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Classical Christian WebMaster: CCHs Online Catalog: Classical Languages This page last revised: Copyright © 1997-2001
Classical Languages
Using the Online CatalogGrammar Stage Language: Grades 1-6All of CCHs options for Latin and Greek language study in the grammar stage are described and can be ordered here. Dialectic Stage Language: Grades 7-9All of CCHs options for Latin and Greek language study in the dialectic stage are described and can be ordered here. Rhetoric Stage Language: Grades 10-12All of CCHs options for Latin and Greek language study in the rhetoric stage are described and can be ordered here. Latin LanguageAll of CCHs Latin language curriculum suggestions for grades 1-12 in one place. Greek LanguageAll of CCHs Greek language curriculum suggestions for grades 1-12 in one place. Hebrew Language
Teachers ResourcesThe homeschool parent does not need to be fluent in Latin or Greek in order to successfully homeschool her children in the classical languages of Western Civilization, but she does need references to help her in this fulfilling endeavor. I have also included a few resources that make our job easier. Using the Online CatalogThis online catalog is made possible through an association with Amazon.com. Clicking on the book cover will take you to Amazons information page about that book. You can look at its price, availability, any discounts currently taken for that title, reviews of the book, and other information, as well as order it if you decide to purchase the book. You can even place books in your shopping cart and save them for purchase at a later time. You can continue to add or delete books from your shopping cart until you are satisfied with your order and ready to purchase. Clicking on your browsers Back button will bring you back to this catalog. Sometimes books go out of print, or the publisher runs out of stock. Any book not available from Amazon.com for any reason can be searched using AddAll.com, a book shopping site which will scan Amazon as well as Barnes and Noble, Powells Books, Book Close Outs and many other new and used book sites. Be sure to also check BookFinder.com for out of print book searches. Still have questions? Ask me! Return to the CatalogLanguage in the Grammar StageOnline Catalog IndexClassical Curriculum and Online Catalog
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