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Homeschooling Online Catalog: Theological Implications of Creation & Evolution
This page last revised:
May 2003
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Theological Implications
of Creation & Evolution
The books are listed below in roughly increasing order of difficulty or
technicality; all the books on this page are for the general junior high through adult
reader. If any of the books become unavailable from Barnes&Noble.com for any reason,
they should be available from the Answers in
Genesis Bookstore.
The Lie: Evolution
Ken Ham
Ken Ham, founder of Answers in Genesis, is best-known for his message of the relevance of
creation and a literal Genesis to not only our modern society, but to basic Christian
theology. He is the most in-demand Christian speaker in the United States today, receiving
over 400 invitations per year. (I had the opportunity to hear him recently in person. His
presentations show the highest regard for the authority and inerrancy of Scripture. He not
only displays a high degree of logic, but comes from the solid foundation of a Biblical
worldview.) His books are humorous and easy to read, and yet hit home the truth of the
literal interpretation of Genesis and what that means for the Church of Jesus Christ. This
book outlines the theological problems for the gospel of Jesus Christ if a literal Genesis
creation were not true, and also shows how the theory of evolution has undermined the
Church and our society.
Why Wont They Listen?
Ken Ham
Subtitled: The Power of Creation Evangelism. (This new edition used to be
titled Creation Evangelism for the New Millenium.) Ken Ham goes into greater depth in this
book, drawing even more correlations between the literal creation of Genesis and the
gospel of Jesus Christ. He compares and contrasts two great evangelistic messages as
recorded in Acts: Acts chapter 2, where Peter preached to the Jews and 3000 were added to
the church in one day, and Acts chapter 17, where Paul preached to the Greeks and only a
few were saved. Why? Is it because Peter was a better preacher than Paul, or does
it have something to do with the difference between the Jews and the Greeks? The answer to
this question is logically and biblically sound, and has the potential, if the Church will
listen to it, to reach thousands for Jesus Christ before the great day of the Lord. Read
the review by
Timothy Wallace orginally published on the True
Origins Archive.
Creation and Change
Douglas F. Kelly
Subtitled: Genesis 1:1 - 2:4 in the light of changing scientific
paradigms. Professor Douglas Kelly persuasively argues for a literal interpretation of the
seven-day account of Creation found in Genesis 1 and 2. He assesses both the Biblical and
scientific data to verify his case. This treatise by Professor Kelly has been called a
model of exegetical theology by his peers. Dr. Jonathan Safarti, noted
creation scientist and author, says of this book:
The main thesis of Dr. Kellys book is that the author of the
Hebrew text of Genesis 1:12:4 can only have intended to write a straightforward,
historical account. Although many modern theologians claim that Genesis is poetry, it has
none of the hallmarks of Hebrew poetry, such as parallelism. Dr. Kelly backs this up by
sound linguistic analysis. He quotes an earlier authority as saying: The man who
says I believe that Genesis purports to be a historical account, but I do not
believe that account is a far better interpreter of the Bible than the man who says,
I believe that Genesis is profoundly true, but it is poetry.
Also, Dr. Kelly painstakingly documents the history of
interpretation of Genesis, and shows that the almost uniform view throughout the church
era was that it was intended to mean what it said. Long age and theistic evolutionary
interpretations were invented only after long ages/evolutionary views became fashionable.
That is, the interpreters were trying to read things from outside Scripture into the text.
So they ceased to regard Scripture as authoritative, so were effectively if unwittingly
contradicting Christ, e.g. John 10:35. Instead, they regarded mans (fallible)
interpretation of nature as authoritative.
Dr. Kelly is highly qualified to write about the theological aspects
of Genesis he is Professor of Systematic Theology at Reformed Theological Seminary,
Charlotte, North Carolina. He cites a number of Church Fathers and Reformers, as well as
the expert Jewish commentor Cassuto. Although he is not a scientist himself, he augments
his case with examples of design in biology expounded by people like the biochemicst Dr.
Michael Behe. However, since science is not Dr. Kellys forté, its to be
expected that there are some inaccuracies. But these have been pointed out by creationist
scientists themselves! See the review by Dr. Carl Wieland, CEO of Answers in Genesis (Australia),
in Creation Ex Nihilo Technical Journal 12(2):5254, 1998. But these
inaccuracies dont detract from strong scientific evidence for creation, which is
best found in other books. And nor do they affect the exegetically and historically sound
case for a plain understanding of Genesis made by Creation and Change.
Did God Use Evolution?
Dr. Werner Gitt
There are three other major creation theories besides the young earth,
everything created in six solar days straightforward reading of Genesis theory. One is
theistic evolution, which believes that God created all the matter for the Big Bang, and
then everything went on its own from there. This theory depends on macro-evolution,
molecule-to-man evolution, and so is subject to the same fallacies that classic
neo-Darwinism itself is subject to, and therefore can be considered the same enemy of the
gospel of Jesus Christ that neo-Darwinism is. According to the view of theistic evolution,
God started the process of evolution and guided and steered it over millions of years. As
an information scientist, Dr. Gitt critically analyzes and rejects the assumptions and
consequences of the doctrine of theistic evolution.
Creation and Time
Mark Van Bebber and Paul Taylor
Subtitled: A report on the progressive creationist book by Hugh Ross. The
second creationist theory besides the plain reading of Genesis theory is the Progressive
Creation theory popularized by Hugh Ross, and currently championed by many Christian
organizations. Progressive Creationism believes that God created everything in six days
(only not in the order written in Genesis -- God got that one wrong -- but in the
evolutionary order), which were probably not solar days but long periods of time, perhaps
a thousand years or more, and that each day was separated by long, long ages of time. This
allows the earth to be billions of years old, as the evolutionists say it is. But what are
the theological ramifications to basic Christian doctrine if such an interpretation of
Genesis were true? This exhaustively-researched book addresses that question; this is a
very important book for all Christians concerned about Biblical inerrancy.
Unformed and Unfilled
Weston W. Fields
The last creationist theory, other than a straighforward reading of
Genesis, a young earth creation, is called the Gap Theory or the Pre-Adamite Theory. This
theory states that there was a gap of time between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2, and that during
this gap of time lots of events took place which were not recorded in the Bible. This was
the age of the dinosaurs, and a pre-human race of people lived (the Neanderthals and so on
-- see Buried Alive by Dr. Jack
Cuozzo for his original research on the Neanderthal fossils that shows that they were not
a lower form of human) which were influenced by Satan and so were destroyed by flood. Then
they pick up at Genesis 1:2 and proceed with Gods recreating the life on earth.
Fields looks at the logical inconsistencies of this theory and shows that the Hebrew
language in Genesis does not allow for such a gap. Written for the general high school
through adult reader.

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