2003 Additions
December Additions
What’s New:
We had a family emergency involving our two children who are still at home. I can’t provide a lot of detail, other than to say that they very nearly lost their lives. But God is so good, and He has done abundantly more than we could ask or think. Not only did He preserve their lives, but He also drew them, and all of us as a result, closer to Him in amazing ways. We had a very blessed Christmas. If you think of us, pray for us. Because of the circumstances surrounding this incident, we believe our family was targeted by the enemy for destruction. But he is a defeated foe, all praise to Jesus Christ the Righteous! (Colossians 2:13-15, etc.) There is still a road ahead of us, but our confidence in our God is increasing every day.
Renaissance and Reformation Progress
We have updated the progress report on Story of the Renaissance and Reformation. This title can be pre-ordered at a discounted price, only until its release.
Why We Homeschool Site of the Month:
Uprooting Our Biblical Foundation
“We might as well just be blunt about what’s happened. According to our renegade courts, the government is not just forbidden from endorsing the Christian religion, it must now disavow its Judeo-Christian heritage. It must bastardize itself.” David Limbaugh explains the connection between two recent court decisions - that to remove the Ten Commandments monument from the Alabama Supreme Court, and that of the Massachusetts Supreme Court to legitimize “marriage” between gays - and the attempt by secularists to erase the biblical foundation from American life and government. (See related stories God in the Temples of Government and Gay ‘marriage’ OK’d in the US.) Are our children going to learn about the biblical foundation of American life and government, as a matter of historical fact, in their public schools? Will our children learn the historical and scientific evidence which agrees with the Biblical account in Genesis of the origin of the universe and earth’s ancient history in their schools? Will our modern education system prepare our children to be the George Washingtons and James Madisons of the next generation? That is why we homeschool.
November Additions
Renaissance and Reformation Progress
We have updated the progress report on Story of the Renaissance and Reformation. We are on track for a late December 2003 release. This title can be pre-ordered at a discounted price, only until its release.
Why We Homeschool Site of the Month:
What’s So Funny About Peace, Love, and Understanding?
This article is from the October issue of Teacher magazine, a sympathetic article about a teacher in Washington DC schools who teaches classes on peace. Some quotes from his class: “You can’t just eradicate the Constitution,” [a student] said. “Why not?” McCarthy [the teacher] asked. Or: “‘Peace through peaceful means’ also explains McCarthy’s classroom management style. He calls homework, tests, and grades ‘forms of academic violence.’ So, while he typically assigns two papers a semester and asks students to read essays by pacifists such as Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Leo Tolstoy, and Catholic social worker Dorothy Day, he doesn’t require them to do anything.” Or, from the article: “In an academic year bookended by snipers terrorizing the Washington, D.C., region and an American invasion of Iraq, it appears that McCarthy was able to accomplish something remarkable with these kids: He sent them off into an uncertain world feeling comfortable with uncertainty.” Peace is wonderful, and will only be achieved when the Prince of Peace is Lord; so any paths advocated to peace which eliminate Him as the solution are deceptive; and God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, so is a child comfortable with uncertainty uncomfortable with God? Well, this is one reason we homeschool.
October Additions
Renaissance and Reformation Progress
We have updated the progress report on Story of the Renaissance and Reformation. We are still on track for a late November 2003 release. This title can be pre-ordered at a discounted price, only until its release.
Why We Homeschool Site of the Month:
Myth of Teacher Certification
This article by Dr. Terrence Moore from the Ashbrook Center examines the association in our society between teacher certification and teacher qualification. In most of our minds, a certified teacher equals a qualified teacher. But Dr. Moore exposes this association as false: certification does not always equal qualification, and sadly usually does not equal qualification. Our schools are filled with certified teachers, but are they filled with qualified teachers? This is one reason why we homeschool.
September Additions
All Through the Ages Clearance Sale
We have a limited supply of “scratch and dent” All Through the Ages, which we would like to clear out. They are 50% off the regular retail price first come, first serve only! See the website for full details.
Nothing New Press Automated Ordering
Back in the summer we mentioned we were working on automating the ordering process at the Nothing New Press website. It was a big job, and it is finally complete! I couldn't be happier with the result, and I think you will find it much easier and quicker to order the books you want. Many thanks to the fine folks at Big Fresh Media (a wonderful web design/ hosting company) for their expertise, help, and patience with this process.
Renaissance and Reformation Progress
We have updated the progress report on Story of the Renaissance and Reformation. We are still on track for a late November 2003 release. This title can be pre-ordered at a discounted price, only until its release.
Why We Homeschool Site of the Month:
Sex Ed or Porn 101?
“It’s ‘Back To School’ time again, and here’s the first pop quiz. No, it’s not for the kids. It’s for parents, and they have to answer only one question: Do you know what your children are learning in sex-education classes? If you’re like most parents, the answer is no. But if the program is billed as ‘abstinence-based,’ you probably don’t feel particularly concerned. The important thing, as far as you’re concerned, is that your kids are being taught to say ‘no’ to sex. But are they? The fact is, nearly all of the government-funded abstinence-based or ‘abstinence-plus’ programs delivered in schools nationwide contain little, if any, reference to abstinence.” Warning: This article contains some explicit references in its report of “abstinence” curriculum content. If the description of the curriculum is too explicit for some to read without offense, how then can we expose our children to the full and undiluted curriculum itself? That is why we homeschool.
August Additions
The Story of the Renaissance and Reformation
We are now far enough along with The Story of the Renaissance and Reformation to have a tentative publication date: November 2003. It is available to pre-order at a reduced price from now until its publication; then the cost will go up to its standard retail price. As the book nears completion, we will keep this page updated with its progress on its journey from a manuscript file to a reality.
Nothing New Press
We have been working on the Nothing New Press website this summer; many of the pages have been updated, especially in the Guerber’s Histories and Retailers section. We are also working on automating the online ordering, and we should have that completed soon.
Grammar Stage History for 2nd Grade: Ancient Rome
This section of the website has been very much expanded. We have greatly expanded the helps for teaching this period, as well as keyed the living books to the narrative history spine for this section of the study, to make the parents job a little bit easier. Since the increased teaching notes we have posted have made these pages so much longer, we have broken the classical world study into two pages; this is the second.
Grammar Stage History for 2nd Grade: Ancient Greece
This section of the website has been very much expanded. We have greatly expanded the helps for teaching this period, as well as keyed the living books to the narrative history spine for this section of the study, to make the parents job a little bit easier. Since the increased teaching notes we have posted have made these pages so much longer, we have broken the classical world study into two pages; this is the first.
Why We Homeschool Site of the Month:
Men - Its In Their Nature
The pervasive attitude about masculinity among the progressive crowd is that its a bad thing, that male aggression is the reason we have crime and wars. (Well, yes, maleness + sin = crime and unjust wars. But do we really want to get rid of maleness altogether? (Yes! shout the progressive crowd.) Male aggression is also the reason we have innovations, prosperity, and security.) It has been vogue to think, in the progressive crowd, that if a boy child was just socialized right, if he didnt learn to play cops and robbers or cowboys and Indians in the first place, then he wouldnt be aggressive. So the places where the progressive crowd congregates and has influence (public schools) has been, well, aggressively pursuing the feminization of our boys, and the masculinization of our girls, in the hope that when the properly trained generation grows up and becomes world leaders, there will be peace and all the nations will forget silly things like territory and everyone will sing Kumbaya together and get along. This loathing of maleness is one reason why the progressive crowd tends to be ashamed of America (all our national heroes are masculine aggressors like Columbus and Washington!), ashamed of the military (it goes without saying), ashamed of heterosexuality, particularly ashamed of our current "cowboy" president (Texas is such a testosterone place), and why it is trying to get "He" out of the Scriptures as a pronoun for God. This contempt of the male has its roots in the rejection of God as our Lawgiver and Judge - male and female was His idea. New studies have shown what we knew to be true all along: that in the beginning, He made them male and female. It will still take years, I am afraid, for the current progressive crowd in control of our schools to retire and give up on their pet projects and tampering with our sons masculinity, and that is one reason why we homeschool.
July Additions
Search CCH
The old Site Map page is gone, and good riddance. It was impossible to keep up to date and klunky to use. Now CCH joins the 21st century with a search engine. Yay! Search the entire CCH website (including the CE Loop pages and History on the Internet) by keyword or phrase, refine searches, even search the web. The CCH search engine is powered by Google. Many thanks to Big Fresh Media for their technical expertise and help in setting this up.
Grammar Stage History Curriculum
The gateway page for the grammar stage history curriculum suggestions has been updated. Also, the Text-Only (printer-friendly) links for the recent history updates have also been uploaded.
Grammar Stage History for 1st Grade: Ancient Near East
This section of the website has been very much expanded. We have greatly expanded the helps for teaching this period, as well as keyed the living books to the narrative history spine for this section of the study, to make the parents job a little bit easier. Since the increased teaching notes we have posted have made these pages so much longer, we have broken the ancient world study into three pages; this is the third of three.
Grammar Stage History for 1st Grade: Ancient Egypt
This section of the website has been very much expanded. We have greatly expanded the helps for teaching this period, as well as keyed the living books to the narrative history spine for this section of the study, to make the parents job a little bit easier. Since the increased teaching notes we have posted have made these pages so much longer, we have broken the ancient world study into three pages; this is the second of three.
Grammar Stage History for 1st Grade: Genesis and Job, the Beginning
This section of the website has been very much expanded. Since ancient history is so vital to building a biblical worldview, and since it is so misrepresented in most books available for children (and adults), we have greatly expanded the helps for teaching this period, as well as keyed the living books to the narrative history spine for this section of the study, to make the parents job a little bit easier. Since the increased teaching notes we have posted have made these pages so much longer, we have broken the ancient world study into three pages, with this as the first.
Christian Education Services
For all the homeschoolers living in New Zealand and Australia, Nothing New Press now has a distributor based in New Zealand which provides Nothing New Press books down under without the exorbitant cost of shipping all the way from America! It is Christian Education Services based in Auckland, New Zealand.
Why We Homeschool Site of the Month:
The Ungraduated
From the Washington Times by Linda Chavez, former Bush administration cabinet nominee. (The Washington Times archive costs, so I have found the text of the same article, and the link points to that site now.) For many high school seniors around the country, there was no Graduation Day this year. Despite good attendance and, in some instances, decent grades, thousands of high school seniors failed to pass mandatory state graduation exams implemented over the last decade to improve standards in education. Nearly half of all states now require, or are in the process of implementing, graduation tests to ensure that students who have been passed from grade to grade actually learned basic skills during their 12 years of public education. One reason we homeschool is so that our children learn basic skills during their 12 years of home education, and not only basic skills, but proficiency in syntopical reading; concrete, analytical, and abstract thinking; a biblical worldview; and development of virtuous character and a heart tuned toward the Lord.
June Additions
Spelling: Grades 1-6
Spelling instruction in the grammar stage is thoroughly tied to phonics instruction, which produces the best spellers. This page has been thoroughly reworked. An update of the Phonic Spelling Rules and Teachers Grammar Resources is also coming.
Syntax of Grammar: Grades 5-6
The curriculum recommendations for 5th and 6th grade grammar instruction, which includes sentence analysis (diagramming) and punctuation, has been thoroughly reworked. More helps are also coming.
Teaching Prefixes, Suffixes, and Roots
The gently guided teaching style of Serls Language Lessons is used as a model to teach the prefixes, suffixes and roots to 3rd and 4th graders. This page includes one model lesson each for teaching prefixes, suffixes, and roots, with additional helps.
Etymology of Grammar: Grades 3-4
The curriculum recommendations for 3rd and 4th grade grammar instruction, which includes writing mechanics, parts of speech, dictionary and library use, prefixes, roots, and suffixes, has been thoroughly reworked. More helps are also coming.
Orthography of Grammar: Grades 1-2
The curriculum recommendations for 1st and 2nd grade grammar instruction, which includes phonics for reading and spelling, and writing forms and penmanship, has been thoroughly reworked. More helps are also coming.
Kindergarten Literature
This page in the online catalog, literature (read-aloud) suggestions for kindergarteners, has been updated, the links repaired, etc.
2nd Grade Science: The Plant Kingdom
CCHs graded nature study unit for 2nd grade, this time focusing on the fascinating world of plant life: What do flowers do? How do leaves feed a plant? What are roots for? How are seeds made? How do seeds get from here to there? How to plants grow? How are trees different from other plants? How can I plant a garden to observe flowers and vegetables growing for myself? And many other questions are explored and answered in this unit.
1st Grade Science: Introduction to Natural Science
Science in the grammar stage advocates nature study: field trips, nature walks, with field guide in one hand and nature journal in the other. The appropriate science study for grammar stage children is the naming of the natural world, the recognizing, classifying, and identifying the life around them. But if nature walks and nature journals are too open-ended for some, CCH has put together graded nature study units, in which children can learn the facts of the natural world in a gently guided living books way, keeping notes, vocabulary, definitions, and drawings and diagrams labeled in their own notebooks at home as described in Science in the Grammar Stage. The first unit for 1st grade is Introduction to Natural Science.
Why We Homeschool Site of the Month:
Its 1984 in Massachusetts -- and Big Brother is Gay
From Insight on the News magazine. Mary Closseys children see no American flags at school to remind them that it is their safety that young men are risking their lives to defend. Rather, her daughter and other pupils are filed into an auditorium to hear a speaker liken the U.S. military to terrorists. For years the Newton, Mass., public schools have blithely violated a Massachusetts law that the flag be on display in every classroom. On the other hand, there are many flags on display if you count rainbow flags that symbolize a gay-friendly environment. Caution: the extremes to which the public schools are being used to promote an anti-Biblical agenda is shocking. It is not happening only in Massachusetts. Do not read if you want to remain in denial about the destructiveness to children of modern public education. Warning: the description of what is being done in the name of education contains graphic sexual references.
May Additions
Teachers Science Resources
With this addition, the major portions of the Science section of the Online Catalog have been updated and uploaded. We still have to finish uploading the text-only pages and a few subpages, and work is progressing on that.
Science Curriculum for the Rhetoric Stage
Science Curriculum for the Rhetoric Stage, a completely new page previously unavailable, is now ready. The science section of the Classical Curriculum and Online Catalog has been overhauled this month, and while the text-only pages still need to be uploaded, expect those for all the pages in the science section soon.
Origins Science Debate
The origins science debate page has been uploaded with links to all the Evidences for Creation pages, which are all now active: Overview of the Creation & Evolution Controversy, Astronomy, Anthropology, Biology, Geology, Paleontology, Physics and Mathematics, and also the Social and Theological Implications of the Origins Debate.
Science Curriculum for the Dialectic Stage
The science section of the online catalog is being overhauled, and Science Curriculum for the Dialectic Stage is now ready, including the Evidences for Creation pages: in Overview, in Astronomy, in Anthropology, in Biology, in Geology, in Paleontology, and in Physics and Mathematics. There are still a few items to be uploaded yet, including the text-only pages, but work is progressing on that every day.
Science Curriculum for the Grammar Stage
The science section of the online catalog is being overhauled, and this is the first page to be finished.
Bible Curriculum for the Grammar Stage
This curriculum page updated, additions made, links repaired, the text only pages added.
Kindergarten Curriculum
All the curriculum needed for kindergarten on one page; includes an update of the CCH FAQ Teaching Kindergarten.
Classical Christian Homeschooling Online Catalog
The gateway page to CCHs Online Catalog has been updated, and the text only pages added, in preparation for the additions and updates planned for the curriculum section this spring and summer.
Why We Homeschool Site of the Month:
Textbooks Put Sensitivity Ahead of Truth
From the USA Today. When a sharp-eyed parent last year discovered that literary passages on New York states high school Regents English exam had been censored to make them more politically correct, state officials endured withering ridicule. Critics were appalled that educators would delete references to God, change a skinny Italian boy to a thin Italian boy, or a gringo lady to an American lady, often without writers permission. But this kind of thing has been going on for 30 years, says research by education historian Diane Ravitch.
April Additions
Reciprocal Links to CCH
This page updated with broken links repaired, new links added, with more to come soon. Also the gateway pages for the Rhetoric Stage, Classical Homeschooling, and Classical Christian Education Links have been updated with more to come.
CCH FAQ: Testing and Classical Homeschooling
How to test knowledge in all three stages using Classical Christian Homeschoolings methods; it may not be what you think!
Why We Homeschool Site of the Month:
The Why of Homeschool
By Isabel Lyman, author of The Homeschooling Revolution. Even in a nation that applauds innovation and liberty, the act of homeschooling continues to raise many uncomfortable, but important, questions about government regulation of private choices. What follows are the seven most frequently asked questions about home education. Hopefully, the answers will explain the benefits of this educational endeavor and dispel common misperceptions. Posted on the Ludwig von Mises Institute website.
March Additions
H.A. Guerbers Historical Readers
The Nothing New Press website has been updated, the links repaired, and additional material uploaded to the Guerber Historical Readers section of the website.
Halfmoon Educational Books
For all the homeschoolers and Americans living in the UK and Europe, Nothing New Press now has a distributor based in Europe which provides all Nothing New Press books to Europe without the exorbitant cost of shipping all the way from America! It is Halfmoon Educational Books based in County Waterford, Ireland.
The Story of the Greeks by H. A. Guerber
The 3rd edition of H.A. Guerber's The Story of the Greeks is now being printed! Now, the text of Guerbers fine history has not been changed in this edition, but additional maps and illustrations have been added, the Recommended Reading supplement has been added to the text of the book, and the cover art has been changed so that it is as beautiful as the other books in the series.
Favorite Homeschooling and Education Links
This page has been completely updated, all the links repaired, new links added, and the printer-friendly text only page added.
Why We Homeschool Site of the Month:
How I Joined Teach for America -and Got Sued for $20 Million
The story of one young and idealistic Yale graduates work in inner city schools. Not all schools are like this one. But the deep impression I was left with was a general system of bureaucracy entrenched which tends to punish innovation and enthusiam, the very qualities which make for good teachers, and to reward the status quo or even mediocrity. This isnt the fault of one school; this is what happens in any bureaucracy, because it is the nature of bureaucracy. Rather than chance our own precious children to the arbitrary and often unwise bureaucratic mechanizations which often go on, we choose to homeschool.
February Additions
CCH Discussion Board
After several months of absence due to illness this winter, I am back at the Discussion Board and working my way through the forums, getting caught up on all the discussions. I hope you will join me.
About Classical Christian Homeschooling
This page has been revised, updated, all broken links repaired, etc.
CCH FAQ: Changing to Classical Education
What to consider when trying to change over to Classical Education from another form of homeschooling.
CCH FAQ: CCH and The Well-Trained Mind
I have been getting a lot of questions lately asking for a comparison between the classical education of Classical Christian Homeschooling, and the classical education of The Well-Trained Mind; here is my best answer.
CCH FAQ: The Core of Classical Education
This page has been completely revised and greatly expanded, as well as text only file uploaded, links repaired, etc.
CCH FAQ: Choosing Classical Curriculum
The discussion of what makes curriculum suitable for use in a classical education, and how to choose effective classical curriculum.
CCH FAQ: Charlotte Mason and Classical Education
The comparison and contrast of Charlotte Masons educational theory with Classical Education has been posted.
The Grammar Stage: Grades 1-6
I am continuing to update this section of the website, updating the content, reformatting the pages to the standard website design, adding the printer-friendly text-only files, and repairing all the links to outside Internet sites found in this section. To date, Overview of the Grammar Stage, Art, Bible, Geography, Grammar, History, Language, Literature, and Preparing Younger Children for a Great Books Education by Wes Callihan have been completed.
CE Loop Website
We have finished our update of the CE Loop pages, including repairing broken links and updating the site look. Every page has been updated, every link has been reparied. The only thing we are still working on is finishing the links to Barnes and Noble from the 1000 Good Books List, and also finishing a few links from the 100 Pivotal Events of Western History page.
CE Loop: 1000 Good Books List
The 1000 Good Books List has been updated, and we are working on making links from the list to books in print at Barnes and Noble. Finishing the links will take a while, but we have a good start so far.
CE Loop: Learning Latin
The CE Loop moms have updated and revamped the old Latin Curriculum Reviews pages. We have articles, and of course, Latin Curriculum Reviews! and a fairly comprehensive set of Latin and Greek links. All the links throughout the Learning Latin pages have been updated and corrected.
Why We Homeschool Site of the Month:
Where America Is History
Our ability to defend, intelligently and thoughtfully, what we as a nation hold dear depends on our knowledge and understanding of what we hold dear, says historian Diane Ravitch. A reasonable proposition, this. Unfortunately, young Americans are oblivious to their heritage. Ignorance of our past has been carefully cultivated by the educational establishment. The result is a cut-flower generation, severed from its roots. One reason we homeschool is that we want our children to know Americas noble history and to appreciate what it means to be uniquely American.
January Additions
CE Loop: 100 Pivotal Events of Western History
The CE Loop moms have come up with what we feel are the 100 most pivotal events of Western History, and have posted them here. We did this because it is too much to memorize every history date and every historical event with grammar-stage children; this way, we have the most important *dates* handy to require be memorized, and we have a big picture that we can draw from in preparing review and test material. We are also working on making links from the timeline to interesting Internet sites that give more information about that pivotal event. We will keep working on adding the links until the whole list is completed.
CE Loop: 100 Great Books List
The 100 Great Books List has been greatly improved: the list is more comprehensive (we are up to about 85 or so great books now), links to the text of the great books which are posted on the Internet have been added, as well as links to Barnes and Noble for those wishing to purchase quality copies for the home library. Also, we have highlighted the 20 great books out of the 100 that we feel are the best place to start the Great Books with teens. We have provided links to our favorite guides to the Great Books, both in general and to use with specific texts. We have identified a divergent thread in the Great Books, especially since the Enlightenment, which seems to lead away from Western Civilization rather than to it, and we have highlighted in the list those books which diverge. (The divergent list is our subjective opinion only.) The 100 Great Books List continues to be a work in progress with the moms in the CE Loop, as we continue our own educations and more and more of us read these books with our teens.
CE Loop Website
We are finishing our update of the CE Loop pages, including repairing broken links and updating the site look. The CE Loop website is home to the 1000 Good Books List, one of the most popular pages at CCH.
Why We Homeschool Site of the Month:
Christian Children in Public Schools: Missionaries or Prey?
A common objection heard against homeschooling among Christians is that if the Christian children are taken out of public school, there will be no or little witness left to the gospel there. This article attempts to answer that criticism, and shows that more often than not, Christian children in public schools end up being influenced by the godlessness around them, rather than influencing the godless. (A little yeast leavens the whole loaf, 1 Corinthians 5:6). This is one reason why we homeschool.
2002 Additions to CCH
At the turn of the new year we start over on CCHs Whats New page with a clean
slate. All of the additions and links made in the year 2002 can be found at this archive.
