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Homeschooling Online Catalog: Social Implications of Creation & Evolution
This page last revised:
May 2003
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Social Implications
of Creation & Evolution
The books are listed below in roughly increasing order of difficulty or
technicality; all the books on this page are for the general junior high through adult
reader. If any of the books become unavailable from Barnes&Noble.com for any reason,
they should be available from the Answers in
Genesis Bookstore.
The Lie: Evolution
Ken Ham
Ken Ham, founder of Answers in Genesis, is best-known for his message of the relevance of
creation and a literal Genesis to our modern society and basic Christian theology. He is
the most in-demand Christian speaker in the United States today, receiving over 400
invitations per year. If you get a chance to hear him in person, go. (I have heard him
several times in person. His presentations show the highest regard for the authority and
inerrancy of Scripture. He not only displays a high degree of logic, but comes from the
solid foundation of a Biblical worldview.) His books are humorous and easy to read, and
yet hit home the truth of the literal interpretation of Genesis and what that means for
the Church of Jesus Christ. This book shows how the theory of evolution has undermined the
Church and our society.
Genesis and the Decay of Nations
Ken Ham
This sequel to Ken Hams best seller, The Lie: Evolution,
illustrates how the foundation of evolution has been used to destroy the Christian
foundation of nations. It shows where the real battle is which the Church should be
fighting, and how Satan is using evolution in an attempt to destroy the Church itself.
When Christians Roamed the Earth
Ken Ham, Dr. Henry Morris, Dr. John Morris, Dr. Carl Wieland, Dr. Jonathan Henry, Dr.
Jack Cuozzo
Bringing to light the harmful effects of evolutionary thought on the
Church, and society in general, this team of veteran creationists shows readers in
shocking detail how Darwin started us down the slippery slope. You will benefit from the
insightful commentary on a variety of topics -- the Bible as myth; UFOs
and paranormal interest; New Age spirituality, and studies in mans origin.
One Blood
Ken Ham
Subtitled: The Biblical Answer to Racism. 150 years after slavery was
ended, why is racism still such a problem? Slavery was ended because people of that
previous time looked at the world biblically: Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there
is liberty. They concluded that believers, nor a nation which claimed to be
Christian, could not enslave (or allow the enslavement of) fellow human beings created in
Gods image. Racism is still a problem because the anti-biblical worldview embodied
in neo-darwinism took hold following the publication of Darwins theory. This
powerful book biblically addresses issues such as skin color, origin of the
nations, the curse of Ham, and the influence of humanism and evolution on the
racist attitudes of the day.
Seven Men who Rule
the World from the Grave
David Breese
Read how one man, Charles Darwin, and his theory of origins,
has influenced the thinking of many and changed the course of history. These seven men
continue to rule even though they are in the grave because they have altered the thinking
of society. They generated philosophies which have been grasped by masses of people, but
those philosophies are erroneous and anti-biblical. Today their ideas pervade our schools,
businesses, homes, and even the Church. Follow Darwins influence on Karl Marx,
father of modern communism; Julius Wellhausen, father of higher criticism and
modernism; John Dewey, father of modern public education; Sigmund Freud,
father of modern psychology; John Maynard Keynes, father of modern big government
spending; and Soren Kierkegaard, father of modern existentialism.
Walking Through Shadows
Ken Ham and Dr. Carl Wieland
Since the terror attacks on the United States, more then ever people are
asking basic, though deep, questions. Why would God allow this suffering? What does life
on this planet mean? What about when bad things happen to Christians? Author Ken Ham
describes his familys recent years of horror and heartbreak, as his beloved brother
Robert, a dynamic young preacher of the Gospel, died a long, awful death from a rare
degenerative brain disease. Author Carl Wieland, editor of Creation magazine, recalls his
own personal tragedy in a horrific outback car accident twenty years ago, which left him
horribly mangled and a breath away from death, followed by some stunning interventions. By
drawing on their own experiences, and those of others, then using the Bible to answer the
hard questions and show why reality has been skewed by anti-God philosophies, they present
remarkable answers for hurting people.
Long War Against God
Dr. Henry Morris
This book shows the devastating impact of evolutionism, which is really
one expression of the anti-Biblical worldview, in all fields of study and all phases of
individual and national life. It then traces the various forms of this same deception back
throughout its dark history as it has continually fought the everlasting
Gospel, going all the way back to the beginning of paganism with Nimrods
perversion of the truth at Babel. Lastly, it finally demonstrates the ultimate triumph of
the Creator/Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Foreword by Dr. David Jeremiah. This book might
well be the magnum opus of the author ... It is a veritable gold mine of primary source
material ... Morris has done the Christian public a notable service in giving readers a
thorough and documented study of what indeed is the Long War Against
God. -Bibliotheca Sacra. The book is technical (at least in the beginning) and
is for the general adult reader.

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