1999 Additions
December Additions
CCH Site Map
This section of the website has been changed to the new design scheme, and now accurately
reflects the new structure of the website. All the links have also been repaired.
Why We Homeschool Site of the Month:
Undeniable Truths of Homeschooling
By Harvey Bluedorn of The Trivium Pursuit. ...we have developed what we call
Seven Undeniable Truths of Homeschooling in order to encourage Christian
parents to begin Homeschooling, to continue Homeschooling, and to defend
Favorite Links to All Over
This section of the website has been completly overhauled, with new categories of links,
easier navigation, new links added, all the links checked and the broken links repaired.
November Additions
Opinion and Homeschooling
One of the new articles by Christine Miller linked from the Classical Homeschooling page.
Homeschool Burnout
One of the new articles by Christine Miller linked from the Classical Homeschooling page.
Classical Homeschooling
This page has been redesigned again to reflect the new design scheme of CCH, and links to
new articles by Christine Miller have been added to it.
Classical Christian Education Links
The CE Links page has been entirely overhauled, with easier navigation, lots of new
features added, all the broken links repaired, and many more new links added that I have
been collecting for the past year. I am currently working on the sections that are
pending, especially the Classical Subjects Links. Look for that addition soon.
Science in the Dialectic Stage
This new article by Christine Miller continues the additions to the Dialectic Stage page,
focusing on what is important to keep in mind while teaching science at this age.
The Dialectic Stage
The Dialectic Stage page has been redesigned in preparation for the new articles which are forthcoming.
The Subject of Rhetoric
A guest author, Dr. Robert Einarsson, professor of English at Grant MacEwan College in
Alberta, Canada, has kindly contributed this article to the Rhetoric Stage page, defining
the subject of rhetoric historically, and in so doing, why its important to study
The Rhetoric Stage
The Rhetoric Stage page has been redesigned in preparation for the new articles which are
Historic & Modern Application of the Trivium
This new article by Christine Miller adds to the On the Trivium page. Embedded with many
helpful links, it is a very brief attempt to trace the trivium historically, compare it to
modern educational practices, and propose a general application of the trivium to the
resurgence of classical education of today.
Classical Christian Homeschooling
I am slowly redesigning the website. As I add and modify pages, I will also change them to
the new design scheme. As there are hundreds of pages that make up CCH, I imagine this
will be an ongoing process for some time--I dont want it to interfere with the
uploading of new material.
Why We Homeschool
Site of the Month:
The Graves of Academe
By Richard Mitchell, professor of classics at Glassboro State College, and editor of the Underground Grammarian. Richard
Mitchell traces the philosophy and the folly of the education establishment which trains
the teachers who teach our nations children. If clear language engenders clear
thought, and clear thought is the most important benefit of education, then how can
the education establishment, high priests of muddied, illogical language and thought,
bestow that which it does not itself possess? This site is well worth the time to examine
and digest thoroughly.
October Additions
Classical Homeschooling
The Classical Homeschooling page has been redesigned to allow for faster loading time. It
is now an index page, with links to articles as well as CCHs new E-mail List and
Discussion Board.
CCHs E-mail List
CCH now has an e-mail list specifically for visitors and users of the CCH website. Similar in purpose to the original CE
Loop, CCHomeschooling is open to all and has an unlimited membership.
Why We Homeschool Site of
the Month:
Preparing Our Children for Perilous Times
By Mr. and Mrs. James Brashear for the
Home School Digest. One of the many
advantages and privileges we enjoy as homeschooling families is the freedom to devote time
and energy on what God deems the good part of our childrens education:
sitting at His feet and learning from Him. Homeschooling parents of seven, the
Brashears outline their stragegy for Spiritual Preparedness in their
September Additions
Christian Homeschooling Discussion Board
Now CCH site visitors have their own on-line discussion forum for chatting about Classical
Christian Education as it applies to homeschooling, CCHs practical recommendations
for each of the subjects in the trivium, and recommended curriculum, with other
homeschoolers of like mind.
Why We
Homeschool Site of the Month:
U.S. Senate Passes Historic Resolution
On September 16, the United States Senate, by unanimous consent, officially passed Senate
Resolution 183, designating the week of September 19-25, 1999, as National Home
Education Week. Read highlights of this historic resolution, as well as view the
complete text on-line.
August Additions
CCHs History for the Grammar Stage
The history units for the grammar stage, part of CCHs online catalog, are currently
being uploaded. As of 8-28, Grades 1-3, Ancient through Medieval history, is up and
available, with grades 4-6 currently being uploaded.
Note: As many of you already know, CCH experienced
several weeks of unavailability for the first weeks of August due to the server being
down. I apologize for the inaccesability of the site, and pray this was an isolated
incident. During the down time, even I couldnt get on the website to work on the
catalog or other areas of the site, or retrieve e-mail. (If any of you wrote during that
time, that mail was lost in the black hole of cyberspace. Please write again.) The result
of this is that the dialectic and rhetoric sections of the catalog will have to remain
incomplete for now; however, I will continue to work on them throughout the school year as
time permits. I have another week before homeschool begins again for us, and in that time
it is my intention to finish uploading CCHs history units for the grammar and
dialectic stages. There are also several articles for the dialectic and rhetoric stages
burning in my brain; especially on history and bible, which will be forthcoming during the
1999-2000 school year, as well as a guest authors articles for dialectic and
rhetoric literature: watch for their arrival, which will, of course, be announced on this
July Additions
CCH Curriculum & Online Catalog: Writing
The Writing section of the Online Catalog is now complete for all three stages, inlcuding
the rhetoric. Besides Writing, other dialectic stage sections of the
catalog recently completed include Math and Language.
On the Use of Real Books
In the Secondary Curriculum. This new article by Christine Miller outlines a practical way
to get the most out of reading real books in the dialectic and rhetoric
Dialectic Stage Curriculum & Online Catalog
The catalog for the dialectic stage is being currently uploaded. As of July 1st, the Logic and Bible
pages are complete. The other dialectic portions of the catalog are being uploaded all
throughout the month of July.
Why We Homeschool Site of
the Month:
Two World-views in Conflict
Subtitled: Evolution is absolutely opposed to the Bible. This article by Dan Manthei was
first published in the wonderful family magazine Creation Ex Nihilo (ex
nihilo is Latin for out of nothing.) Manthei shows the worldview
foundational to evolution, taught as fact in all public schools, although there is much
debate on its feasibility among the most secular of research scientists, is at complete
odds with the Biblical worldview, upon which, by the way, the great discoveries of Newton,
Lavoisier, Pasteur, and others were made. Eye-opening reading.
June Additions
Bible in the Grammar Stage
At long last, this new article by Christine Miller completes the Grammar Stage page. It
covers what must be taken into consideration when teaching Bible to our grammar stage
Grammar Stage: Grades 1-6
The Grammar Stage page, now complete, has been reorganized to allow for much faster
loading times of all the articles.
Scope & Sequence for Grades K-12
CCHs recommendations for what to cover and how to sequence it for every grade from
Kindergarten through 12th is completed.
Whats coming: The dialectic
and rhetoric sections of the online catalog are being uploaded throughout the month of
June. As sections become available, they will become activated links from CCHs Online Catalog main page.
May Additions
CCHs Online Catalog
Sections of the catalog are still being uploaded, and will be throughout the month of May,
but this main page will access all of them as soon as they are available.
Christian Curriculum & Online Catalog
At last, the new curriculum page including CCHs Online Catalog and some other new
features. It is our hope that this new organization will make the curriculum section of
the website much easier to use and navigate.
Why We Homeschool Site of
the Month:
The Columbine Massacre
The ongoing news coverage of the massacre and the investigation from the Denver Post, a
local newspaper. My family and I are Colorado residents, and my oldest daughter knows some
students that attend Columbine High School. Our public schools are not safe places for
Whats coming: Classical
Christian Homeschooling is hard at work on our newest feature: our online catalog in
association with Amazon.com. CCH is currently uploading the grammar stage section of the
catalog, and expect that process to be completed by the end of the first week in May. Stay
April Additions
Why We
Homeschool Site of the Month:
The Answering of Kautski
Another classic from Richard Mitchell, the professor of classics at Glassboro State
College, and the Underground
Grammarian. More on tyranny, freedom, minimum competency, logical thinking, Lenin, and
the modern educational system.
Whats coming: Classical
Christian Homeschooling is hard at work on our newest feature: our online catalog in
association with Amazon.com. More than just a listing of books and materials, the catalog
will include a complete scope and sequence for each of the grades in the grammar,
dialectic, and rhetoric stages; cross links to CCHs reviews, which are also being greatly
expanded, and other helpful features. Accompanying these changes is a complete overhaul
(again, LOL) of the curriculum page, making it clearer and easier to use. We plan on
having the grammar stage section of the catalog up by the end of April, with the dialectic
and rhetoric stage sections up by the end of May. Since this is such a big project, there
will most likely be no new articles uploaded until the catalog is complete.
March Additions
CE Loop: Homeschooling Helps
The books and resources that the 25 moms on the CE Loop believe to have stood out; that
have most helped in learning and encouragment in homeschooling; in learning and
encouragement in classical education; in motivation and inspiration; and provided
resources to help them do their jobs better.
Christian Homeschooling
Whats new about Classical Christian Homeschooling? Weve moved! Now located at
our own domain at classicalhomeschooling.org, we have the room to expand and offer even
more, due to the generosity of our supporter, Escondido
Tutorial Service.
Why We Homeschool
Site of the Month:
Saint Jeromes Advice to a Homeschooling Mom
Practical wisdom from 400 A.D. This article is by Rob Shearer of Greenleaf Press. He says, You can imagine
my surprise and delight when I came across the following letter, which might be entitled,
Jeromes Advice to a Homeschooling Mom. One of Jeromes acquaintances had
written him asking for advice on how to educate her daughter. Interesting reading.
Classical Christian Homeschooling is one
year old this month! Thank you for visiting us; we hope we have been of benefit to you.
February Additions
Subject of Logic
This new article by Martin Cothran, author of the new Logic curriculum Traditional Logic,
explains the science of Logic more clearly than anything I have ever read. If you have
questions about Logic, the heart of the dialectic stage curriculum, this article will go a
long way toward answering them.
Christian Curriculum
The curriculum page has been restructured in anticipation of the dialectic stage
suggestions which are soon to be added. One new feature is the Classical Curriculum Reviews page, in which CCH reviews
in-depth some of the curriculum mentioned in its articles. Be sure to check into our first
review for the new Logic curriculum Traditional
Logic by Martin Cothran of Memoria Press.
Priorities in Homeschooling Classically
This new addition by Christine Miller to the Classical
Homeschooling page discusses priorities, time constraints, and offers encouragement
for parents seeking to educate themselves while homeschooling their children.
History Index
The images decorating the CCH Contents page tell the story of
Western Civilization through its art, and are also themselves a gateway to further
historical study. This index page is a convenient way to access all of them.
CCH Home Page
CCH has a new home page, and every page in the site has been revamped and updated. The
information on the old home page has been divided into two new pages to make loading time
faster: CCH Contents and About CCH.
All new images adorn the site, and are themselves gateways to additional pages describing
the art, culture, and history of Western Civilization.
This page lists all the sites that we are aware of that maintain a link to Classical
Christian Homeschooling.
Site Map
An index of all the individual pages and articles that make up CCH, organized in outline
form, alphabetically, and by author.
in the Dialectic Stage
The first new article for the Dialectic Stage page in eleven months! Christine Miller
describes in detail her dialectic stage writing approach and curriculum.
Why We Homeschool Site of
the Month:
What About Socialization?
This informative article from School is Dead: Learn
in Freedom explores the effects of negative socialization on children segregated by
age in todays public and private school classrooms.
Favorite Links to All
More pertinent additions, this time to the Life, Liberty, & the
Pursuit of Happiness section. As I will probably be adding new sites to this page as I
come across them, I will stop listing the Favorite Links page on Whats New. But
check there periodically; I will begin adding a new graphic to the new links.
Whats coming: The Subject
of Logic by Martin Cothran, author of the promising new Logic curriculum Traditional
Logic, is coming soon! Also in the works is Bible in the Grammar Stage, which will
complete the Grammar Stage page; more answers on the FAQ page; the beginnings of
curriculum suggestions for the dialectic stage; and a complete overhaul of the design and
style of the website, with some exciting and hopefully helpful new additions. Stay tuned!
January Additions
Why We Homeschool Site of the Month:
The Public School Nightmare by John Taylor Gatto
Subtitled: Why Fix a System Designed to Destroy Individual Thought? This
thought-provoking article is from John Taylor Gatto, a past New York State Teacher of the
Year, author of Dumbing Us Down and outspoken critic of our public school
Favorite Links to All
More pertinent additions, specifically: Bible
Study Tools, Christian Quotation of the Day,
Stewarton Bible School
of Scotland, Biblical
Foundations for Christian Homeschooling, and Prince
of Egypt: read my review of this beautiful, reverent, and thoroughly entertaining
family movie.
