portraits of famous leaders such as Hammurabi, and a few scenes of Ancient Near Eastern gods and goddesses. Includes art from the Sumerian, Assyrian, Phoenician, Elamite, Hittite, Babylonian, and Persian civilizations. Besides the illustration appearing on the cover, there is one other inappropriate picture of the Canaanite goddess Asherah, which can be removed from the book or marked over. (The text accompanying this illustration, however, is informative and helps confirm a theory from Ruth Beechick in Genesis: Finding Our Roots and Henry Morris from The Long War Against God on the origins of paganism as a perversion of the truth of God as given in Genesis.)
Ancient World Teachers Resources
The true history of the ancient world is more likely to be misrepresented in secular childrens books than any other subject our children will encounter in school, with the exception of the issues of origins in science. As a matter of fact, it is practically guaranteed that the true history of the ancient world WILL be misrepresented. Probably, we ourselves werent taught the true history of the ancient world. Contrary to what we may have been led to believe, there is a wealth of ancient records available that shed light on this time period of history. It is a fascinating story, and vitally important for the development of a Biblical worldview. As teachers, even though we wont be giving all the detail we learn to our first grade children, we need to know the truth. We need to know how secular history and archeaology confirm the Biblical record. We need to know how the events recorded in Genesis and the other historical books of the Bible affected the other nations of Western Civilization that we will be studying. Some misinformation exists in secular history books, even for first graders, even in some books offered on this page (they have been noted as conforming to evolutionary history in the descriptions so that you are aware), and we have a responsibility to recognize it when we see it. We wont find this truth in most local libraries. The resources below are the best I have found that do give parents the truth.
The Bible Comes Alive
Dr. Clifford Wilson
The science of archaeology is causing a revolution in scientific circles where it was once vogue to ridicule the Bible. This excellent series of books by Dr. Clifford Wilson, an eminent Biblical archaeologist, contains his notes and photographs of all the archaeological finds that bring the Bible into three-dimensional life, adding flesh and full living color to the Word of God. In Volume One, Creation to Abraham, Dr. Wilson presents the archeaological and historical evidence supporting the authenticity of the book of Genesis and brings to life the age of the patriarchs. In Volume Two, Moses to David, Dr. Wilson presents the archeaological finds that bring to life the period of Egyptian exile in Israels national history, the Egyptians, the Canaanites, Jericho, and the settling of Israel, through the reign of David, her greatest king. In Volume Three, Solomon in All his Glory, Dr. Wilson brings forth the evidence of the golden age of Israel, its influence over the nations, and introduces us to the societies and histories of Assyria and Babylon, while illuminating the Biblical record. More volumes are forthcoming in this series of amazing Bible references.
The Penguin Atlas of Ancient History
Colin McEvedy
A broad-ranging map-based narrative history written by a historian with a wonderful turn of phrase and a quirky sense of humor. Besides the many maps that illustrate the vast range of time periods and geographical locations, McEvedys accompanying prose that explains the events illustrated by each map is an education in itself. This atlas begins with the presupposition that the earth is old; but after the speculative maps in the beginning, the maps supported by the historical record from about 2000 B.C. on are very helpful.
Genesis: Finding Our Roots
Ruth Beechick
Genesis: Finding Our Roots discusses the books of God, Adam, Noah, the Sons of Noah, Shem, and Terah (Genesis 1-11) through evaluating the Scripture text; going into further Scriptural study; topical studies relevant to that portion of Genesis, bringing to bear the amazing correlation of historical, literary, linguistic, cultural and other information from ancient peoples; ending with a further study section. Well-illustrated, this fascinating text is an excellent, easy introduction to the historicity of Genesis.
The Genesis Record
Henry M. Morris
This is a thoroughly engrossing study on the book of Genesis, all fifty chapters. Dr. Morris writes a narrative exposition rather than a critical verse by verse analysis, although discussions on all important historical and scientific problems are woven into the narrative. He writes from the conviction that the first eleven chapters of Genesis are as truly historical as the remaining thirty-nine, a conviction not based solely on blind faith, but on many years of scientific, historical, and theological study. In The Genesis Record, the reader is conducted by a capable guide through the important corridors of earths early history, providing the background so necessary in understanding all of Scripture. -The Publisher.
After the Flood
Bill Cooper
The author lays out astonishing evidence showing how the earliest Europeans recorded their descent from Noah through Japheph in meticulously kept records, knew all about Creation and the Flood, and had encounters with creatures we would call dinosaurs. These records of other nations lend chapters 10 and 11 of Genesis a degree of accuracy that sets them apart from all other historical documents of the ancient world. In a book which is the fruit of more than 25 years of research, Cooper traces the development of the creation/evolution controversy that raged in the ancient world, and explodes many of the myths and errors of modernist biblical critics. -The Publisher. In the appendix, he also traces the lineage of the descendants of Ham and Shem to the various races and nations they founded. This book was so engrossing I finished it in a single weekend; it was that compelling and easy to read.
The Remarkable Record of Job
Henry M. Morris
In the same engaging narrative style that made The Genesis Record a classic, the surprising historical, scientific, and theological insights of this oldest book of the Bible are treated in this new devotional commentary. Includes references to the Ice Age, dinosaurs, and cavemen, as well as amazing anticipatory glimpses of modern scientific discoveries and revelations of divine purposes in creation and redemption yet to come. Foreword by Dr. Harold Willmington, noted Bible scholar. Goes beyond the scope of traditional commentaries with his expert demonstration of Jobs scientific and historical accuracy. -Bible Science Newsletter.
The Puzzle of Ancient Man
Donald E. Chittick
Popular culture has led us to believe that ancient man was primitive--originating from primates and steadily improving through a process of time and chance. But does that agree with reality? What does the evidence left behind from past cultures tell us? Was ancient man simple and primitive as we have been taught, or did the level of science and technology existing thousands of years ago match, or even surpass, the level of ours today in the 20th century? The answer to these questions will surprise you. Dr. Chittick discusses out-of-place artifacts, ante-diluvian technology, Nimrods kingdom, bronze-age explorers, the Tower of Babel, megalith puzzle pieces, cave man, the origin of races, the Nazca, the Inca, and the Maya.
The Long War Against God
Henry M. Morris
This book shows the devastating impact of evolutionism, which is really one expression of the anti-Biblical worldview, in all fields of study and all phases of individual and national life. It then traces the various forms of this same deception back throughout its dark history as it has continually fought the everlasting Gospel, going all the way back to the beginning of paganism with Nimrods perversion of the truth at Babel. Lastly, it finally demonstrates the ultimate triumph of the Creator/Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Foreword by Dr. David Jeremiah. This book might well be the magnum opus of the author ... It is a veritable gold mine of primary source material ... Morris has done the Christian public a notable service in giving readers a thorough and documented study of what indeed is the Long War Against God. -Bibliotheca Sacra. This book is one of the treasures of our library, and contains well-researched historical information not available anywhere else. Extensively footnoted and scrupulously documented, this one is worth the effort to find. If you cannot find it at Amazon.com or AddAll.com, try the Institute for Creation Research.
Pharaohs and Kings: A Biblical Quest
David Rohl
David Rohl has proposed a new chronology for ancient Egypt which gave the world a completely fresh understanding of biblical history. His fascinating journey back through time provided the first archaeological confirmation for many of the great events and personalities in the Old Testament. Read the book the British Museum banned and decide for yourself.
The Ancient World for Older Students
The dialectic and rhetoric stage history resources offered through this catalog assume that the ancient world has already been studied in the grammar stage. If you are beginning classical education or homeschooling with older students, these resources will give them the necessary foundation they might have missed. The books are listed in chronological order, more or less, and so are in the order in which they should be read. The Cultural Atlas for Young People series can be read in their turn as part of the study, or be used as references to fill in information about people, places, and events encountered in the other books. Rhetoric stage students that have not previously studied ancient world history should follow the Teachers Resources listed above.
Genesis and Job
The Amazing Story of CreationThe Great Dinosaur Mystery Solved
Ken Ham
This dinosaur book is unlike any that you have ever read before. It is not an exhaustive treatise on the fossils, behavior, or characteristics of dinosaurs. ... Appendix A [in the back of the book contains] references to many different sources that give a good summary of current thinking and recent discoveries relating to dinosaurs. ... In this publication, I have attempted to demonstrate that when one takes the events of history as given in the Bible, as well as the doctrines of Christianity that are all, ultimately ... founded in Genesis 1-11, an entire way of thinking [results] that can be applied to all areas of the created universe. A true Christian philosophy starts with the timeline of history as given in Scripture. Once a person understands this, he will find it easy to be able to give answers to a variety of questions, including dinosaurs. Once you read through this book and understand its approach, you will be able to apply the same reasoning in other areas. ... Youll be surprised by how much you can really say -- once you believe and understand the Bible to be the history book of the universe. -Ken Ham. Very highly recommended, and great for older grammar stage and dialectic stage students practicing their logic.
Genesis: Finding Our Roots
Adam and His Kin
Cultural Atlas for Young People: Ancient Egypt
Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt
PyramidRiddle of the Rosetta Stone
James Cross Giblin
The Riddle of the Rosetta Stone explains the story of how we learned of Ancient Egypt, knowledge that had been lost for centuries. It is a fascinating story of war, secrecy, code-breaking, and mystery, and this book preserves that for young people. Suspense keeps the reader glued to this fine piece of nonfiction as the mystery of hieroglyphs is slowly unraveled. Until the Rosetta Stone was finally translated and the decoding of hieroglyphic writing made possible, much of Egyptian history was lost. The author has done a masterful job of distilling information, citing the highlights, and fitting it all together in an interesting and enlightening look at a puzzling subject. -Horn Book.
Numbers and the Old Testament
Cultural Atlas for Young People: The Bible
Cultural Atlas for Young People: First Civilizations
Early Civilization: Usborne Illustrated World History
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