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Homeschooling Online Catalog: Evidence of Creation in Astronomy
This page last revised:
May 2003
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Evidence of Creation in
The books are listed below in roughly increasing order of difficulty or
technicality; an effort has been made in each books description to indicate the
normal reading level. If any of the books become unavailable from Barnes&Noble.com for
any reason, they should be available from the Answers in
Genesis Bookstore.
Journeys to the Edge of Creation
Moody Institute of Science
This boxed set of two videos, running for 40 minutes each, explore the
wonder of the universe for the general junior high through adult viewer. See through the
eyes of the Hubble telescope as this visually stunning series probes the mysteries of the
heavens. Only the Master Planner could have created it with such precision and loving
care. The first video is called Our Solar System: As long as man has gazed into the night
skies, he has wondered at the world of space. How big is it? Who keeps it all in place?
Now you can see for yourself in this remarkable exploration of the universe -- and our own
place within it. The second video is called The Milky Way & Beyond: Quasars, nebulae,
and exploding stars, see them all! Thrill to the vastness of God's Creation as this
incredible video brings the deepest regions of space into sharper focus than ever before
in history.
Astronomy and the Bible
Dr. Donald DeYoung
One-hundred short, easy-to-understand answers about the science of
astronomy, and astronomy and the Bible, are covered in this introductory book written for
the general high school through adult reader. Is the Earth at the center of the universe?
How are distances measured to stars? What is a black hole? Did Bible writers believe the
earth was flat? Have scientists discovered the moons origin? What causes an aurora?
Can we explain the long days of Joshua and Hezekiah? What is a supernova? Is
the universe expanding? Does Scripture refer to life in space? These are just some of the
questions and answers explored in this book under the subdivisions of The Earth and Moon,
The Solar System, The Stars, Galaxies and the Universe, General Science, and Technical
Terms and Ideas. Dr. Donald DeYoung teaches physics and astronomy at Grace College, Winona
Lake, Indiana.
The Gospel in the Stars
Joseph A. Seiss
The ancient wise men from the East read the skies and journeyed to worship
the Christ. Do the heavens that reveal Gods glory also reveal His plan of salvation?
Yes, says Joseph A. Seiss. After extensive research, Seiss became convinced that God had
etched His good news there, so that people in darkness might see and have hope. Drawing
upon scientific, historical, and biblical sources, Seiss assembled persuasive arguments
for his thesis: the gospel of Jesus Christ can be seen in the stars. This illustrated
study of the heavens answers the false teachings of astrology to reveal celestial players
acting out the epic drama of creation and revelation: the virgin, the coming one, the
scales of justice, the toiling deceiver, the scorpion, the ram, and the lion. God did not
leave the world without a record of Himself before Moses compiled the books of the Law,
for the stars were, and are, His record written on the heavens. The final chapter on the
Star of Bethlehem contains a reasoned conjecture on what the star was. For another
reasoned conjecture, supported by astronomers and theologians alike, please visit Star of Bethlehem.
Astronomy and Creation:
An Introduction
Dr. Donald DeYoung
Did the universe begin supernaturally or spontaneously? Did order arise
from design? Is the universe time scale short or long? Does the universe display
degeneration or evolution? This short book gives a scientific overview of the astronomical
issues affecting the creation / evolution theory of universal origins. While technical, it
is still appropriate for the high school through adult reader.
Starlight and Time
Dr. D. Russell Humphreys
Subtitled: Solving the Puzzle of Distant Starlight in a Young Universe. If
the universe is 6,000 to 10,000 years old, then how can we see starlight from stars
millions of light years away? Dr. Humphreys proposes a new theory not based on the Big
Bang model of cosmology, but based on a young universe cosmology that completely satisfies
the laws of physics and is completely mathematically workable. At issue is Einsteins
Theory of Relativity on which Big Bang cosmology is based. The Big Bang cosmology has an
unproven assumption at its base: that the universe is infinite. Take Relativity, plug in
the unknown assumption that the universe is infinite, do the math, and out comes the Big
Bang cosmology. Humphreys takes Relativity, plugs in a different unknown assumption, that
the universe is bounded, does the math, and out comes the fascinating young earth
cosmology described in this book.
Dr. Humphreys is not saying that this theory is the way it is, but that
this theory is a possible way that it could be; and if he can come up with this theory,
then how many other theories are there out there, one of which might prove to be the
correct one, if only there were freedom of inquiry in the scientific establishment? Dr.
Humphreys is a highly qualified researcher employed since 1979 at Sandia National
Laboratories in nuclear physics, geophysics, and pulsed-power research. His current
project for Sandia is in theoretical nuclear physics and radiation hydrodynamics in an
effort to produce the worlds first lab-scale thermonuclear fusion. He has published
over 20 papers in secular scientific journals, as well as countless creationist scientific
papers. He holds two U.S. patents, and has received numerous awards and honors throughout
his career, including most recently from Sandia: the Award for Excellence for
contributions to light ion-fusion target theory. Please keep his qualifications in mind
when reading the ad homineum attacks of this book posted by evolutionists. Written with
the layman in mind, with all the physics and math in the appendix for those who want to
delve into it.
If studying the creation issues of astronomy has sparked an interest to
observe the night sky for yourself, The American
Association of Amateur Astronomers has a wonderful deal on an introductory astronomy telescope
kit which is recommended by Sky
and Telescope magazine.

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