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Homeschooling Online Catalog: Dialectic Stage Science
This page last revised:
May 2003
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Dialectic Stage
Science Curriculum
General Science: 7th Grade
Dialectic stage science study revolves around the creation-evolution debate: learning what
the issues are in this debate, and evaluating those issues with logic and the truth of
Scripture. Because an understanding of introductory biology, chemistry, and physical
processes is necessary in order to follow scientific discussions concerning creation and
evolution, this introduction is recommended for 7th grade.
Creation Science: 8th Grade
From theology and history we know that God created the world and everything in it, and
gave life to His creation. Therefore the theory that life evolved from non-life
(neo-darwinism) cannot be true. But what position does the science support? The 8th or 9th
grade year explores the issues.
Origins Science Debate: 9th Grade
Many branches of science are involved in the debate over origins. There are also many
resources available which address the different questions involved. Here are the best, for
those who want to delve into more detail in the 9th grade year (or in the rhetoric stage),
after a year exploring the Creation Science issues.
General Science
The Rainbow
Dr. Durrell Dobbins
For 7th grade, or 7th and 8th grades. The Rainbow is an
introductory science curriculum written for the junior high student. In 125 lessons, The
Rainbow covers first, introductory physics in 30 lessons, from Newtons Laws of
Motion through light theory. Second, The Rainbow covers chemistry in 32 lessons, from the
properties of matter through kinetics; third, The Rainbow covers biology in 43 lessons,
from defining life through population dynamics; and finally, it covers earth science in 20
lessons, from the scientific method through outer space. The 125 lessons covered in The
Rainbow text can be completed in one year. The Rainbow is described as a two-year text
because the home laboratory kit and experiments which are recommended to accompany the
text extend the course of study to cover two years thus: there is a laboratory exercise
for every two text lessons, so if one studies science 3 times per week (2 text lessons and
1 lab lesson), the course will be completed in two years.
It is up to the parents to decide whether to utilize just The Rainbow
text, and complete the course in one year, or to use both The Rainbow text and The Rainbow
Home Laboratory kit, and complete the course in two years. The home laboratory kit is
expensive, so the cost may dictate matters here. We used both the text and the lab. My
thoughts on it after completing the course: the text is thorough and introduces all the
knowledge necessary. It is not so much that new knowledge is introduced through the lab
lessons, but more that the kids get to see for themselves the principles in action which
they read about in the text. Where are you as a family? Would you like to begin science
labs in the dialectic, or do them in the rhetoric? Can you wait to dive into the creation
science and origins debate, to hone dialectic stage argumentation and debating skills, or
not? The Rainbow labs make dialectic stage science study more like what is going in the
junior highs, and this is a plus for some parents and a minus for others (for those for
whom it is a minus, The Rainbow labs can seem like twaddle). There is no right
or wrong answer here. Let each one be convinced in his own mind.
What you will need if you just want to take one year, 7th grade, for
introductory science, and want to skip the home lab for now: The Rainbow two-year text,
and The Rainbow Teachers Helper, which will provide helpful guidance in teaching
from the text. If you want to take two years, 7th and 8th grade, to complete the course,
and do the lab lessons along with the text lessons, you will need in the first year: The
Rainbow two-year text, the Teachers Helper, the Durable Lab Equipment set, the
Renewable Lab Supplies, and the Lab Workbook. In the second year, you will need the
Durable Lab Equipment set for year two, the Renewable Lab supplies for year two, and the
Lab Workbook for year two. Questions? Contact Dr. Dobbins at Beginnings Publishing.

Creation Science
For 8th grade, or the year following General Science. In The
Rainbow, students learned what the theory of evolution teaches, where it came from, and
why it is controversial, not only among laymen, but also among scientists. In this year,
students will learn of another theory of origins opposite of evolutionary theory: creation
theory; and that a true understanding of creation theory is supported by science. The
three main areas in which creation theory is attacked by evolutionary theory are: the age
of the earth and the universe, the fossil record, and the biological systems of life. In
this year, all three areas will be studied in depth.
While we previously recommended Unlocking the Mysteries of Creation
by Dennis Petersen for use in this spot in the dialectic stage, we can no longer recommend
the newest edition now out due to inaccuracies
and errors of science in the text. The following suggestions present science without
inaccuracies as much as can be known, and help dialectic stage children study modern
creation science theory while developing the critical thinking so necessary to scientific
It All Begins With Genesis
Sheila Richardson
Subtitled: Learning to Think Biblically About the World. This curriculum
from Answers in Genesis begins with the beginning, Genesis chapters 1-11, and is the ideal
place to begin a study on the creation theory of origins. As theology is the queen of the
sciences, this curriculum covers in 34 lessons the theological, historic, and scientific
introduction to creation science. The curriculum is available using either the KJV, or
NIV/NAS Scripture references. The teachers edition includes a CD ROM with full
screen illustrations which help make the point of the lessons, for use with either
PowerPoint, overhead transparancies, or printouts. A complete listing of the lessons
covered as well as lesson excerpts can be viewed at the informaton page for this
curriculum. Plan to take 7 to 9 weeks to complete this curriculum.
The Young Earth
Dr. John D. Morris
A geologist introduces the problems existing in the science of geology
which cannot be explained by an old age of the earth, as well as those facts which are
readily explained by a young age of the earth. Topics covered include: reading rocks, the
biblical record, the two views of the earths age contrasted, dating methods,
radioisotope dating, human history and the young earth, world wide physical processes,
geologic evidence for a young earth, and the story the rocks tell. Plan to take 9 weeks to
complete this curriculum.
Grand Canyon: Monument to the Flood
Mount St. Helens: Explosive Evidence for Catastrophe
Institute for Creation Research
Each of these one-hour long videos tackles a different aspect of geology
and the age of the earth question. In Grand Canyon, go on a tour of the canyon itself with
Dr. Steven Austin, while he explains the formations and rock layers from a catastrophic
(the canyon formed from massive flood water drainage), rather than a uniformist (the
canyon formed over millions of years by the Colorado River eroding it at the same rate
observed today), point of view. In Mount St. Helens, Dr. Steven Austins own video of
the explosive eruption and the aftermath shows the massive flooding of the Mount St.
Helens glaciers carving deep canyons in the space of a few weeks rather than millions of
years. Plan to take 2 days to view and discuss these videos.
The Great Dinosaur Mystery
Ken Ham
Evolutionists love to point to dinosaur skeletons in order to debunk
Genesis 1-11, since everyone knows dinosaurs lived 65 million years ago. Right? Wrong!
This information-packed dinosaur book is based on the authority of the Bible. In it, Ken
Ham, in his own distinct and understandable teaching style, explains how to understand the
big picture of the Earths history ... from a biblical perspective. He then applies
this biblical foundation to the intriguing topic of dinosaurs -- the Bible actually makes
the subject of dinosaurs come alive as their great mystery is solved.
Youll also learn how to effectively use dinosaurs as Missionary Lizards.
This book explains dinosaurs from a biblical basis. Plan to take 2 weeks to complete this
Of Pandas and People: The Central Question
of Biological Origins
Percival Davis, Dean Kenyon, Charles Thaxton
Of Pandas and People gives evidence for intelligent design from
origin-of-life studies, biochemistry, genetics, homology, and paleontology. In a unique
manner, Of Pandas and People gives the pros and cons of both the biological-evolution
theory and the intelligent-design concept. Pandas promotes a widely recognized goal of
science education by fostering a questioning, skeptical and scrutinizing mindset. This
supplemental biology textbook provides an extensive index, glossary, references, and
suggested reading and resources to help familarize the reader with the material. Pandas is
enhanced by the use of numerous diagrams, charts, illustrations and full-color pictures.
The introduction contains a very well-written teachers overview of each chapter, so
that parents can quickly identify the main points and devise discussion questions. Topics
covered include: origins of life, genetics and macroevolution, origin of species, fossil
record, homology, and biochemical similarities. Plan to take about 12 to 16 weeks to
finish this curriculum (2 to 3 weeks per chapter).
Out of print. Search AddAll.com or BookFinder.com
via a title search using of pandas and people and an author search using
davis. If a used copy of the book cannot be found, request your public library
to interlibrary loan a copy in for you, and when it comes in, copy it and bind it at a
copy store, and return the book to the library. The U.S. Copyright Law contains a fair use provision
which allows an educator to make a single copy of out-of-print materials if needed for use
in teaching (not for profit or publication).

Origins Science Debate
For 9th grade, or after completion of one year of Creation
Science. In 8th grade, if students completed the 8th grade recommendations, they learned
that scientific facts are neutral, but that human interpretation of those facts are not.
Facts are interpreted within a framework of beliefs about the world. Evolutionists
interpret facts within a framework of unproven assumptions about the world, a belief
system, a worldview, which requires a naturalistic (or no God) explanation. Creationists
also interpret facts within a framework of unproven assumptions about the world, a belief
system, a worldview, which begins with God as Creator. In this year, students learn that
while evolutionists often like to frame the origins debate as a debate between science
(them) and religion (creationists), the truth is that origins science is a debate between
two ways of interpreting the world: darwinism, with assumptions based on the anti-biblical
worldview, and creationism, with assumptions based on the biblical worldview. One of these
worldviews is based in reality and one isnt, since they are diametrically opposed to
each other. On which side of the scale do the different branches of science, taken
individually and collectively, line up most consistently with? Following are the best
resources to explore this question.
One years study of the origins science debate could include a
complete real books study of all the books in one of the areas of interest below, or, by
reading just the first books in each category, an introduction to the evidences of
creation in all the major branches of science.
Overview of the Origins Debate
Evidence of Creation in
Evidence of Creation in Astronomy
Evidence of Creation in Biology
Evidence of Creation in Geology
Evidence of Creation in
Evidence of Creation in Physics
& Mathematics
Social Implications of Creation &
Theological Implications of
Creation & Evolution

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