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Grammar Stage Scope & Sequence
Remember that the central subject of the grammar stage is grammar. Historically, this meant Latin and Greek grammar only. Children learned English grammar as a consequence of studying Latin. Besides Bible, of course, Latin or Greek and English grammar are the heart of the grammar stage curriculum--studying these will teach the tool of the grammar stage. Other subjects can be added as the homeschool mom has the time, desire, and ability, or as is required by state homeschooling laws. These other critical subjects are: Writing, Literature, History, and Math; then Science, Art, and Music. Geography can be studied separately or combined with History; Oratory need not be studied separately, but is easily integrated with the other subjects.
You will notice that many, many of the suggested materials are used again in subsequent years, i.e. Websters Elementary Spelling Book is listed for spelling in all six grades. We have found many excellent materials for use in the grammar stage, when, once bought, can be used for two, more, or all six years, and then reused with younger children. We have recommended these materials whenever possible. All the books needed for each grade are listed in every grade, but they only need to be purchased one time.
1st Grade | 2nd Grade | 3rd Grade | 4th Grade | 5th Grade | 6th Grade |
Bible: listening to Bible stories; memorizing scriptures
Option 1: The Holy Bible, reading the stories as they are encountered
Option 2: Bible read-aloud recommendations from the 1000 Good Books listGrammar (English Orthography): learning to read and beginning and easy reading; first year phonics instruction; first year spelling
Option 1: Writing Road to Reading by Romalda Spaulding with
Teaching Reading at Home: A Supplement to WRTR by Wanda Sanseri or
Teachers Edition with Annual Lesson Plans by Myrna McCulloch
Option 2: Phonics for Reading & Spelling by Bonnie Dettmer
Option 3: Saxon Phonics 1 by Lorna Simmons (Saxons program must begin with Phonics K; it is not recommended that instruction begins with 1)
Option 4: Discover Intensive Phonics for Yourself by Charlotte Lockhart
Option 5: Why Johnny Cant Read by Rudolf Flesch
Spelling instruction:
The Elementary Spelling Book by Noah Webster or
The Eclectic Progressive Spelling Book by Alexander H. McGuffey
Highly recommended teachers resource for any of the listed options:
The ABCs and All Their Tricks by Margaret Bishop
Language: no formal study, yet
Optional: Latins Not So Tough Level 1 by Karen Mohs and/or
Hey Andrew! Teach Me Some Greek! Reader and Workbook 1 by Karen Mohs
Writing: learning to write (penmanship) and first year copying
Option 1: Writing Road to Reading by Romalda Spaulding with supplements
Option 2: Phonics for Reading and Spelling by Bonnie Dettmer
Option 3: Discover Intensive Phonics for Yourself by Charlotte Lockhart
Handwriting practice: Copybook resourcesLiterature: listening to and reading quality literature; lots of poetry
1st Grade Literature & Poetry selections from the 1000 Good Books listHistory: Creation & Prehistory; Ancient Israel, Egypt, & the Near East
Option 1: CCHs Grade 1 History Unit
Option 2: Greenleaf Press Old Testament and Greenleaf Press Ancient Egypt
Highly recommended teachers resource for any of the listed options:
All Through the Ages History through Literature Guide by Christine Miller
The TimeChart History of the World by Edward Hull
Math: first year arithmetic instruction
Option 1: Formal textbook/workbook math instruction can be delayed until phonics, reading, and penmanship are solidly mastered (about 3rd grade). In the meantime, math games and activities can build increasing math awareness and skills.
Family Math by Jean Kerr Stenmark
Option 2: Formal instruction is not delayed.
Math-U-See Foundations of Mathematics by Steve Demme
Option 3: Formal instruction is not delayed.
Rays New Primary Arithmetic Text by Joseph Ray with
Classic Curriculum Arithmetic Workbooks Series 1 and
Rays New Arithmetic Key and Parent-Teacher Guide
Science: Nature study and history of science integrated with history study
Handbook of Nature Study by Anna Botsford Comstock with
All Through the Ages History through Literature Guide by Christine MillerArt: First year art history, copying, and the color wheel, or a sequential art curriculum
Option 1: progressive work in art history, copying masterpieces, and color
Art History: God and the History of Art by Barry Stebbing or
A Childs History of Art by V. M. Hillyer
Copying Masterpieces:
Catalog of Fine Art Prints by the National Gallery of Art and/or
Catalog of Fine Art Prints by University Prints
Color Wheel & Mixing: A Color Sampler by Kathleen Westray
Option 2: using a sequential art curriculum
Lambs Book of Art I by Barry Stebbing with Teachers Manual
Optional but recommended with a sequential curriculum:
God and the History of Art by Barry Stebbing
Music: melody, rhythm, harmony, and timbre; singing; familiarization with church, national, & classical music; the history of music:
Learning to play the piano or other instrument will teach the grammar of music; therefore, private local piano lessons are highly recommended, with
church, national, and classical music and music historyGeography: developing geographic awareness through literature
All Through the Ages History through Literature Guide by Christine Miller and/or
A Childs Geography of the World by V. M. Hillyer with
World Atlas for Young Explorers by the National Geographic Society
History of Geographic Exploration & Cartography
Bible: listening to and reading Bible stories; memorizing scriptures
Option 1: The Holy Bible, reading the stories as they are encountered
Option 2: Bible read-aloud recommendations from the 1000 Good Books listGrammar (English Orthography): second year phonics instruction or phonics review; second year spelling
Option 1: Writing Road to Reading by Romalda Spaulding with
Teaching Reading at Home: A Supplement to WRTR by Wanda Sanseri or
Teachers Edition with Annual Lesson Plans by Myrna McCulloch
Option 2: Phonics for Reading & Spelling by Bonnie Dettmer
Option 3: Saxon Phonics 2 by Lorna Simmons
Option 4: Discover Intensive Phonics for Yourself by Charlotte Lockhart
Option 5: Why Johnny Cant Read by Rudolf Flesch
Spelling instruction:
The Elementary Spelling Book by Noah Webster or
The Eclectic Progressive Spelling Book by Alexander H. McGuffey
Highly recommended teachers resource for any of the listed options:
The ABCs and All Their Tricks by Margaret Bishop
Language: no formal study, yet
Optional: Latins Not So Tough Level 2 by Karen Mohs and/or
Hey Andrew! Teach Me Some Greek! Level 2 by Karen MohsWriting: mastering script penmanship and second year copying
Option 1: Theory of Spencerian Penmanship with
Spencerian Copybook 1 and 2
Handwriting practice: Copybook resourcesLiterature: listening to and reading quality literature; lots of poetry
2nd Grade Literature & Poetry selections from the 1000 Good Books listHistory: Ancient Greece & Rome
Option 1: CCHs Grade 2 History Unit
Option 2: Greenleaf Press Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome
Highly recommended teachers resource for any of the listed options:
All Through the Ages History through Literature Guide by Christine Miller
The TimeCahrt History of the World by Edward Hull
Math: second year arithmetic instruction
Option 1: Formal textbook/workbook math instruction can be delayed until phonics, reading, and penmanship is solidly mastered (about 3rd grade). In the meantime, math games and activities can build increasing math awareness and skills.
Family Math by Jean Kerr Stenmark
Option 2: Formal arithmetic instruction is not delayed.
Math-U-See Foundations of Mathematics by Steve Demme
Option 3: Formal arithmetic instruction is not delayed.
Rays New Primary Arithmetic Text with
Classic Curriculum Arithmetic Workbooks Series 2 and
Rays New Arithmetic Key and Parent-Teacher Guide
Science: Nature study and history of science integrated with history study:
Handbook of Nature Study by Anna Botsford Comstock with
All Through the Ages History through Literature Guide by Christine MillerArt: Second year art history, copying, and color mixing, or a sequential art curriculum
Option 1: progressive work in art history, copying masterpieces, and color
Art History: God and the History of Art by Barry Stebbing or
A Child's History of Art by V. M. Hillyer
Copying Masterpieces:
Catalog of Fine Art Prints by the National Gallery of Art and/or
Catalog of Fine Art Prints by University Prints
Color Wheel & Mixing: A Color Sampler by Kathleen Westray
Option 2: using a sequential art curriculum
Lambs Book of Art II by Barry Stebbing with Teachers Manual
Optional but recommended with a sequential curriculum:
God and the History of Art by Barry Stebbing
Music: melody, rhythm, harmony, and timbre; singing; familiarization with church, national, & classical music; the history of music:
Learning to play the piano or other instrument will teach the grammar of music; therefore, private local piano lessons are highly recommended, with
church, national, and classical music and music historyGeography: developing geographic awareness through literature
All Through the Ages History through Literature Guide by Christine Miller and/or
A Childs Geography of the World by V. M. Hillyer with
World Atlas for Young Explorers by the National Geographic Society
History of Geographic Exploration & Cartography
Bible: listening to and reading Bible stories; memorizing scriptures
Option 1: The Holy Bible, reading the stories as they are encountered
Option 2: Bible read-aloud recommendations from the 1000 Good Books list
Option 3: Begin learning creeds or catechismGrammar (English Etymology): first year etymology instruction; third year spelling
Option 1: Simply Grammar by Charlotte Mason & Karen Andreola with
The Reading Teachers Book of Lists by Edward Fry
Option 2: Harveys Elementary Grammar by Thomas Harvey with
The Reading Teachers Book of Lists by Edward Fry
Optional: English from the Roots Up by Joegil Lundquist (Latin and Greek roots instruction--necessary only if Latin and/or Greek is not also being studied)
Spelling instruction:
The Elementary Spelling Book by Noah Webster or
The Eclectic Progressive Spelling Book by Alexander H. McGuffey
Highly recommended teachers resource for spelling:
The ABCs and All Their Tricks by Margaret Bishop
Language: beginning Latin or Greek study
Option 1: Latina Christiana Book 1 Kit by Cheryl Lowe
Option 2: Latin Primer Book 1 by Martha Wilson
Option 3: Latins Not So Tough Level 3 by Karen Mohs and/or
Hey Andrew! Teach Me Some Greek! Level 3 by Karen MohsWriting: mastering script penmanship and third year copying
Option 1: Theory of Spencerian Penmanship with Spencerian Copybook 3, 4, and 5
Handwriting practice: Copybook resourcesLiterature: listening to and reading quality literature; lots of poetry
3rd Grade Literature & Poetry selections from the 1000 Good Books listHistory: Dark and Middle Ages
Option 1: CCHs Grade 3 History Unit
Option 2: Greenleaf Press Middle Ages
Highly recommended teachers resource for any of the listed options:
All Through the Ages History through Literature Guide by Christine Miller
The TimeChart History of the World by Edward Hull
Math: third year arithmetic instruction
Option 1: Math 54 by Stephen Hake & John Saxon
Option 2: Math-U-See Intermediate Mathematics by Steve Demme
Option 3: Rays New Intellectual Arithmetic Text with
Classic Curriculum Arithmetic Workbooks Series 3 and
Rays New Arithmetic Key and Parent-Teacher Guide
Science: Nature study and history of science integrated with history study:
Handbook of Nature Study by Anna Botsford Comstock with All Through the Ages History through Literature Guide by Christine MillerArt: Third year art history, copying, and color mixing, or a sequential art curriculum
Option 1: progressive work in art history, copying masterpieces, and color
Art History: God and the History of Art by Barry Stebbing or
A Child's History of Art by V. M. Hillyer
Copying Masterpieces:
Catalog of Fine Art Prints by the National Gallery of Art and/or
Catalog of Fine Art Prints by University Prints
Color Wheel & Mixing: A Color Sampler by Kathleen Westray
Option 2: using a sequential art curriculum
Feed My Sheep by Barry Stebbing
Optional but recommended with a sequential curriculum:
God and the History of Art by Barry Stebbing
Music: melody, rhythm, harmony, and timbre; singing; familiarization with church, national, & classical music; the history of music:
Learning to play the piano or other instrument will teach the grammar of music; therefore, private local piano lessons are highly recommended, with
church, national, and classical music and music historyGeography: developing geographic awareness through literature; facts memorization
All Through the Ages History through Literature Guide by Christine Miller and/or
A Childs Geography of the World by V. M. Hillyer with Maps & Globes by Jack Knowlton and World Atlas for Young Explorers by the National Geographic Society History of Geographic Exploration & Cartography
Bible: developing consistent Bible reading habits; memorizing scriptures; learning creeds or catechism
The Holy Bible with Learning creeds and catechismGrammar (English Etymology): second year etymology instruction; fourth year spelling
Option 1: Simply Grammar by Charlotte Mason & Karen Andreola with
The Reading Teachers Book of Lists by Edward Fry
Option 2: Harveys Elementary Grammar by Thomas Harvey with
The Reading Teachers Book of Lists by Edward Fry
Optional: English from the Roots Up by Joegil Lundquist (Latin and Greek roots instruction--necessary only if Latin and/or Greek is not also being studied)
Spelling instruction:
The Elementary Spelling Book by Noah Webster or
The Eclectic Progressive Spelling Book by Alexander H. McGuffey
Highly recommended teachers resource for spelling:
The ABCs and All Their Tricks by Margaret Bishop
Language: second year Latin or Greek study
Option 1: Latina Christiana Book 2 Kit by Cheryl Lowe
Option 2: Latin Primer Book 2 by Martha Wilson
Option 3: Hey Andrew! Teach Me Some Greek! Level 4 by Karen MohsWriting: mastering script penmanship and fourth year copying
Option 1: Theory of Spencerian Penmanship with Spencerian Copybooks
(they only need to be completed once; after that, it is a matter of practice)
Handwriting practice: Copybook resourcesLiterature: listening to and reading quality literature; lots of poetry
4th Grade Literature & Poetry selections from the 1000 Good Books listHistory: Renaissance, Reformation, & New World Exploration
Option 1: CCHs Grade 4 History Unit
Option 2: Greenleaf Press Renaissance & Reformation Highly recommended teachers resource for any of the listed options:
All Through the Ages History through Literature Guide by Christine Miller
The TimeChart History of the World by Edward Hull
Math: fourth year arithmetic instruction
Option 1: Math 65 by Stephen Hake & John Saxon
Option 2: Math-U-See Intermediate Mathematics by Steve Demme
Option 3: Rays New Intellectual Arithmetic Text with
Classic Curriculum Arithmetic Workbooks Series 4 and
Rays New Arithmetic Key and Parent-Teacher Guide
Science: Nature study and history of science integrated with history study:
Handbook of Nature Study by Anna Botsford Comstock with
All Through the Ages History through Literature Guide by Christine MillerArt: Fourth year art history, copying, and color mixing, or a sequential art curriculum
Option 1: progressive work in art history, copying masterpieces, and color
Art History: God and the History of Art by Barry Stebbing or
The Arts by Hendrik Willem van Loon
Copying Masterpieces:
Catalog of Fine Art Prints by the National Gallery of Art and/or
Catalog of Fine Art Prints by University Prints
Option 2: using a sequential art curriculum
Feed My Sheep by Barry Stebbing
Option 3: using a sequential art curriculum
Artistic Pursuits: Elements of Art and Composition, Grades 4-6 Book 1 by Brenda Ellis
Optional but recommended with a sequential curriculum:
God and the History of Art by Barry Stebbing
Music: melody, rhythm, harmony, and timbre; singing; familiarization with church, national, & classical music; the history of music:
Learning to play the piano or other instrument will teach the grammar of music; therefore, private local piano lessons are highly recommended, with
church, national, and classical music and music historyGeography: developing geographic awareness through literature; facts memorization; map skills; history of geographic exploration and cartography
All Through the Ages History through Literature Guide by Christine Miller and/or
van Loons Geography by Hendrik van Loon with
Discovering Maps by Alma Graham and
World Atlas for Young Explorers by the National Geographic Society
History of Geographic Exploration & Cartography
Bible: developing consistent Bible reading habits; memorizing scriptures; learning creeds or catechism
The Holy Bible with Learning creeds and catechismGrammar (English Syntax): first year syntax instruction; fifth year spelling
The Complete Book of Diagrams by Mary Daly with a grammar reference:
Option 1:Warriners English Composition and Grammar by John Warriner
Option 2:Harveys Revised English Grammar by Thomas Harvey
Option 3:Learning Grammar Through Writing by Sandra M. Bell
Spelling instruction:
The Elementary Spelling Book by Noah Webster or
The Eclectic Progressive Spelling Book by Alexander H. McGuffey
Highly recommended teachers resource for spelling:
The ABCs and All Their Tricks by Margaret Bishop
Language: third year Latin or Greek study
Option 1: Latina Christiana Book 2 Kit by Cheryl Lowe
Option 2: Latin Primer Book 3 by Martha Wilson
Option 3: Hey Andrew! Teach Me Some Greek! Level 5 by Karen MohsWriting: mastering penmanship and fifth year copying and dictation
Copybook resourcesLiterature: listening to and reading quality literature; lots of poetry
5th Grade Literature & Poetry selections from the 1000 Good Books listHistory: American History from Colonization through the Victorian Era
Option 1: CCHs Grade 5 History Unit
Option 2: Greenleaf Press American History
Highly recommended teachers resource for any of the listed options:
All Through the Ages History through Literature Guide by Christine Miller
The TimeChart History of the World by Edward Hull
Math: fifth year arithmetic instruction
Option 1: Math 76 by Stephen Hake & John Saxon
Option 2: Math-U-See Advanced Mathematics by Steve Demme
Option 3: Rays New Practical Arithmetic Text with
Rays Test Examples for Practical Arithmetic and
Rays New Arithmetic Key and Parent-Teacher Guide
Science: Nature study and history of science integrated with history study:
Handbook of Nature Study by Anna Botsford Comstock with
All Through the Ages History through Literature Guide by Christine MillerArt: Fifth year art history, copying, and color mixing, or a sequential art curriculum
Option 1: progressive work in art history, copying masterpieces, and color
Art History: God and the History of Art by Barry Stebbing or
The Arts by Hendrik Willem van Loon
Copying Masterpieces:
Catalog of Fine Art Prints by the National Gallery of Art and/or
Catalog of Fine Art Prints by University Prints
Option 2: using a sequential art curriculum
Feed My Sheep by Barry Stebbing
Option 3: using a sequential art curriculum
Artistic Pursuits: Elements of Art and Composition, Grades 4-6 Book 1 by Brenda Ellis
Music: melody, rhythm, harmony, and timbre; singing; familiarization with church, national, & classical music; the history of music:
Learning to play the piano or other instrument will teach the grammar of music; therefore, private local piano lessons are highly recommended, with
church, national, and classical music and music historyGeography: developing geographic awareness through literature; facts memorization; map skills; history of geographic exploration and cartography
All Through the Ages History through Literature Guide by Christine Miller and/or
van Loons Geography by Hendrik van Loon with
The Geography Coloring Book by Wynn Kapit and
World Atlas for Young Explorers by the National Geographic Society
History of Geographic Exploration & Cartography
Bible: developing consistent Bible reading habits; memorizing scriptures; learning creeds or catechism
The Holy Bible with Learning creeds and catechismGrammar (English Syntax): second year syntax instruction; sixth year spelling
The Complete Book of Diagrams by Mary Daly with a grammar reference:
Option 1:Warriners English Composition and Grammar by John Warriner
Option 2:Harveys Revised English Grammar by Thomas Harvey
Option 3:Learning Grammar Through Writing by Sandra M. Bell
Spelling instruction:
The Elementary Spelling Book by Noah Webster or
The Eclectic Progressive Spelling Book by Alexander H. McGuffey
Highly recommended teachers resource for spelling:
The ABCs and All Their Tricks by Margaret Bishop
Language: 6th grade Latin and/or Greek study
Option 1: Henle Latin: First Year by Robert Henle with
Henle Grammar Manual and Answer Key
Option 2: Latin Grammar by Douglas Wilson & Karen Craig
Option 3: Hey Andrew! Teach Me Some Greek! Level Six by Karen Mohs
Option 4: Homeschool Greek by Harvey BluedornWriting: mastering penmanship and sixth year copying and dictation
Copybook resourcesLiterature: listening to and reading quality literature; lots of poetry
6th Grade Literature & Poetry selections from the 1000 Good Books listHistory: Modern World from the 17th Century; 20th Century American History
Option 1: CCHs Grade 6 History Unit
Option 2: Greenleaf Press Modern World History
Highly recommended teachers resource for any of the listed options:
All Through the Ages History through Literature Guide by Christine Miller
The TimeCahrt History of the World by Edward Hull
Math: sixth year arithmetic instruction
Option 1: Math 87 or Algebra 1/2 by Stephen Hake & John Saxon
Option 2: Math-U-See Advanced Mathematics by Steve Demme
Option 3: Rays New Practical Arithmetic Text by Joseph Ray with
Rays Test Examples for Practical Arithmetic and
Rays New Arithmetic Key and Parent-Teacher Guide
Science: Nature study and history of science integrated with history study:
Handbook of Nature Study by Anna Botsford Comstock with
All Through the Ages History through Literature Guide by Christine MillerArt: Sixth year art history, copying, and color mixing, or a sequential art curriculum
Option 1: progressive work in art history, copying masterpieces, and color
Art History: God and the History of Art by Barry Stebbing or
The Arts by Hendrik Willem van Loon
Copying Masterpieces:
Catalog of Fine Art Prints by the National Gallery of Art and/or
Catalog of Fine Art Prints by University Prints
Option 2: using a sequential art curriculum
Feed My Sheep by Barry Stebbing
Option 3: using a sequential art curriculum
Artistic Pursuits: Elements of Art and Composition, Grades 4-6 Book 1 by Brenda Ellis
Optional but recommended with a sequential curriculum:
God and the History of Art by Barry Stebbing
Music: melody, rhythm, harmony, and timbre; singing; familiarization with church, national, & classical music; the history of music:
Learning to play the piano or other instrument will teach the grammar of music; therefore, private local piano lessons are highly recommended, with
church, national, and classical music and music historyGeography: developing geographic awareness through literature; facts memorization; map skills; history of geographic exploration and cartography
All Through the Ages History through Literature Guide by Christine Miller and/or
van Loons Geography by Hendrik van Loon with
The Geography Coloring Book by Wynn Kapit and
World Atlas for Young Explorers by the National Geographic Society
History of Geographic Exploration & Cartography
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Homeschooling: Classical Education at Home
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Classical Curriculum & Online Catalog: Grammar Stage Scope and Sequence
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