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Election 2000
I have decided to put up this page of links and commentary because I believe this election to be a pivotal one in the history of our country. We are at a crossroads. Many issues are at stake, not the least of which is our freedom to homeschool. But this election will decide more than that. In the 21st Century, will we choose a path of socialism and government intrusion, or of the traditional freedoms we have enjoyed? That is what will be decided by voters on November 7, 2000.
Moreover you shall select from all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness ... Exodus 18:21
Educational Revelation
By Michael Farris, president of the HSLDA. In this article, Mr. Farris responds to the Democratic National Committee position on homeschooling, of which he says, The Democrats platform contains a resolution that closely parallels the most anti-home-schooling bill ever considered by Congress, HR 6. We wont be debating why we homeschool if the government makes it extremely difficult for parents to homeschool their children at all. The DNC gets its position on homeschooling from the National Education Association, which advocates teacher certification for homeschool parents and compliance with state-approved curriculum. So much for choice in education. The ramifications for homeschooling families, if Democratic candidates adhere to their partys position and are elected, will be enormous.DNC on Homeschooling
This is the Democratic National Committees platform position on homeschooling that the link, above, used to point to. The DNC took it down from its website sometime on October 5, 2000. What is it that the DNC does not want you to know? Fortunately, the exact text was saved and has been posted at Homeschoolers for Bush 2000. I must reiterate that taking the text down from its website because homeschoolers, who number in the millions, are finding out about the DNC position, does not in any way change the DNC position on homeschooling. Their position can only be changed by delegate vote, and these statements were ratified this past summer. The DNC and Democratic candidates still support the platform, even though the DNC is trying to keep you misinformed about their position on homeschooling.NEA vs. Home Schools
The National Education Association, the largest teachers union in the United States, opposes nearly every aspect of parent-directed education. This article was orginally posted on WorldNetDaily.com, an Internet newspaper daily still devoted to the principles of a free press for a free people. This newspaper has researched many issues involving homeschooling recently, and has posted this exclusive report. The report is significant because the NEA is a major contributor to the Democratic party and the Gore/Lieberman campaign, and the Democratic platform on education is what the NEA tells the DNC it will be. Be sure to scroll to the end of the article where the newspaper maintains many, many links to previously published reports on homeschoolers and homeschooling.Clinton Organizing Homeschoolers?
The problem is, the Democrats, which include the Vice President, are not comfortable with home schoolers not being organized by the federal government. Its as if they cannot bear to have a single entity free from their organization or protection, which really means, free from their control and regulation.The Government Education Monopoly
Another eye-opening report from WorldNetDaily.com, this time commenting on what appears to be the current educational bureaucracys position, and the NEAs position, on education: to create a government-mandated and funded monopoly on education, taking educational choice completely out of the hands of parents and completely away from local control, a bedrock of our society for 150 years. Its clear the Democrats are running a protection racket for the powerful NEA. The NEA is running a protection racket for its employees. But more than that, the NEA is spearheading the drive for total government control over all education. This would also seem to apply to private schools, as Michael Farris reported in Educational Revelation (see link above). People, this is a serious, serious attack on our freedoms.Pro Choice or Pro Monopoly
Commentary by Thomas Sowell, regular contributer to Townhall.com. It is amazing how many people who are pro-choice when it comes to abortion are against choice when it comes to education. Indeed, that is the official position of the Democratic Party.Give Education a Choice
A fifteen-year-old California home schooled student makes the case against a government monopoly on education, and for educational choice and competition paving the way to school reform.Candidates Weigh In on Homeschooling
Al Gores campaign tells this reporter that the federal government should not impair a parents decision to school their children at home. But lets examine this statement. It has already been noted that in Gores ideal world, public, private, and home schools would operate only with state-licensed teachers using state-approved curriculum. Thus, private schools and home schools would be free to continue, as long as they used teachers qualified by the same institutions that certify public school teachers, and used the same curriculum as their public school counterparts. (Lets not even mention that most schools currently using these teachers and this curriculum are failing.) The home schools and private schools would be allowed to exist as long as they walked and talked just like the public schools. This is the death knell of homeschooling, and of true educational reform. But for arguments sake, lets assume for a minute that Gore doesnt mean to tinker in any way with our freedom to home school. This statement comes from the man who used to be pro-life, pro-gun, pro-tobacco; who is for the working family and against big oil, big drug companies, and Hollywood violence for our children, all the while accepting millions in campaign contributions from big oil, big drug companies, and Hollywood. The man lies. Somehow, I am not comforted.Klinks Klunker
From the National Review Online. Pennsylvania Democratic senate candidate Ron Klink charges Republican senate incumbant Rick Santorum of social neglect because the Santorums homeschool their five children. It seems across the board, the Democratic candidates, wherever they are found, have problems with homeschooling.Hillary and Al -- Relics of the Past
When Hillary Clinton says, It takes a village to raise a child, that may sound nice, or even poetic, to those who do not understand the tragic history of government intrusions into family life in the 20th century. When Al Gore poses as someone who will fight for you against the powerful special interests, that may sound inspiring to those who have no idea what an ugly pedigree such demagoguery has had in the 20th century, and what a role it has played in creating dangerous concentrations of political power, afflicting vast millions of people who could not by any stretch of the imagination be considered powerful.George W. Bush on Homeschooling
The Democratic platform is clearly anti-homeschooling. But what about the Republican platform? Or even better, the Republican candidates personal opinion on homeschooling? This link is to a letter written by George W. Bush to a Florida homeschooling mom, who forwarded it to a friend, who forwarded it to a friend, who forwarded it to me. This letters authenticity has been verified by the Bush Campaign, and is on file at the Texas Home School Coalition.George W. Bush on Homeschooling
From the Crosswalk.com City on the Hill Election 2000 news coverage. Michael Farris, president of HSLDA, recently interviewed George W. Bush concerning homeschooling and education, and the result is enlightening. The Gore Campaign has also received a request for an interview, but the Vice President has not granted one as yet.
Homeschoolers for Bush 2000
This excellent website, newly posted, contains lesson plans for teaching our children about the election process, and Governor Bush has promised to send a signed letter to every child that participates in the Homeschoolers for Bush 2000 Unit Study.The Presidential Debates
The unedited transcripts and video of the presidential and vice-presidential debates, from the Voter.com website. Compare these to the Republican and Democratic Convention transcripts and video of the candidates speeches from their conventions, and you will see that Bush has not apologized for or compromised his message or vision, and that Gore has completely reinvented himself and flip-flopped on almost every issue, just from the Convention to the second debate. This tells me that I can trust George W. Bush to keep his word when he says he will protect a parents right to home school, and that I cannot know what Al Gore will do, in spite of what he says, concerning the home schooling issue.The Debates and the Presidency
All the presidential debates, and especially the third presidential debate held on October 17 in St. Louis, spoke volumes to me about the type of president both nominees will make. They both clearly demonstrated, I believe unintentionally, what we can expect from them as president, in a way that the spin masters cannot disguise.George W. Bush on the Issues
If you are interested in learning more about George W. Bushs stand on other issues besides homeschooling, this link will take you to the issues page of the George W. Bush for President website. While here, you also might be interested in keeping up with the Governors speeches on major policy made this fall out on the campaign trail.The Clinton-Gore Texas Two-Step
From the Weekly Standard. A lot was made of George W. Bushs Texas record on childrens health care in the debates. Heres the truth: Gore killed Texas health care coverage for kids, and when you learn why, youll see an ugly pattern developing about the Vice President and where his loyalties really lie. And it aint with uninsured poor kids.One Good Reason to Vote for Bush
... is his courage to do something about Social Security, while Gore wont even admit theres a problem, according to Salon magazine. But whats the truth about the Social Security issue? The Gore campaign unleashed a massive drive to scare seniors into the voting booth with claims that a Bush administration would cut their benefits, misrepresenting the Wall Street Journal in their desperation. The Wall Street Journal actually finds the Governors plan the most sound of the two candidates. In fact, the AARP notes that something must be done now to save Social Security for the boomer generation of retirees to come, and the Executive Director of the Alliance for Worker Retirement Security recently testified that The Vice Presidents allegation that placing $1 trillion in personal accounts over ten years would undercut simultaneous promises to current retirees has been unequivocally demonstrated as false in memoranda generated by the Social Security Administration under Clinton-Gore. The majority of Americans want something like the Bush plan as an option for their retirements. Even Florida newspapers, the state with the largest proportion of seniors in its population, assert the Bush plans necessity and soundness, which may explain why Bush leads Gore in the Sunshine State. After 24 years in politics, Al Gore has a record on senior citizen issues, and it isnt friendly to seniors. Research the truth.George W. Bush and the Military
Another excellent reason to elect George W. Bush as the next president of the United States is his and Secretary Cheneys position on the military. See also the open letter from Veterans for Bush - Cheney, the endorsement of the Texas Governor by 50 Medal of Honor recipients, and the opinion of George W. Bushs pilot instructor on the abilities of the Governor.Why Americans Should Elect Bush
As the newspaper, magazine, and various agency endorsements roll in, George W. Bush has garnered a wide array of impressive endorsements from conservative, moderate, and independent-thinking organizations.Why Americans Should Elect Bush II
If the endorsements from the previous link didnt phase you, consider the endorsements that Al Gore has picked up from the very predictable liberal left-wing that sound almost like apologies. For example, did you know that the Communist Party USA has endorsed Gore for President? That Gore has a history of possible illegal dealings with communist Russia and China? Find out the truth about the Vice President.Why I am Voting for George W. Bush
I have studied the issues. I have voted third party consistently in the past because of the statist policies demonstrated by both the Democrats and the Republicans. I am a registered Independent. But I am voting for George W. Bush in November. Why? I think hes the real deal.The Controversy of George W. Bush
Religion and political candidates have been in the news lately. The faith of vice presidential nominee Joseph Lieberman has been making the headlines for weeks. But what about the faith of George W. Bush? Is he a Christian, as they say? This excerpt from his book, A Charge to Keep, sets the record straight.God and the Governor
In this exclusive interview with Charisma and Christian Life magazine, George W. Bush talks about his conversion to Christianity, and how he applies his Christian faith to political and moral issues.Liebermans View of Faith ...
... Hints that Bush is Ungodly. From the Washington Times, commenting on an outrageous statement made by Joe Lieberman in a campaign speech last week -- hinting that anyone that is not an environmentalist is an ungodly person, an accusation directed at Republican candidate George W. Bush. Earlier in the campaign, Lieberman suggested that anyone that opposes Gores government-funded prescription drug program disobeys the commandment to honor thy father and mother. Makes me wonder what politically correct form of religion would be mandated from the White House in a Gore/Lieberman administration.Can Christians Vote for Gore/Lieberman?
Ten Points from a Biblical Perspective, from Capitol Hill Prayer Alert. And the sixth point includes this telling statement: Gore panders to the liberal teachers lobby. In addresses to members of the National Education Association (NEA), he is routinely unsubtle in his antagonism toward parents who homeschool or send their children to private schools (although Gore himself and all of his children attended private schools).Will the Church Yield America to Pagan Tyranny?
Or will she be godly salt in this political year? This article will not tell you who to vote for. But it does raise very Biblical, very thought-provoking issues about who we choose to lead us through the privilege of voting, and how we should come to the decision of who should lead us, and the role the Church plays in the political and moral life of this nation that we all love and call home. Excellent, required reading for all concerned citizens and Christians.Whats at Stake
One reason conservatives are united behind Bush can be found lower down on the ballet. If the Democrats retake the House, The Los Angeles Times points out, the congressional leadership would be dominated by the most liberal members of Congress.Bush, Gore at the Al Smith Dinner
Who was funnier at the Al Smith dinner (on October 19 in New York City)? The media said Algore was brilliant, but Rush (Limbaugh) thinks W wiped the floor with the vice perpetrator. Go beyond these clips and view the Al Smith Dinner in its entirety at the C-SPAN website. Later that same evening, the Texas Governor shone on David Letterman, the audience enthusiatically cheering his straight-forward answers to Lettermans toughest questions on terrorism, the Middle East, the death penalty, and the environment. Who says you cant have a little fun with your politics?Portrait of America
The Rasmussen Research Portrait of America has recently been named the most accurate tracking poll produced, because of the automated nature of the questioning over a three-day period, and the large group of likely voters used. Keep up to date on the Presidential tracking poll, and the state electoral count. More commentary concerning the nature of the polls can be found at Pollster sees GOP Triple Win, and Hold the Polling Firms and News Organizations Accountable.Federal Review Electoral Vote Projection
Considering that George W. Bush is leading in all the battleground states but Illinois, this seems to be a fair projection for Tuesday night, if the Governors base shows up to vote. I will be at the polls at 7:00 a.m. Tuesday morning. I pray that all of you will join me.The Wall Street Journal on the Election
George W. Bush Recognizes the Future
A Stonewall of His Own
Laura Bush Rules
Bush, a Modest Man of Faith
Social Security Showdown: Bushs Serious Plan
Gore Social Security Scare Tactics
Bush More Competent Than Gore?
Voters Dont Just Like Bush - They Agree With Him
Gores Behavior Contradicts His MessageWorld Net Daily
The daily Internet newspaper that still believes in a free press for a free people. This is the only newspaper diligently covering the homeschooling issue in this election.FOX News
Keep up to date on all the political and election news with FOX News, the only news network striving to provide fair and balanced coverage. This news network allows independents, conservatives, and Christians a voice, side by side with liberal analysts. Be sure to check the state by state electoral vote count while here. If you live in an undecided or Gore-leaning state, get the word out about the DNCs tyrannical position against homeschooling and educational choice!Voter.com
Track daily political headlines, columnists and opinions, polls, campaign money, the candidates schedules, and more, at bi-partisan Voter.com, the information clearing house on the web for the informed voter.C-SPAN Campaign 2000
Excellent bi-partisan website keeping voters informed on all the latest campaign news. Watch the debates, the entire video of the Al Smith Dinner, the video of the candidates speeches made out on the stump, and more.National Review Online
I couldnt stand it anymore. I dont agree with the National Review on everything, but the witty, pointed, and insightful campaign and debate coverage was just too much for me. Enjoy.Townhall.com
Conservative news and information on the web begins at Townhall.com.Voting My Conscience and Third Parties
Is a vote for a third party always a vote of conscience? A balanced look at a thorny issue for Christian conservatives.Does My Vote Really Matter?
Youd be surprised at how much in history, and American history, was made or broken all because of the single vote that tilted the balance. Yes, in America, your vote does matter.The Meaning of the Vote
This excellent editorial by Peggy Noonan discusses voters and non-voters in our society, the informed and uninformed, why Republicans will crawl on their knees over broken glass to vote for George W. Bush on Tuesday, and what it is, in this day of voter apathy, that still makes voting in America a unique, gratifying, and ultimately humbling experience.What You Can Do
First and most obvious: Register to vote, and then VOTE on November 7, 2000. Second: the mainstream news media is ignoring the threat of the Democratic platform to homeschooling freedoms, so it is up to us to get the word out. E-mail the link to this page to your family, friends, and neighbors. Contact your local homeschooling support group, notify them of the issue, and ask what you can do to help get the word out. Then contact your state homeschooling association, and do the same. We can turn the tide of this election, and put a president in the White House who respects parents right to direct their childrens education! Third: register with eChamptions2000, and you will receive twice weekly updates on GOP campaigns in your area, including the presidential campaign, which you can then forward to as many neighbors, friends, and relatives as possible.We Feel Your Pain
In 1992, Bill Clinton and the Democrats said they felt our pain. On November 7th, lets make sure they do.Wall Steet Journal Best of the Web Tuesday, October 31: President Clinton is mighty ticked off at Esquire magazine. Yesterday, youll recall, we learned that he had given the magazine an embarrassing interview in which he demanded an apology from Republicans for impeaching him. Now he says the magazine betrayed his trust. I was promised faithfully that that interview would be ... released after the election, an irritated Clinton said yesterday. But there it was on the Internet, more than a week early. Can you believe it? They lied to him. Just flat-out lied! Is there no honor left in this country?
Mr. President, we can relate. Let us tell you what happened to us a few years ago. We hired a fellow to do an important job, and this guy was charming and gifted, but he had--how do we put this delicately?--a character problem. Apparently his marriage was on the rocks, and he was always hitting on women at the office, in violation of our sexual-harassment policy. Anyway, to make a long story short, he ended up having an improper relationship with a very young woman on the staff, and when we caught him at it, he looked us in the eye, waved his finger and lied to us. It gets worse. There was also a lawsuit, and he lied in a deposition, and then he lied under oath to a grand jury that was conducting a criminal investigation. Thats not only dishonest, its against the law!
We seriously considered firing him but in the end decided just to let his contract expire. (And get this--now he wants us to give his wife a job!)
Dont get us wrong, Mr. President. We dont mean to suggest that our little experience with this problem employee was as serious as the perfidy youve suffered at the hands of Esquire magazine. All were saying is, we feel your pain.
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Homeschooling: Classical Education at Home
Site designed and maintained by Christine Miller
/ This page last revised November 4, 2000
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