2002 Additions
The Grammar Stage: Grades 1-6
We have begun work on updating this section of the website, updating the content, reformating the pages to the standard website design, adding the printer-friendly text only files, and repairing all the links to outside Internet sites found in this section. To date, Overview of the Grammar Stage, Art, Bible, and Geography have been completed.
Favorite Christianity and Biblical Studies Links
All the links to outside Internet sites on this page have been repaired, the page has been reorganized, and many additional links have been added. Over the winter,
we hope to update and repair links on every page of the CCH site in preparation for the
major additions we have planned for the spring, Lord willing.
Why We Homeschool Site of the Month:
What to Do Till the Undertaker Comes
This essay by Richard Mitchell is a tongue-in-cheek critique of the importance modern educationism places on teaching a set of skills and calling that “education,” and contrasting that to the historic understanding of true education, which has been and ought to be, teaching virtue, contemplating choices, and choosing good over evil. Private schools have not escaped the skills-training mantra. Homeschooling, if it shakes off the desire to be just like their professional big brothers (who have now failed several generations of children), and grasps the true calling of education: of inculcating virtue in the heart of a child, of giving a child the tools to learn, and introducing him to the Great Minds that have preceded him -- has the opportunity to make a real difference for our children. That is why we homeschool.
1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica on the History of Education
The Encyclopaedia Britannica site is now a subscriber only site, so the link to this article from Historic and Modern Application of the Trivium could not be repaired. To remedy the problem, we have posted the public domain article from the fabled 1911 edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica.
Historic and Modern Application of the Trivium
All the links to outside Internet sites on this page have been repaired.
On the Trivium
All the links to outside Internet sites on this page have been repaired.
Introduction to Classical Education
All the links to outside Internet sites on this page have been repaired.
Classical Christian Homeschooling Contents
All the links to outside Internet sites on this page have been repaired. Over the winter,
we hope to update and repair links on every page of the CCH site in preparation for the
major additions we have planned for the spring, Lord willing.
Why We Homeschool Site of the Month II:
Why Christians
Don't Belong in Government Schools
This three-part series begins November 12. Part I looks at
the subversion of American goverment schools; Part II explores
the evidence that this subversion has been and is intentional, and Part III
examines the homeschooling phenomenon.
Why We Homeschool Site of the Month:
Why Are
Christians Losing America?
This is a very provocative look at modern Christianity and its effect, or lack thereof, on
American society, one part of which is education. Christians have lost the war for
America's schools which have been scrubbed antiseptically clean of the Christian
principles and traditions that once guided those institutions, and are now filled instead
with every conceivable form of propaganda and perversion. Christian parents yearly
face the question of whether they will give the precious charges in their care over to the
discipleship of an institution scrubbed clean of Christian principles and traditions.
Homeschooling parents have made the decision to actively disciple their children in
Christian principles and traditions without competition from the local government school.
Story of the Great Republic by H. A. Guerber
The next Guerber Historical Readers reprint is now available from Nothing New Press, which
continues the story of American history begun in The Story of the Thirteen
Colonies, through the end of the nineteenth century. New editions also of The Story of the Romans and The Story of the Middle Ages
are also available.
Why We Homeschool Site of the Month:
Dispelling False Notions of the First
Subtitled The Falsity, Futility, Folly of Separating Morality from Law. This
well-thought out article from the Christian Research
Institute illustrates how a current trend in American society which is based on a
faulty presumption, in this case, that of affirming that law does not have a foundation in
a morality from a greater authority, can be combatted with proper logic and a foundation
in a Biblical worldview. Our children need their education to teach them to do the same
with the current trends based on faulty presumptions that they will encounter as adults,
something that government schools do not do. This is one reason why we homeschool!
CE Loop: 1000 Good Books List
The 1000 Good Books List was somehow corrupted and only a part of the list was coming up
when visitors accessed this page. I have corrected the problem, and now the whole list is
available again. Thanks to everyone who wrote in to inform me of the trouble.
Online Catalog: History Curriculum
The history section of the Online Catalog has been
updated, particularly History for the Grammar
Stage, Western Civilization for Older Students,
and Teachers History Resources. The
update of History for the Dialectic Stage, and the addition of History for the Rhetoric
Stage, is in progress.
Why We Homeschool Site of the Month:
Alexis de
Tocqueville Vs. Antonio Gramsci: To Transmit Or To Transform; That Is The Question
This article by Gerald R. Rowles examines the difference between those who, like
Tocqueville, want to transmit Western and American culture, complete with its
biblical foundation, on to the next generation, and those who, like Gramsci, want to transform
Western and American culture into something else, largely because of its biblical
foundation. Rowles makes the point that if your desire is to transmit, then one of the
things that you must do is take your children out of public schools, as they are
temples to Gramsciism. Well, this is one reason why we homeschool.
Story of the Thirteen Colonies by H. A. Guerber
At long last, the next Guerber Historical Readers reprint is available from Nothing New
Press, at a special introductory price until June 30. Many broken links and additional
material, especially for All Through
the Ages by Christine Miller, have also been added to the Nothing New Press website.
Why We Homeschool Site of the Month:
Why I Homeschool,
by Cassie A.
Cassie A. is a homeschooled high schooler, and this essay, posted on Apricot Pie, a website created by homeschoolers for
homeschoolers, expresses her thoughts on why she chooses homeschooling over traditional
high school. The site is not specifically Christian, so explore other areas at your own
History on the Internet
Broken links repaired and new links added to the Prehistory
and Ancient Near East pages of this site.
Christian Homeschooling Discussion Board
A discussion board is not new to the CCH website, but this discussion board is. Much
easier to use, navigate, and read than the old discussion board, it is also much more
elegant. All users of the CCH website are invited to join in on the lively discussions.
This board replaces the old CCH board and also the old CCH mailing list.
2001 Additions to CCH
At the turn of the new year we start over on CCHs Whats New page with a clean
slate. All of the additions and links made in the year 2001 can be found at this archive.
