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CCH’s Online Catalog: Dialectic Stage Language - Grades 7-9

This page last revised:
May 2001

Copyright © 1997-2001

Dialectic Stage Language:
Grades 7-9

Using the Online Catalog

Option 1: Henle’s Latin
For 6th-9th grades, or any beginning Latin student in the 6th grade and up. Henle’s Latin teaches ecclesiastical pronunciation and includes readings in both classical and Christian authors.

Option 2: Latin Grammars and Wheelock’s Latin
For 7th grade and up. The Latin Grammars, for 7th-8th grades, prepare a student for the more intensive language study in Wheelock’s Latin, for 9th grade and up. The Grammars and Wheelock’s teach classical pronunciation; Wheelock’s includes mostly classical readings; it is a complete Latin course in one textbook.

Option 3: Homeschool Greek
For 7th grade and up. Designed for the homeschool, Homeschool Greek is a complete self-study New Testament Greek program.

Option 4: Schola Classical Tutorials in Latin and Greek
For 9th grade and up. These excellent Internet tutorials -- Latin I, Latin II, and Homeric Greek -- provide an experienced Latin and Greek instructor to take students through the classical languages.

Henle’s Latin Series

Henle’s LatinHenle’s Latin Series
Robert Henle

For the 6th-9th grades, or any beginning Latin student in the 6th grade and up. Henle’s Latin series is a complete ecclesiastical Latin course, enabling the student to read the classics in Latin upon completion. This program can be used by dialectic and rhetoric stage beginning Latin students, or grammar stage students that have completed Latina Christiana I & II. The readings are a rich collection from both classical and Christian authors. The grammar and syntax is collected in a separate handbook designed to be used throughout the series. The beginning vocabulary is limited to help children really master grammar without being overwhelmed by a large vocabulary. The explanations are thorough, easy to understand, and appealing. First Year Latin teaches beginning grammar; the Latin Grammar Handbook is required for use with the First Year text and throughout the series. The Second Year Latin text is based on Caesar’s De Bello Gallico (The Gallic War). The Third Year Latin text is based on Cicero’s Orations and Letters. The Fourth Year Latin text is based on Virgil’s Aeneid.

Latin Grammars and Wheelock’s Latin

Latin GrammarLatin Grammar
Douglas Wilson and Karen Craig

For the 7th grade. Latin Grammar can be used after the completion of a grammar stage Latin program, such as Latin’s Not So Tough!, Matin Latin, or the Latin Primers, or for any beginning Latin student in the 7th grade and up. Latin Grammar teaches classical pronunciation and introduces the grammar, vocabulary, and translation of Latin sentences deductively. The teacher’s edition contains the exercises key and tests and keys.

Latin Grammar IILatin Grammar II
Karen Craig

For the 8th grade, or after the completion of Latin Grammar. Latin Grammar II builds upon the grammar learned in Latin Grammar, and continues on with more advanced studies. The teacher’s edition includes even more teacher aids than in the Latin Grammar teacher’s edition. The Latin Grammar series is an excellent introduction to Wheelock’s Latin for dialectic stage students, but they are not prerequisite: any beginning Latin student in the 9th grade and up may begin with Wheelock’s Latin.

Wheelock’s LatinWheelock’s Latin
Frederic M. Wheelock

For the 9th grade and up. Wheelock’s is a complete classical Latin course in one text, and is widely considered the best Latin text available. This program is intended for beginning Latin students in the dialectic and rhetoric stages, and is the next text to use after completing the Mars Hill Latin series. Every lesson contains grammar, learned in sequence; ample vocabulary, lots of translation practice from the great Roman writers, readings from the great classical works in Latin; etymology lessons; and other interesting background information on Latin phrases, culture and history. The accompanying student workbook is not required to understand the course, but is helpful for additional practice. Wheelock’s includes a self-tutorial appendix of additional exercises, review, and tests (and key) of every chapter, for those students working through the text independently. When a student has completed this text, he is ready to read the classics in Latin. We have taken 3 to 4 years to complete the 40 chapters in Wheelock’s when studying independently.

Wheelock’s Latin Chapter Translations Key

CCH’s Review of Wheelock’s Latin

Using Wheelock’s Latin in the Homeschool

Study aids for use with Wheelock’s Latin:

Comprehensive Guide to Wheelock’s Latin by Dale A. Grote. Dr. Grote teaches college Latin courses using Wheelock’s; and found that increasingly, most undergraduates had a weak understanding of English grammar which made the explanations in Wheelock’s confusing for them. Rather than spend all his class time answering English grammar questions and how it related to the Latin they were studying, he wrote this study guide for his students so that he could continue to spend class time on Latin. We have found the study guide to be an invaluable help to us in working our way through Wheelock’s. This guide expands and explains important grammatical concepts that the Wheelock text presents too briefly for many contemporary students. It contains full grammatical explanations which aid student comprehension; useful exercises (with answer key) that quickly clear up confusion; and additional etymological information which helps students memorize new vocabulary. An earlier version of the Study Guide is available free on the Internet, written for an earlier edition of Wheelock’s Latin and with the typos still intact, but still quite usable and helpful.

Dale A. Grote’s Wheelock’s Latin site

Workbook for Wheelock’s Latin by Paul T. Comeau & Richard A. LaFleur. The Workbook for Wheelock’s Latin is not necessary to complete the course, but is highly recommended. It provides much additional vocabulary practice, grammar exercises, and translation sentences for every chapter of the Wheelock’s text; for every grammatical concept and new vocabulary introduced. The additional work and practice really helps a child grasp the paradigms, vocabulary and grammatical structure of the language.

38 Latin Stories Designed to Accompany Wheelock’s Latin by Anne H. Gorton & James M. May. In 38 Latin Stories, students can begin reading stories in Latin as soon as they have completed chapter 3 in Wheelock’s Latin. Stories include passages from Greek and Roman mythology, Latin translations of The Odyssey and Iliad, Virgil, Cicero’s Orations, Caesar’s Gallic War, and other classic Roman authors such as Quintilian, Sallust, Horace, Livy, Pliny, and more.

Homeschool Greek

Homeschool GreekHomeschool Greek
Harvey Bluedorn

For 7th grade and up. This program is designed to teach New Testament Greek to beginning dialectic and rhetoric stage students through independent self-study. It teaches English grammar before it introduces Greek grammar, and includes vocabulary drill cards, a Greek New Testament Reader (Matthew chapters 5-7, with an English translation), and audio pronunciation tapes for both the Grammar and the Reader. Volume I covers mostly nouns, and upon completion the student should have a working knowledge of Greek nouns, pronouns, adjectives, prepositions, and some knowledge of the Greek verb system. Volume II covers mostly verbs. Before beginning Homeschool Greek, go through the Greek Alphabetarion to learn the Greek alphabet and phonics.

CCH’s Review of Homeschool Greek

Schola Classical Tutorials

Schola Classical TutorialsSchola Classical Tutorials in Latin & Greek
Wes Callihan, tutor

For 9th grade and up. Members of our family have had the privilege of taking several tutorials with Schola now, and it is a wonderful way to learn a subject. Wes Callihan knows his material and his highly qualified, and he is a great teacher--kids love him. The Latin Tutorials are for beginning Latin students who are at least fourteen years old. The text used is Wheelock’s. Latin I covers basic grammar and syntax and includes readings in Latin, and includes cultural and historical study about the Roman and medieval world. Latin II covers the remainder of the grammar in Wheelock’s Latin and includes readings in classical and medieval Latin, including the Vulgate Bible. The Homeric Greek Tutorial is for students who are at least 15 years old, and who have some previous experience with either Latin or Greek. The course aims to “teach beginners to read Greek intelligently and with pleasure.” The course covers all essential Greek grammar in a year, including reading metrically, and by the end of the course the student will have read a large portion of the first book of the Iliad and will have memorized several dozen lines from the beginning of the poem.

Using Wheelock’s Latin in the Homeschool

We used the text, the Study Guide, the Workbook, and 38 Latin Stories. We set up our own Latin notebook (a 3-ring notebook), in which we would keep our notes and work in vocabulary, grammar, translations, and tests. The Latin notebook was divided into Grammar, Verbs, Nouns, Adjectives, Misc. Vocabulary, Text Exercises, Translations, and Tests sections.
First week: We began each new chapter in Wheelock’s by going through the Study Guide for that chapter thoroughly, and working through any exercises in the Study Guide. We entered new paradigms learned in the Grammar section of the notebook. We went through the new vocabulary list in the text, and entered new vocabulary, declined and conjugated, in the Verb, Noun, Adjective, and Misc. sections of the notebook. At the beginning of every day, we drilled new paradigms and new vocabulary.
Second week: We worked through the Workbook for that chapter, completing all the exercises and practice translations. I assigned the Self-Tutorial Exercises (in the appendix in the back of the Wheelock’s text) for that chapter as homework. The Self-Tutorial work was kept in the Text Exercises section of the Latin notebook. This provided sufficient vocabulary and paradigm practice, usually, to firmly learn each chapter’s new material.
Third Week: We worked through translating the chapter Practice Sentences, Sententiae Antiquae, poetry or paragraph adpatation from the classical authors, and the story corresponding with that chapter from 38 Latin Stories. We kept this work in the Translations section of the Latin notebook. Use the Wheelock’s Latin Chapter Translations Key to check the work of both parent and child.
Dale Grote, author of the Comprehensive Study Guide to Wheelock’s Latin, has posted excellent exams on his website which test Latin learning for every 5 chapters of Wheelock’s. They are samples for his students to prepare for the style of the real thing; but they are great to use as is to test your own children if you feel they need it. We kept tests in the Tests section of the Latin notebook.
This pace for going through Wheelock’s is slower than at the college level, and slower than in Schola’s Latin Tutorials. But it has worked well for us (and for me as the teacher learning Latin along with my kids); using this pace a family can complete 10-12 chapters of Wheelock’s each school year, and finish the entire course in 3 to 4 years. The pace may of course be adjusted, to complete each chapter in less time for students that have already gone through a grammar stage Latin course and don’t need as much review or practice, or for rhetoric stage students who can complete more of the busy work more quickly on their own.

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