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Homeschooling Online Catalog: Evidence of Creation in Paleontology
This page last revised:
May 2003
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Evidence of Creation in
The books are listed below in roughly increasing order of difficulty or
technicality; an effort has been made in each books description to indicate the
normal reading level. If any of the books become unavailable from Barnes&Noble.com for
any reason, they should be available from the Answers in
Genesis Bookstore.
The Great Dinosaur Mystery
Ken Ham
Evolutionists love to point to dinosaur skeletons in order to debunk
Genesis 1-11, since everyone knows dinosaurs lived 65 million years ago. Right? Wrong!
This information-packed dinosaur book is based on the authority of the Bible. In it, Ken
Ham, in his own distinct and understandable teaching style, explains how to understand the
big picture of the Earths history ... from a biblical perspective. He then applies
this biblical foundation to the intriguing topic of dinosaurs -- the Bible actually makes
the subject of dinosaurs come alive as their great mystery is solved.
Youll also learn how to effectively use dinosaurs as Missionary Lizards.
This book explains dinosaurs from a biblical basis, for the general junior high through
adult reader.
Dinosaurs by Design
Dr. David Menton
This one-hour DVD presents another fascinating and beautifully-illustrated
talk by Dr. David Menton, for the general junior high through adult viewer. Evolutionists
use dinosaurs as much as any topic to showcase their belief system, especially to young
people. In this revealing production, Dr. Menton presents the overwhelming evidence that
these terrible lizards were not the products of millions of years of
evolution, but were the special creation of a Master Designer - just a few thousand
years ago. An associate professor emeritus of anatomy at Washington University School of
Medicine in St. Louis, Dr. Menton was awarded Professor of the Year in 1998 by
his students for his lively and interesting lectures. Dr. Menton holds a Ph.D. in cell
biology from Brown University.
Fossils, Key to the Present
Dr. Richard Bliss, Dr. Gary Parker, Dr. Duane Gish
This workbook for high schoolers through adults compares the two models of
the fossil record--creation and evolution--side by side. Well-written with guided
discovery questions throughout the text. Each chapter contains Lets Take a Look
sections which explore the issues under study using discussion questions to stimulate
logical thinking and examination of the facts. Stop: Interpret the Data sections in each
chapter take a similar approach. Some discussion questions from these sections include:
Creationists believe that many different living organisms have existed, since
creation, as distinct kinds. Does our knowledge of Cambrian fossils offer any support for
this view? and What parts of a lobe-finned fish support evolution? What parts
support creation? In your opinion, who has the strongest case? Give your reasons.
Three chapters explore Fossils: Clues to the Past; Kinds of Fossil Life Forms - Evolution
or Creation?; and Putting It All Together: Evolutionist Summation with Stop! Review the
Case, and Creationist Summation with Stop! Compare the Models. Excellent.
Evolution: The Fossils Still
Say No!
Dr. Duane T. Gish
An updated and much-enlarged edition of Dr. Gishs classic book Evolution:
The Fossils Say No! This is the most compelling critique available anywhere of the
supposedly key argument for evolution: the fossil record. Dr. Gish documents, from the
writings of evolutionists, the complete absence of true evolutionary transitional forms.
The rabid response from evolutionary readers to this book illustrates how successfully and
close to home he has hit concerning the basic, underlying, crucial dogma of the fossil
record to the evolutionary religion. Dr. Gish has a Ph.D. in biochemistry from the
University of California at Berkeley, has written textbooks used in university science
classes, and has published dozens of articles in scientific journals.
Darwins Enigma
Luther Sunderland
Evolutionists have long known that Charles Darwins original argument
against his own theory -- that a lack of fossil evidence of transitional forms would
reduce him to an embarrassing footnote in history -- was screamingly true. No legitimate
fossil evidence exists that shows one species changing into another. This startling
realization led Luther Sunderland on an exhaustive search of the subject, and his findings
show clearly that evolution is a theory in disarray. From his own interviews with leading
evolutionists, and an examination of the fossil evidence, Sunderland shows that the enigma
of Darwins anti-God philosophy is that the facts show it is anything but rock-solid.
The time has come for the powers-that-be to recognize that our students at all grade
levels are entitled to know both sides of the creation/evolution controversy. Luther
Sunderlands book, Darwins Enigma: Fossils and Other Problems, presents
the facts from both a present day and historical perspective. This is must reading for all
students, teachers, and scientists. -- Genevieve S. Klein, B.S., M.A., LL.D.,
L.H.D., Regent Emerita, New York State Board of Regents. For the general high school
through adult reader.

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