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Homeschooling Online Catalog: Evidence of Creation in Geology
This page last revised:
May 2003
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Evidence of Creation in
The books are listed below in roughly increasing order of difficulty or
technicality; an effort has been made in each books description to indicate the
normal reading level. If any of the books become unavailable from Barnes&Noble.com for
any reason, they should be available from the Answers in
Genesis Bookstore.
Tom Vail
Subtitled: A Different View. For years, Colorado River guide Tom Vail told
people who took his rafting tours of the canyon how it had formed over the evolutionary
time scale of millions of years. Then he met Jesus. Now, Tom has a different view of the
Grand Canyon. According to a biblical time scale, the Grand Canyon cant possibly be
more than a few thousand years old, and that is what Tom now believes. Come and tour the
Grand Canyon with Tom Vail as your guide, and see the canyon from a biblical perspective
and understand how it fits into the flood of Noah. Filled with stunning photos that will
take your breath away and stimulate your imagination, this book also includes 20 essays
from leading canyon authorities Dr. Stephen Austin, Dr. John Morris, Dr. Andrew Snelling,
Dr. Duane Gish, and more. For the general junior high through adult reader, but the
gorgeous photographs can be enjoyed by all.
Grand Canyon: Monument to the Flood
Mount St. Helens: Explosive Evidence for Catastrophe
Institute for Creation Research
Each of these one-hour long videos tackles a different aspect of geology
and the age of the earth question. In Grand Canyon, go on a tour of the canyon itself with
Dr. Steven Austin, while he explains the formations and rock layers from a catastrophic
(the canyon formed from massive flood water drainage), rather than a uniformist (the
canyon formed over millions of years by the Colorado River eroding it at the same rate
observed today), point of view. In Mount St. Helens, Dr. Steven Austins own video of
the explosive eruption and the aftermath shows the massive flooding of the Mount St.
Helens glaciers carving deep canyons in the space of a few weeks rather than millions of
years. For the general junior high through adult viewer.
The Young Earth
Dr. John D. Morris
While the main subject of Dr. Morris book is the age of the earth,
as a geologist, he has relied heavily on geologic processes and evidences throughout.
Since a primary argument that evolutionists use to discredit the Biblical Creation
account is the fact that the earth is billions of years old, an idea which
cannot be found in the Word of God upon plain reading, the true age of the earth is a
pivotal issue in the creation-evolution debate. Dr. Morris explains the process whereby
scientists determine the meaning of a piece of evidence, a scientific fact. Since both
evolutionists and creationists have the same rock layers and other geologic evidence as
initial facts, how do they arrive at their conclusions? This section of the text is highly
enlightening. The book then delves into numerous, numerous geologic examples which
absolutely cannot be explained if the earth were billions, millions, or even hundreds of
thousands of years old. These many processes are one of the biggest headaches for
evolutionists, after the complete lack of transitional forms in the fossil record, and
that genetic mutations always result in a loss rather than a gain of genetic information.
Written for the general high school through adult reader.
The World That Perished
Dr. John Whitcomb
The co-author of the creationist classic The Genesis Flood has
written a sequel for the more general reader. As The Genesis Flood was written in
1961, Dr. John Whitcomb in The World That Perished brings the reader up-to-date on
the geologic discoveries of the last 40 years and their bearing on the creationist,
catastrophic scientific model. For the general high school through adult reader.
The Mythology of Modern
Dating Methods
John Woodmorappe
Subtitled: Why Million-Billion Year Results Are Not Credible. How can
creationists maintain that the earth is young, when scientific dating has proven that the
earths rocks are millions of years old? John Woodmorappe examines those
scientific dating methods and explains the fallacy of radioactive dating
assumptions and techniques with citations of almost 500 articles by evolutionists. The
result is this solid refutation of the belief that radiometric dating proves the Earth is
old. This is a technical work, but still understandable by the general high school through
adult reader.
The Genesis Flood
Dr. John C. Whitcomb & Dr. Henry M. Morris
The Genesis Flood presents a new and powerful system for unifying
and correlating scientific data bearing on the earths early history. Frankly
recognizing the inadequacies of uniformitarianism and evolutionism as unifying principles,
the authors propose a Biblically-based system of creationism and catastrophism. They
stress the philosophic and scientific necessity of the doctrine of creation of
apparent age, as well as the importance in terrestrial history of geologic and
hydrologic catastrophes, especially that of the great Deluge inscibed in the records of
the Bible and in the legends of early peoples all over the world. The book is careful and
courteous in its treatment of opposing viewpoints, and is thoroughly documented and
up-to-date. The uniformist approach to the study of earth history has proved unable to
explain many of the most important physical structures and phenomena, a fact which has
become of increasing concern to geologists and other scientists in recent years. At the
same time, archaeological discoveries in the Near East have stimulated a growing
confidence in the reliability of the historical data recorded in the Bible. These two
important facts amply warrant a serious study of the possibility of reorienting the
pertinent scientific data within the framework of Biblical Creationism and
Catastrophism. -Publisher. This technical study is nevertheless understandable to
the high school through adult reader. The Genesis Flood is the book that really is
responsible for the modern revival of Creationism as a viable scientific theory.
Creations Tiny Mystery
Dr. Robert Gentry
Dr. Gentry has discovered that granites contain beautiful microscopic
coloration halos produced by the radioactive decay of primordial polonium, which indicates
the Earth was formed instantly. Many believe this is scientific evidence that the Earth
had to be created by God. This fascinating study is technical, but still for the general
adult reader.

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