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Homeschooling Online Catalog: Overview of the Origins Debate
This page last revised:
May 2003
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Overview of the
Origins Debate
The books are listed below in roughly increasing order of difficulty or
technicality; an effort has been made in each books description to indicate the
normal reading level. If any of the books become unavailable from Barnes&Noble.com for
any reason, they should be available from the Answers in
Genesis Bookstore.
Creation Magazine
Answers in Genesis; Dr. Carl Wieland, editor
Creation Ex Nihilo is a family magazine about Gods Word and
Gods world--science and creation. It is published quarterly by Answers in Genesis. This
magazine contains fascinating feature stories every issue on various aspects of creation
science and Biblical history and archaeology. The articles are written by highly
credentialed creation scientists and other qualified authors, with laymen in mind
(technical terms and discussions are explained and diagrammed in side-bars). They keep
tabs on the current news in evolutionary theory and report on their
breakthroughs in a way you wont find in the morning newspaper. Recent
feature articles covered such topics as Design and Natural Selection in Bears,
Inherent Racism,
Did Australias Aborigines See Dinosaurs?, Granites -- They Dont Need Millions
of Years to Cool, Heirloom Plants -- Hostile to Evolution, Exploding the Big Bang Myth,
interviews with top researchers and scientists, articles to help believers defend their
faith, and more, more, more. Creation contains the breaking discoveries that newspapers
and National Geographic wont cover. Very highly recommended for the entire trivium,
and especially necessary for the dialectic stage!
Bone of Contention: Is
Evolution True?
Sylvia Baker
This brief magazine-style book contains one of the best complete overviews
of the creation vs. evolution debate. Covering all the major areas of biology, the fossil
record, geology, astronomy, and more. The book ends with a strong gospel message, and has
led many to the Lord. Written for the general high school through adult reader.
The Evolutionary Controversy
Dr. David Menton
This one-hour DVD of Dr. Mentons most popular introductory talk
summarizing his best evidencesfrom the fascinating design of the feather to the
remarkable architecture of the honeycombto support the creation view of origins. He
shows that our world and its fascinating creatures clearly display Gods handiwork.
Dr. Menton also disposes of some of the traditional evidences used to support evolution.
An associate professor emeritus of anatomy at Washington University School of Medicine in
St. Louis, Dr. Menton was awarded Professor of the Year in 1998 by his
students for his lively and interesting lectures. Dr. Menton holds a Ph.D. in cell biology
from Brown University.
Creation: Facts of Life
Dr. Gary Parker
An excellent book to introduce the question of creation science. Chapter
1: Evidence of Creation covers the origin of life, DNA, proteins, homology (the study of
similar biological structures in living things), and adaptation and ecology; Chapter 2:
Darwin and Biologic Change covers natural selection, pangenesis, mutations, variations
within created kinds, and species and kinds. Chapter 3: The Fossil Evidence covers the
kinds of fossils found--invertebrates, fossil plants, vertebrates, and human fossils, and
how fast those fossils were laid down, discussing neo-catastrophism and the grand canyon.
Written as an introduction to the subject of creation science for the general junior high
through adult reader.
Refuting Evolution
Dr. Jonathan Sarfati
Refuting Evolution is a general critique of the most up-to-date arguments
for evolution to challenge educators, students, and parents. Thus it provides a good
summary of the arguments against evolution and for creation. The author, a Ph.D. in
physical chemistry, wrote the book as a response to the National Academy of Science
booklet Teaching about Evolution and the Nature of Science. Within the short
space of 140 pages, the book gives a clear, well-documented summary of the major topics of
the creation-evolution controversy, e.g. origin and complexity, the design inference, the
essential difference between micro- and macro-evolutionary change, the committment of
evolutionists to the worldview of naturalism; the evolution of birds, whales,
and humans are given a chapter each.It should stimulate much discussion and help students
and teachers think more critically about origins. Read the review by Tim Wallace
published on the True Origins Archive.
Refuting Evolution 2
Dr. Jonathan Sarfati
Subtitled: What PBS and the Scientific Community Dont Want You to
Know. This new book follows the success of Dr. Sarfatis Refuting Evolution,
this one specfically rebuts the arguments and evidences presented in the PBS mega series
Evolution and the recent spate of popular magazine articles tackling the
creation - evolution debate. In the same style that made Refuting Evolution a
best-seller, Sarfati deftly exposes the false premise behind many evolutionary
Evolution: A Theory in Crisis
Michael Denton
Subtitled: New Developments in Science are Challenging Orthodox Darwinism.
Written by a non-believing, non-creationist scientist who nevertheless acknowledges the
massive shortcomings of neo-Darwinism in being able to explain certain puzzles which
completely defy evolutionary theory. He explores the impossibility of macro-evolution
(with such examples as the unique design features of the avian lung) while showing how
micro-evolution (i.e. speciation) does work; he shows how the so-called
standard transitional forms in the fossil record arent, etc. This
book contributes very sound scientific reasoning into a subject usually filled with
religious argument of either evolutionism or creationism. A semi-technical work;
however, written for the non-scientist, for the high school through adult reader.
Scientific Creationism
Dr. Henry M. Morris
An excellent book presenting the creation theory of the origins of life
and the universe based solely on the scientific facts and the laws of biology and physics.
Continuously reprinted since 1974, this second edition has been updated with new evidence
and information in every chapter. A look at its table of contents will give an idea of the
exhaustive scope of the work: Evolution or Creation (The Importance of Origins,
Impossibility of Scientific Proof of Origins, The Two Scientific Models of Origins,
Pedagogical Advantages of the Creation Model), Chaos or Cosmos (Origin of Matter, Energy,
and Natural Law, The Beginning of the Universe, Origin of the Solar System, Purpose in
Creation), Uphill or Downhill (The Laws of Thermodynamics, The Origin of Life, Variation
and Selection, Genetic Mutations), Accident or Plan (The Complexity of Living Systems,
Similarities and Differences, Vestiges and Recapitulations, Systematic Gaps in the Fossil
Record), Uniformitarianism or Catastrophism (The Testimony of the Fossils, Rapid Formation
of Geologic Deposits, Contemporaneity of the Fossil World, Residual Catastrophism), Old or
Young (How to Date a Rock, Radiometric Dating, Evidence for a Young Earth, the Antiquity
of Man), Apes or Men (The Origin of Man, Languages and Races, Ancient Civilizations, The
Origin of Religion), Creation According to Scripture. The book concludes with an extensive
bibliography on creationism, and an index of subjects, names, and Scriptures. The book has
been written to serve as either a textbook on creationism or as a reference for teachers
desiring to present a balanced look at the origins issue in biology classes; therefore,
while scientific and academic, it was written with the non-scientist in mind. It has been
reviewed by no less than 23 scientists and professors of science education in all fields
of study, including aerospace and nuclear engineering, biochemistry, physiology and
biophysics, and geology just to name a few. Highly recommended.

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