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Homeschooling Online Catalog: Evidence of Creation in Anthropology
This page last revised:
May 2003
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Evidence of Creation in
The books are listed below in roughly increasing order of difficulty or
technicality; an effort has been made in each books description to indicate the
normal reading level. If any of the books become unavailable from Barnes&Noble.com for
any reason, they should be available from the Answers in
Genesis Bookstore.
Genesis: Finding Our Roots
Dr. Ruth Beechick
Dr. Beechick isnt a scientist, but an educator. She says that she
couldnt argue for the authencity of the Genesis records based on science, as others
have, so she undertook to examine her area of expertise: the histories, literatures,
languages, and cultures of ancient peoples and see what they revealed. Genesis: Finding
Our Roots discusses the books of God, Adam, Noah, the Sons of Noah, Shem, and Terah
(Genesis 1-11) through evaluating the Scripture text; going into further Scriptural study;
topical studies relevant to that portion of Genesis, bringing to bear the amazing
correlation of historical, literary, linguistic, cultural and other information from
ancient peoples; ending with a further study section. This is an excellent easy
introduction to Genesis and its relation to anthropology (the study of man). Written for a
late elementary through adult audience.
Puzzle of Ancient Man
Donald E. Chittick
Subtitled: Advanced Technology in Past Civilizations. Dr. Chittick writes,
...if we had come up from the animal, then as we move further and further into the
past, human artifacts should be more and more primitive. However, what do the
findings of science show us? They seem to indicate exactly the opposite. ... How do we
explain the fact that ancient human artifacts such as what appear to be batteries and
sophisticated mechanical computing devices, and other items, seem to show that man
possessed a high level of technology even in the distant past? ... This riddle needs to be
solved and is the reason for our title, the puzzle of ancient man. Includes
fascinating chapters on out-of-place artifacts, the Biblical picture, ante-diluvian
technology, Nimrods kingdom, Bronze age explorers, the Tower of Babel, Megalith
puzzle pieces, cave man, the origin of races, the Nazca, the Incas, and the Maya. Written
for the general high school through adult reader.
Discovery of Genesis
C.H. Kang & Dr. Ethel Nelson
Subtitled: How the Truths of Genesis Were Found Hidden in the Chinese
Language. This book is an intriguing look at the thought behind the characters of
written Chinese. Chinas ancient pictographic writing has survived nearly unchanged
for at least 3000 years. It is the contention of the authors that the written symbols of
Chinese bear witness to the original beliefs of the Chinese, handed down by oral
tradition. The record contained by many specific characters carries such a close
similarity to the Hebrew Genesis that it would seem only logical to believe that both
civilizations must have had access to the same common historical knowledge. This
book is accessible to a person with no prior knowlege of Chinese writing. The characters
under discussion are explained step by step and also printed large size in the margins, so
that the various elements may be seen. --Reviewer. It is truly amazing to see the
Chinese characters ingeniously telling the same story as Genesis 1-11, down to the
smallest detail! Written for the general high school through adult reader.
Bones of Contention
Dr. Marvin Lubenow
Subtitled: Creationist Assessment of Human Fossils. Lubenow examines the
evolutionary research and literature on the subject of the hominid fossils. His findings
indicate that using their own data (dates and evolutionary relationships to each other),
the supposed evolutionary ancestors co-existed with or post-dated their supposed
evolutionary descendants. He challeges the evolutionists to put all the known hominid
fossils with their taxons and ages into a simple chart. They have not nor will not because
the data is highly conflicting, but Dr. Lubenow has done this for us in this book. In this
case, a picture is worth a thousand words. Written for the general high school through
adult reader.
Lucy, Shes No Lady
Dr. David Menton
This one-hour DVD highlights Lucy shes
Exhibit A for evolutionists when theyre pressed to offer proof that
humans descended from an ape-like creature. Dr. Mentons easy-to-understand talk
exposes the massive problems with Lucy being the missing link
along the way, he also sheds much light on other ape-man claims.
Youll be convinced that the origin of humans is best explained by the One who was
there at the beginning, the Creator God. An associate professor emeritus of anatomy at
Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Dr. Menton was awarded
Professor of the Year in 1998 by his students for his lively and interesting
lectures. Dr. Menton holds a Ph.D. in cell biology from Brown University.
Buried Alive
Dr. Jack Cuozzo
Subtitled: The Startling Truth About Neanderthal Man. The first part
of this book reads like pages out of Indiana Jones diary, only this is no fantasy,
but fact: the authors van tearing recklessly through the streets of Paris with two
sports cars in hot pursuit; an attempted break-in to the authors hotel room in the
middle of the night; murder? [yes, murder, in a supposedly dull book on ancient fossils];
bullets fired at the authors van. Whats the meaning of this cloak-and-dagger
stuff? Dr. Jack Cuozzo, an orthodontist of many years experience, is the only
creationist scientist to have gained access to original Neanderthal fossil material for
detailed study. This was before the museum authorities realised his creationist
world-view--after that the doors were closed to him. These are the rules the evolutionist
establishment play by: deny creationists access to the research material where possible,
deny them the opportunity to publish the results of their research, then tell the world
they are only armchair scientists. Cuozzos work exposes the heavy bias of
evolutionist anthropologists in reporting their research, even to the extent of doctoring
the evidence. Is the secular scientific establishment pursuing an agenda to con the
unsuspecting public into evolutionary beliefs? --Amazon.com reviewer. Dr.
Cuozzos research reveals that Neanderthal Man, instead of being a lower form of life
than modern humans, was actually a physically superior human being who lived for 300+
years, dating from the post-flood period. For the general high school through adult

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