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CCH’s Online Catalog: Grammar Stage Language - Grades 1-6

This page last revised:
May 2001

Copyright © 1997-2001

Grammar Stage Language:
Grades 1-6

Using the Online Catalog

Option 1: Latin’s Not So Tough!
For 1st-5th grades, or any beginning Latin student. Designed for home, private, or cottage schools, Latin’s Not So Tough can be used by any beginning student from 1st grade on up, and is self-contained -- an experienced teacher is not necessary. (Latin’s Not So Tough teaches the classical pronunciation.)

Option 2: Matin Latin and Latin Grammar
For 3rd-5th grades, or any beginning Latin student. Designed for home, private, and cottage schools, Matin Latin prepares a student for advanced grammar study in Latin Grammar and Wheelock’s Latin (classical pronunciation).

Option 3: Latin Primers and Latin Grammar
For 3rd-5th grades. Designed for private schools and teachers with some Latin background, the Latin Primers begin in 3rd grade and prepares a student for advanced grammar study in Latin Grammar and Wheelock’s Latin (classical pronunciation).

Option 4: Latina Christiana
For 3rd-5th grades, or any beginning Latin student. Designed for home, private, and cottage schools, Latina Christiana begins in the 3rd grade and prepares a student for advanced grammar study in Henle’s Latin (ecclesiastical pronunciation).

Option 5: Latin Road to English Grammar
For 5th grade and up. Designed for home, private, or cottage schools, the three volumes of the Latin Road are a complete program in itself, and includes the most teacher help of all grammar stage programs (classical pronunciation).

Option 6: Hey Andrew! Teach Me Some Greek!
For 1st-6th grades, or any beginning Greek student. From the same author as Latin’s Not So Tough, and in the same format, Hey Andrew! teaches New Testament Greek.

Latin’s Not So Tough!

Latin’s Not So Tough!Latin’s Not So Tough!
Karen Mohs

For the 1st-5th grades, or any beginning Latin student. Latin’s Not So Tough! is in a self-teaching consumable workbook format. The first five levels of the series are currently completed, to take the student through the 5th grade. Level One, for 1st grade, is a very easy introduction to the Latin alphabet and classical pronunciation. Level Two, for 2nd grade, reviews the Latin alphabet and pronunciation, and begins vocabulary memorization. Level Three, for 3rd grade, reviews alphabet, pronunciation, and vocabulary, and continues vocabulary learning while introducing simple grammar. Level Four, for 4th grade, reviews alphabet, vocabulary, and grammar, and introduces reading and writing Latin sentences, and more advanced grammar (through five noun declensions and four verb conjugations in the present active indicative). Level Five, for 5th grade, reviews alphabet, vocabulary, and grammar, continues translating and writing Latin sentences, and more advanced grammar (through five noun declensions and four verb conjugations in the present active indicative), and introduces adjectives, adverbs, and prepositions. Answer keys, flashcards, and a pronunciation tape are available for each level, and provide further help for the homeschool parent or teacher. While CCH believes that it is preferable to begin a Latin program in the second or third grade after English phonics are mastered, Latin’s Not So Tough! makes a gentle introduction to Latin for younger children, and can be easily used by third graders just beginning their Latin study.

CCH’s Review of Latin’s Not So Tough!

Matin Latin and Latin Grammar

Matin LatinMatin Latin
Karen Craig

For the 3rd-5th grades, or any beginning Latin student. Matin Latin is the newest Latin program in the Mars Hill Textbook series, of which the Latin Primers are also a part. The Latin Primers, written for private schools and teachers with some background in Latin, were the only grammar stage Latin curriculum available to homeschoolers for many years. But because they were not intended for use in homeschools, they were difficult for homeschool parents with little or no background in Latin to use. Matin Latin corrects that problem. Intended for use in homeschools and private schools where the teacher has little or no background in Latin, Matin Latin introduces first English grammar, then its Latin grammar equivalent. The series could be used to learn English and Latin grammar together in the homeschool. It was also designed, as were the Latin Primers, to introduce classical Latin for students wishing to study in Wheelock’s Latin in the late dialectic and rhetoric stages. Book I Teacher’s Edition, besides providing answers for the exercises, also includes lesson plans and teaching helps. Book II continues in the same format, and the Book II Teacher’s Edition also serves as an answer key and lesson guide.

Children in the 6th grade who have completed both Matin Latin I & II may go on to Latin Grammar.

Latin Primers and Latin Grammar

Latin PrimersLatin Primers
Martha Wilson

For the 3rd-5th grades. Meant for beginning Latin students. The Primers focus on vocabulary and paradigm memorization, and includes vocabulary lists and paradigm chants for each lesson, as well as student exercises. The teacher’s edition includes the student exercises key, tests and key, and lesson plans. The Primers were designed for teachers with some familiarity of Latin already, and would be an excellent choice for those parents already working through a Latin course on their own. For the 3rd grade: Latin Primer Book I and Teacher’s Edition. For the 4th grade: Latin Primer Book II and Teacher’s Edition. For the 5th grade: Latin Primer Book III and Teacher’s Edition.

Children in the 6th grade who have completed Latin Primers I, II, and III may go on to Latin Grammar.

Latin GrammarLatin Grammar
Douglas Wilson and Karen Craig

For the 6th grade. Latin Grammar is the next step after the completion of either Matin Latin or the Latin Primers, or for any beginning Latin students in the 6th grade and up. The Grammar goes into greater depth on material already covered in the Latin Primers I-III, and includes more vocabulary and student exercies. The Grammar ties together the information learned in the Primers, and gives the understanding of the paradigms only learned by rote up until this time. The teacher’s edition contains the exercises key and tests and keys. Latin Grammar II by Karen Craig, for the 7th grade, is now available, which continues the grammar study begun in Latin Grammar, and the Latin Grammar II teacher’s edition includes even more teacher aids.

Latina Christiana

Latina ChristianaLatina Christiana
Cheryl Lowe

For the 3rd-5th grades, or any beginning Latin student. The Latina Christiana course consists of two levels. Book I is meant for beginning students of Latin starting in the third grade or higher grammar stage grades. The Book I kit comes with the student book, which includes all the child’s memory material plus exercies for each lesson, and other helps. The teacher’s manual, also included, presents teaching helps for structuring Latin class, student goals for the year, and other beneficial information; as well as lesson plans for each lesson. The teacher’s guide makes no assumptions of prior knowledge of Latin on the teacher’s part, and includes everything you need to know to teach the lesson. A helpful bonus is a running list of review drills to go over at the beginning of every lesson. The kit also includes a pronunciation tape. Latina Christiana Book II covers 25 lessons requiring one or two years to complete. More translation work and lots of vocabulary and memorization drill are built into the lessons, and grammar and syntax are introduced. CCH recommends completing the first 10-12 lessons in the 4th grade, giving plenty of extra time for weekly drill and review exercises, and completing the final 13-15 lessons in 5th grade. The Book II kit comes with the student book, teacher’s manual, and pronunciation tape.

Children in the 6th grade who have completed both Latina Christiana I & II may go on to Henle’s Latin Program, or another dialectic stage Latin program.

Latin Road to English Grammar

Latin Road to English GrammarLatin Road to English Grammar
Barbara Beers

For the 5th or 6th grades; or any beginning Latin student in the 5th or 6th grades and up. It is teacher intensive rather than independent study, but the curriculum gives the teacher with no knowledge of Latin all the help she needs. Latin grammar and translating is covered in three volumes; when a student has completed all three volumes, he is ready to read the classics in Latin. Each volume comes with an extensive teacher’s manual, student text, pronunciation tape, and drill cards. The Latin Road to English Grammar provides the most detailed teacher’s help of all the Latin programs on this page.

CCH’s Review of The Latin Road to English Grammar

Hey Andrew! Teach Me Some Greek!

Hey Andrew! Teach Me Some Greek!Hey Andrew! Teach Me Some Greek!
Karen Mohs

For the 1st-6th grades. Hey Andrew!’s easy introduction to New Testament Greek begins with The Reader, which uses a picture book style format and catchy rhymes to teach the Greek alphabet. It can be used in conjunction with Hey Andrew! Level One for 1st graders, or prior to Level One for younger children. Level One, for 1st graders, reviews the Greek alphabet, and introduces practice in reading and writing the Greek alphabet as well. Level Two, for 2nd graders, reviews the Greek alphabet learned in the Reader and Level One, and continues with an introduction to Greek vocabulary. Level Three, for 3rd grade, reviews Greek pronunication, alphabet, and vocabulary, and introduces reading and writing simple Greek sentences. A beginning Greek student in 3rd grade can also work his way successively through Level One, Two, and Three. Level Four, for 4th grade, reviews of all the material learned previously, and introduces more vocabulary and grammar. Level Five, for 5th grade, reviews previously learned vocabulary and grammar, and continues with more advanced grammar study. Level Six, for 6th grade, reviews previously learned vocabulary and grammar, and continues with translating and writing Greek sentences, and more advanced grammar study. Student consumable workbooks; answer keys, test packets, flashcards, and pronunciation tapes also available.

CCH’s Review of Hey Andrew! Teach Me Some Greek!

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